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Jeremy K

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. This is the 88 acre spot we hunt ,the way points mark the cameras i put out on Thursday.
  2. Good luck making it through that whole video with dry eyes.
  3. I just enjoy the challenge of good groups with open sights . It seems everything i own with a scope is just point and shoot and hit the mark . I like the room for error placed on the shooter with open sights .
  4. I just grabbed a box of ammo and realized I lost my key card for the club ,I can't do any shooting til the new one comes in . I really want to shoot it.
  5. I shoot the synergy with the intention of using it for hunting and 3D . The heavier then normal arrow for 3D is one factor i can't really afford to change. I'm using a 3 pin adjustable to try to do both . My pure is 28 inches and 62 pounds for 3D and shoots 285 with the lighter arrow.
  6. I thought i did ,i didn't realize i quoted you . I saw the picture of the jerky and got all excited.
  7. I got it in the mail yesterday and figured it was fitting for hanging out with a bunch of hunters.
  8. Last night was a good time , its cool putting a face to a screen name . TFs jerky was really good ,perfect spicy level. Got some good info from Phade that i need to look into. Thanks to who ever was responsible for me having my money for dinner handed back to me when i tried to pay up.
  9. I don't feel like starting a new topic but here's my new baby too.
  10. I just got my enhanced license this week . The ballet is always open.
  11. My synergy is maxed out at 62 pounds ,drawing 28 inches and only shoots 255 with a 400g arrow.
  12. I'm sure he means on trail camera
  13. I like it , it looks like it shoots really flat .
  14. Was the woman crying like a 5 year old the one who was assaulted with the stroller ? The volume was hard to hear anything.
  15. What poundage bow are you shooting ?
  16. Last person to show up has to use their forehead as a name tag.
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