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Jeremy K

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. A few of us shot the video shoot at SS last year and we were practicing on the indoor range ,as soon as the kid saw me shooting an Elite ,he kept bringing out the new ones for me to try out . I've been a fan of the shorter bows for hunting but i would have to take a long look at the Synergy after shooting it a few times.
  2. My dad lost a draw stop on his Elite hunter while we were shooting , next draw i hear him say loudly "WTF !!!" I look over to see the string dangling from the bow with the arrow still attached and the top cam rolled over past the point of no return . We were able to get some pliers and roll the cam back without screwing anything up but talk about a full pucker moment !
  3. I was gonna build a pulse but opted for the longer A to A of the Pure ,ended up finding one for a song on AT that is black with chrome cams and limb pockets, perfect looking bow for a 3D rig.
  4. A 50 yard indoor PUBLIC range !? Please tell me where.
  5. I had left over meatloaf and mashed potatoes for lunch ,I couldn't figure how to incorporate the 2 together.
  6. A few? Wasn't it obviously a bad idea after the first one?
  7. I'm not one for really caring what people think about me but I just dont know if I'm ready to be known as the guy who hangs dirty underwear in the yard just yet.
  8. I haven't done any shooting since the season ended. I have a new 3D rig I'm building that I can't wait to get out and shoot.
  9. If only that was the case ,we may just own the most spoiled dog on the planet. I've actually sat on the less comfy couch because the mutt is sprawled out on the good one. Sometimes I wonder who owns who.
  10. I fell in love with the 3D shoots recently,it just like hunting except I get to actually shoot the bow.
  11. He's a Shepard / hound mix. About 60 pounds ,he is more of a big mouth then a bad ass though.
  12. I was guessing I would just have to deal with it and just be blessed that the ol hound dog won't chase unless I tell him it's ok. But even good dogs have bad dog days ,my biggest fear is the deer stomping on him after watching the video of the doe kicking the crap out of the dog.
  13. Something no hunter would like to perfect, anybody have any ideas for spooking the deer from venturing into my backyard? We have no fence but houses on all sides ,the last 2 mornings ,Rupert was less then 20 feet from the same 2 doe ,I usually walk out back with him and called him back in both times but eventually I won't be there and he really doesn't care for deer all that much.
  14. I was just thinking the same thing, perfect time to work on muscle memory for drawing and anchoring as well as slow trigger squeeze. 3D season will be here no time and then hunting season.
  15. Next time it snows you can just stand outside with the leaf blower and redirect the flakes before they even touchdown in your yard. It may or may not work but I bet it would be amusing as heck to watch!
  16. Step 1 Dig a hole. Step 2 let it fill up with water. Actually my buddy has a beautiful pond on his property , who ever built it took some time to add some overflow tubes because it is constantly fed with springs ,it really keeps the pond very clear all year long. His was built at the bottom of a hill ,so 3 sides were built up instead of a hole dug . Make sure you post some pics once you get started.
  17. Jeez,that could have been much worse. My buddy got one that went through his eye and destroyed his sinus cavity and my dad woke up on the forest floor with no idea what happened or where he was. Glad you walked away with just a shiner.
  18. We are most certainly looking forward to camping this summer , i'm guessing we will start off small now that we have the new baby .Hopefully everything goes smooth and we can just camp like it was ,when it was just the wife and I .
  19. Isn't it the culinary union the ones to blame for keeping the UFC out of NY? Thats the word in the MMA world.
  20. If you spook a deer enough times it will find a new place to set up shop.
  21. http://huntingny.com/forums/topic/27114-wny-dippers/
  22. We can't even walk the edge of a field without sending the deer running for cover that are over 300 yards away . I would love to hunt me some tame deer that just stood around to see if i was gonna harm them.
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