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Jeremy K

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. What a way to break a lousy season ,caught this guy with 3 doe at 8:30 . Broke the cherry on my Henry 30 30 ,70 yards,both lungs and top of heart.
  2. Was there any contact info on this posted sign ? Some dirtbags like to play a little trick to keep out other public land owners.
  3. I intend to take my pursuit of deer to state land next year for archery season . I asked for some books on hunting whitetail to help increase my chances.
  4. Anybody wanna go tell the Amish ? I'm guessing they didn't hear the news.
  5. Haha,walk up to someone (preferably female) and tell them that.
  6. What if someone is having trouble filling tags but not interested in driving deer? Is he or she still permitted to be in the woods trying? Asking for a friend.
  7. Russ Salvatore paid to have all the tops cut off the fence around the cemetery on niagara falls boulevard a couple years ago. I saw a few deer snagged by that fence.
  8. I myself have no desire to push deer , to me ,its the equivalent of snagging a fish . I understand why people put on drives and they are a good way to fill tags ,just not my gig.
  9. I thought it was clear I was making a joke ,guess not.
  10. Alright ! Thats enough pictures out of you buster ! Welcome aboard .
  11. I'm getting paid ,I wouldn't really call it working though.
  12. The liver is like eating the oil filter from your truck.
  13. Im not allowed to get excited for sales anymore , the wife and I went on a strict budget to pay off her school loan. I sure do miss a good sale on ammo though.
  14. Look at the resistance to full inclusion, the snowmobiles are the same way about their season start date . Put those 2 groups in a room and I'm certain you will get zero results.
  15. Not gonna happen ,the snowmobilers are not a group you wanna tangle with.
  16. I think im gonna pull the plug on my season after today ,no deer seen while hunting since oct. 1st ,no tracks ,no crap ,nothing.
  17. My tree is moving alot for a 5 mph wind . Incompetent weatherman strike again.
  18. Was out from 10:30 til dark ,nothing again.
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