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Jeremy K

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. I think i'll get started on breakfast ,she's still trying to sleep but has a 2 year old tying to literally pry her eyelids open .
  2. My wife just had a nice battle with the weather . Her flight from New Orleans got cancelled ,she opted to fly into Baltimore ,then to Pittsburgh and rented a car and drove home from Pittsburgh last night , i heard the dog freaking out about 4 AM when she finally got home . We get about an inch of frozen rain on everything right now on this end of the state .
  3. I've had brighter arrows ,even with lighted nocks, they always take some quick searching to find ,especially the farther out you shoot ,pass through at 40 yards ,you'll be looking around for a couple minutes . I may save the other half dozen and leave those in the Flo colors if I'm worried about finding an arrow.
  4. I have another group with lighted nocks that i'm planning to experiment with . The finished weight is around 440 ,minus the tip would 340ish. They have 50g of brass in the business end.
  5. My wife is in the process of trying to return home from new orleans ,she had to book new flights which only gets her to pittsburg as of right now.
  6. I wanted black for the hen ,I'm just not sure on the index color.
  7. I lost my cork place mat for putting wraps on.
  8. Finally got time to make my arrows for this year ,can' decide on the Flo yellow or orange. Open to advice.
  9. Momma is still out of town so archer and I hit up Ted's for a couple dogs and shared a fry
  10. Should we argue about it for 17 pages so you have something to do this weekend ?
  11. Never use a cheap scope . My good friend was hunting with one of those savage axis combos and he blew a front leg off (I noticed they upgraded the scope in their package since this happened) . He walked back home and discovered it was shooting low ,he doesn't remember bumping it that would cause it to change . My jarhead brother always says to spend as much on glass as you do the rifle.
  12. People fuel this epidemic by buying from china even when they have the choice to purchase products made in the USA . I've seen some real horror stories of people having their ideas ripped off that they spent years on ,multiple mortgages to fund a tooling build and market it only to be ripped off as soon as it hits the market . Even worse are the companies that send prints to china for a quote on tooling and they just steal the design for themselves . Patents are only worth the money someone has to sit in court .
  13. i did a google search ,it seems nobody is denying the validity of the picture ,just how it became to be is up for discussion.
  14. Not sure if this one counts or not but i'm certain we've all said it and been told " Just use your socks"
  15. Why bother segregating the seasons ,if you're gonna let garbage like airbows out of gun season .
  16. Airbow ? Do everyone a favor and go slam your hand in a door for typing that !
  17. Thats why they call it fishing and not catching
  18. Ya ,it voids the warranty though,not a big deal though .
  19. I can't help but wonder after watching that 50 times , had he made it through the doors ,how hard would he have hit the other wall of the train ? The dude was hauling !
  20. This is the model i recommend to everyone.
  21. Was that Biz late for happy hour ?
  22. How long can you hold a crossbow at full draw before your muscles become fatigued ? What are your points of contact for insuring you are lined up for an accurate shot ?
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