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Jeremy K

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. Ill have to check the results.
  2. Took the boy ,he wasn't impressed.
  3. I may flip to it once in awhile , my race watching is either supercross or motocross and i already got 4 hours of watching racing in this weekend.
  4. I dug that old pine stump out last year , i broke 2 axes and it took me a week everyday after work of digging and chopping . I just don't know if i can come up with that much free time right now. I could probably free up one day and just get it done or stretch it out all summer.
  5. I'm such a complete pansy with the heat ,i'd rather do it in the rain then the heat.
  6. Planting in the fall is the plan , I figure that gives me all summer to get these things out with little rush on the job . I figure i can do a little digging and chopping in between diaper changes . With any luck , Archer will be old enough to think its cool to go outside and eat fruit off a tree in the back yard.
  7. Not interested in trimming to bring them back , i want to get some apple trees in the yard and they're in my way . When i say they are close to the powerlines , there is a couple small twigs touching the phone lines .
  8. I have 2 well established lilac trees (2 large clumps to be exact) Some of the branches are close to contacting the power lines . I'm not sure how long these things have been there but 75 percent of them are dead ,not producing any flowers. Is it gonna be just alot of digging and cutting ? If i leave some standing ,will they pull out of the ground with some minor digging and cutting ? Thanks
  9. We lost a bunch of strawberries to the squirrels a couple years ago . I would see a few handfuls in the morning that needed another day, figured i would get them afterwork and enjoy , limb rats beat me to it a few times . Grrrrrr
  10. Funny this came back up ,my dad and i were just looking through some old archery stuff in his garage and had a laugh. The rest was a piece of rubber with a tab sticking off of it with peel and stick tape. For the sight,it was a piece of sheet metal with 2 screw holes and a long slot for pin adjustment.
  11. Maybe it was a bear
  12. Last year my neighbor gave me a bottle ,it was actually a jar to be more specific
  13. So with fathers day coming up ,i usually get my dad something hunting/outdoors related that i know he wants but would never buy it for himself. This year i decided he needs a new GPS ,his old magellan is way over due for an upgrade , he likes to tinker with that kind of stuff and finds it neat that he can waypoint his trail cameras /rubs/scrapes/treestand locations. Any of you guys got a suggestion on which ones to look at ? I'd probably keep it under 300 bucks but could go a bit higher if i needed to . I've done the typical google search and depending on who sponsored the websites " testing" you get different reviews. Thanks !
  14. My best friend has been buying ,fixing up and selling honda big reds for the last couple years , he has an inventory of 15 , some of them are for parts and the rest will get the treatment and sold . He makes a good amount of money that he uses for more garage equipment/tools.
  15. No doubt it's a cool feature. Could you imagine walking out of the mall and pressing a button and have your car pick you up at the door . Very Knight Rider ish
  16. http://www.theverge.com/2016/5/11/11656496/tesla-model-s-autonomous-summon-mode-crash I guess they're not there yet , they blame human error but a self driving car should be able to not crash into a parked object.
  17. The Amish community will be up in arms after they read your post ... o wait ,nevermind.
  18. I've taken 2 completely diffrent size deer to the same guy ,got them both cut the same way and the same amount in return. Don't need the hassle of arguing over something that ultimately I couldn't prove ,I take my business else now.
  19. Good ,let this be a lesson to the rest of them that skim.
  20. I'm new to drop away rests this year but mine can be shot without setting it in the up position ,as the bow is drawn it raises the rest up to the same height as if it is clicked up.
  21. I shoot both, I like the simplicity of the biscuit for hunting ,on the 3D/speed bow I shoot the qad drop away.
  22. I think another big part of the equation is that kids mature at diffrent rates and it's up to the parents to recognize what is a realistic goal for the kids on an individual basis.
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