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Jeremy K

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. When NYC has a tick problem ,that's when.
  2. The majority of my drive is on the 190 , it would have to be a treasure chest heaped with gold for me to pull over and get out of the car around those knuckleheads .
  3. Im still trying to figure what to use as a tether for a rock climbing harness. I'll have to watch that video after work.
  4. O nice . i was aware there was very few TAs that got the turbo from the buick . I didn't realize i was looking at one ,now that you mention it, the picture clearly shows a turbo emblem on the front fender . Those 3.8s were a nasty little creature.
  5. No project right now , I plan to pick something as the kid gets a little older so he can learn which end of a screw driver to use.
  6. You didn't strike me as the kind of guy who was afraid of heights.
  7. I scored 2 brand new cuddeback E2 on AT for 180 for the pair. I used them around the yard and they worked great . They're currently in the woods so I'm waiting to see how they do.
  8. So you just have the lead hooked up down low instead of over head like a traditional harness? What are you using to connect the harness to the prusik knot?
  9. I was really wanting to go that route but I'm nervous about the front lead .
  10. That was one that keeps popping up during my search , I'm also switching to a prusik knot system this year.
  11. What are you guys and gals using for a safety harness ? I'm currently using a gorilla but it's so big and bulky,not to mention heavy. My dad and I are looking to switch to something more light weight . I've seen guys are using the rock climber harness but I don't like the idea of the lead being in the front.
  12. I could do without the rain that keeps my lawn growing.
  13. This is my kind of weather !
  14. I'm the kind of person that would spend 5X the amount of the stuff that got stolen just to catch the SOB
  15. I like that the guy is smart enough to track down a Craigslist flagger somehow but not smart enough to catch a trespasser/vandal.
  16. I put 6 out this past Thursday
  17. The tree in question is between the sidewalk and the house . I think your info is correct though . Last year the water main opened up between the street and the sidewalk and the city fixed it . I was told if it was on the house side of the side walk that it would be my problem.
  18. A friend of mine owns a tree service ,i'll call him first . Its nice cause it keeps the sun off the house in the summer, that also allows moss to grow on the roof ,it heaved the driveway and side walk a bunch too.
  19. The wife and I just decided to pull the trigger and get the big silver maple in the front yard taken down. Im really curious what it's gonna cost.
  20. The same guy who hit the deer has a son that's a trooper , he got called to a vehicle /deer collision over the weekend. When the trooper arrived and asked where the deer was ,he was told by the driver that some guy stopped and threw the deer In the trunk of his car and left . The driver took pictures of him doing it so be would have proof.
  21. Haha, he actually is . He rides sleds too. I told him all his years of riding were to prepare him for that one event.
  22. Guy I work with hit one on his motorcycle last week . It was already dead but he says he hit doing 75 ! He said he leaned back ,hit it square . He actually went airborne and didn't dump the bike . He showed us all the blood and guts on his pant legs. I told him it was probably not as big of a mess as what was in his shorts.
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