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Jeremy K

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. Im guessing who ever picked up your recycle bin that day was more than happy.
  2. My dog lays around the house ,we feed him a high end dog food . What's the big deal.
  3. Im glad we exposed him for the type of person he truly is before someone let him on their property.
  4. Oh... you know ... the ol whoopie cushion on the tree stand seat gag.
  5. Rupert is only good for about 5 minutes when temp. gets down this low. Eventually he will lay on his back and stick his feet in the air.
  6. One of my best buds has probably 50 pair of Jordans , both his daughters have a collection started as well. I never understood it but they certainly have a cult following.
  7. My Dell was bought in 07 ,screen just took a crap . Just picked up a used Acer for a few hundred bucks to keep me on the interweb.
  8. I can't stand it when people come to work sick ,not only does their work suck but they get everyone else sick.
  9. I refuse to answer the question and avoid the risk of jinxing myself.
  10. Only deer I took was a 6 point at 40 yards . 300 g shock wave high double lung never expanded ,I watched him go another 50 yards maybe. He came up quick and I shouldered fast and ended up taking a scope to the face . Good times.
  11. Jeremy K


    38 years old ,been hunting archery since I was 14 ,I think I was about 24 when I started using a gun to hunt also.
  12. Who ever built the molds for those quaker boy calls sure is a quality crafstman.
  13. I'm waiting for the 5 barrel to come out.
  14. I live in one of the wealthiest parts of the state in Northern Westchester That would explain why you think it's OK to talk to people the way you do .
  15. Jeremy K


    I always give my carbon arrows the bend test after every round . I hit one with another arrow this year and upon the bend test it snapped quite easily .
  16. He's hasn't gotten to the smelly stage yet.
  17. Doctor told me about 7 years ago my blood pressure was borderline ,it was after they lowered the standard to 120/80 , he said my total cholesterol was also borderline except my "good" cholesterol is double what it should be . I take the meds he gave me and i really should eat more healthy.
  18. If you can't see the dog ,then how did anyone know to turn you in?
  19. For the little guy. I said I wouldn't be one of those guys that showed off pictures of the kid ,so I'm just showing off his camo.
  20. On a good day , i could probably house a whole box of fruity pebbles.
  21. Taken the wife out to dinner of her choice,she chose Japanese food.
  22. It was 4 of us ,it was a good time . It pushes you along at a good pace ,you will get more then enough arrows down range In one session.
  23. I bought 3 Elites off AT ,all of them in January because everyone dumps their old bows to get the latest and greatest . I paid 250 each for both my Z28 and the Pure , I ended up getting my dad's Hunter for 325.
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