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Jeremy K

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. Did you spin the blades by hand with no belt on to see if something is bound up?
  2. I'm not a big beer drinker but I feel like I could easily knock back a sixer tonight while spending the night at my buddies place in Cuba. Something manly like Coors lite.
  3. The past couple seasons has been my bow , turns out I didn't even need to bring it in the woods with me to achieve the same outcome .
  4. It's actually at a church , a bunch of the members of the church shoot and set up targets on league day . I think most of the guys do it it to get ready for archery season ,it's a nice mix of fun and competition.
  5. Will do , it's in arcade though if that's a deal breaker or not.
  6. I'll wave to guys while im headed south on 5 to go to work.
  7. I've been shooting in a summer 3D league the last few years . I'll probably shoot it again this year.
  8. Took a few trys at 60 yards tonight , its gotta help get better at 40 .
  9. Physics ,you can't beat it ,it always wins.
  10. My wife is going away next weekend with the kid , I'll think I'll be at work to much to make a mess or enjoy myself at all.
  11. I would have to imagine that sportsman generate a significant amount of revenue ,or at least enough to be taken serious . What ever the number the hunters X the amount for a license . At least enough to be listened to.
  12. Good job to you guys , now go enjoy that black tar poop !
  13. I would gladly trade situations and not see them til hunting season starts. We did see some nice ones during the last week of muzzleloader season, my dad actually missed a nice 8 pointer the last day.
  14. I would say for your situation , a used bow would be best ,at least that way you arnt super committed and can still go out if you get the itch.
  15. I told my wife ,no wedding or births during hunting season. It took her a little bit before she realized I was serious.
  16. You cleaned your sons gutters out on fathers day ? He should have been cleaning the gutters on YOUR house. EDIT: or some type of chore ,after reading your post ,you might be the kind of guy that takes pride in clean gutters and they're already clean . Either way you sound like a great dad . Happy fathers day to all the dads
  17. I like running a horizontal piece of masking tape (blue painters tape) across the target when sighting in the elevation , then left and right i run a vertical piece of tape ,it helps when i only have to worry about one direction at a time.
  18. Am I the only reading through this and thinking this?
  19. My wife is out fishing with her dad , I think Archers gift to me was sleeping in til 9 ! I did get some Platters orange sponge candy and a box of freezy pops and delta sonic car washes. He's still too young for the stuff he makes himself ,i am looking forward to it though.
  20. I shoot a hexx with my 3d set up with no weight and they fly really good .
  21. I'll add him to the list of deer i WON'T see once the season rolls around . We get some of the most impressive looking bucks during summer and late summer . He'll be gone before the opener.
  22. I was driving around the southern tier all day ,stopped at multiple hunting locations to check cards , got this guy ,he has some head gear growing.BTW I'm loving the new cuddeback cams.
  23. The other article i read said there was signs on the machine stating the maximum payout for those slots is 6,500 dollars.
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