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Jeremy K

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. What ever is worse then sucks ,it was that.
  2. Wow , we have a guy who believes in Bigfoot AND the wolfman and a guy who saw Bigfoot while hunting in NYS . I have got to find their weed dealer.
  3. woah woah ,pump the brakes for a second . You use out side air to blow dry your hair. I thought blow drying hair was done with one of those giant handgun looking things.
  4. I stumbled across a brand new rub yesterday ,the shavings on the ground were still moist so it was very new . I figured if he left his rifle behind that he would be back for it ,I sat nearby to this rub and waited for him to come and get it but he never showed.
  5. What a great morning ! As soon as I start climbing in my stand ,I hear my buddies blue tick howling like he's being tortured. I unclip and run back to the path where he shouldn't be . There he is shaking and going crazy. I'm not sure what his deal was but he ran through his electric border and his collar has been giving the beeping signal and freaking him out. I took the collar off and had to walk him all the back home . Now it's windy as all get out.
  6. Im so glad when the weatherman are completley wrong in my favor . No wind and a ight sprinkle for a total of 10 minutes all day so far.
  7. At least you don't have to worry about them coming up behind you.
  8. First time I heard someone empty their gun , go get'em jethro! Ya F-n hack.
  9. Tons of shooting to the south of me ,probably a few hills away.
  10. How much shit can a farmer spray in one field !?
  11. I would hang another posted sign exactly where the camera was.
  12. Jeremy K

    The Drag

    Sounds like you have some more planning to do.
  13. My son is almost 2 ,I couldn't keep him calm for 5 minutes, let alone enough time to hunt ! He would be investigating every square inch of the inside of the shack as well as the heater.
  14. 3 different camps are spending some brass right now . One guy sounds like he's shooting a howitzer
  15. I'll be there again ,been there every weekend since Oct. 1st. Cuba friendship area.
  16. I thought I asked you to stay out of my stand
  17. Space X launch window starts at 8 PM til 10 PM . They are going to attempt to land the first stage of the rocket back on the ground after the stage separation. Some top secret pay load so they'll probably focus on the stage separation landing mostly. http://www.spacex.com/webcast Live feed link
  18. 30-30 in the thick pines for me . They deer have to come back eventually.
  19. Jeremy K

    The End

    Mine is over ,worst one i can remember .
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