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Jeremy K

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. Im waiting for the world's largest sub , this place has subs that are like 18 inches long. I decided to mix it up and go with the chicken finger sub. I don't want to take a picture ,the girl currently making it might think I'm a weirdo.
  2. I've never seen it so slow at our place , no rubs or scrapes this year . Saw 3 doe in the field eating on my way out. I did catch a glimpse of a big Bob cat cruising through .
  3. Not to bad right now ,got my Frankenstein boots on and heavier pants ,very comfy right now.
  4. Sounds like an honest answer , enjoy pray and spray season this year . Good luck and be safe.
  5. I'm not really serious about anything i post i here , it's the usual BS thread where people feel owed a trophy buck every time they buy a license and how to make that happen.
  6. Archery is open to everyone ,plenty of room at the top for you.
  7. They're probably considering how many more people hunt during pray and spray season as opposed to archery.
  8. Today's is the day ,hope your knife is good and sharp.
  9. You seriously counted all 90 bedding spots?
  10. I've been hunting for 26 years and have never seen bucks fight or run around with their dinks dragging on the ground . If people didn't tell me the deer were rutting i would have no clue . I have 8 cameras on 88 acres too this year.
  11. For some reason,that buck thinks your piss is very feminen
  12. You could work a drag line with hot piss from where you saw him to where you are set up.
  13. The vs1 doesn't smell any worse then a bottle of piss.
  14. My wife's lower back was in pain this morning ,doctor thinks she may have herniated a disk . Stay off her feet til Tuesday. I have a strong hunch I won't be hunting this weekend .
  15. Never tried the liquid stuff ,just the stuff in the deodorant stick.
  16. I could see how that would be exciting .
  17. Dan Flores talks specifically on how the 2 differ and gives some insight on the comment about wolves being easier to eliminate. Wolves are so pack driven that it is directly the reason they were so easy to eliminate . When yotes are pressured ,they have no problem heading to splitsville. Wolves are easy to target ,once one member is killed or trapped ,they use the scent of that wolf to lure the rest of the pack in.
  18. You might be better off in that old treestand except for the fact that you don't hunt from stands and that one looks like a death trap.
  19. He might be interested but still cautious ,he may try and come at you with the wind in his favor.
  20. It started out with that baby blue Porsche ,my first thought was "no! No! Please pick a different color" haha.
  21. About the punctured lung or ripping monster bong hits? Were you car shopping for a winter beater today?
  22. We use the soresto collar ,we tried the liquid stuff and it really messed my dog up ,he was staggering around and walking into stuff.
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