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Jeremy K

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Everything posted by Jeremy K

  1. I commend you for your good deed ,not enough good people like you around these days , I also highly recommend you sit back with a cold beverage and your favorite cigar and watch Fast times at Ridgemont high.
  2. My dad is a television repair man, he has an ultimate set of tools ...I can fix it.
  3. How incredibly thoughtful of you to assume it was the gun , i believe it was my skill set limitations with such a small gun .
  4. Shot a Walther PPK over the weekend ,I sure hope I never have to depend on that thing to save my life.
  5. I got my ST out Saturday for a nice drive out to farmersville. I think my gutters need to be vacuum but I'll put that off like usual.
  6. What are they charging these days to get in to that place?
  7. Nah ,dude didn't even flintch.
  8. Did some shooting today at my buddies place ,Archer got his first taste of ear protection.
  9. Maybe thats a little low but there is no way it was over 10 dollars.
  10. Bailed straw for a summer when I was 13 ,it paid about 3 dollars a week I think.
  11. When my wife and I lived upstairs from her grandmother, she had a stray cat named Smathers, everyday Smathers would sit on the picnic table waiting for a squirrel to come by ,when I would come home from work,Smathers would leave a squirrel on our porch with all 4 feet chewed off . Other then road kill ,that was the only time I would see dead ones.
  12. Usually keeping the pie hole closed and not arguing does wonders during a traffic stop ,UNLESS you get a female officer , they never cut any slack .
  13. Mine wasn't to far away from there ,it was in East otto.
  14. She is just out working her butt off probably, she seems to be a very busy person taking care of her hunting grounds and yard work.
  15. I've only had one speeding ticket handed to me ,the others stops for speeding were reduced on the spot to something like not abiding to a traffic device. I was told it was because the city gets the money as long as it isn't for speeding ,speeding ticket money goes to the state.
  16. I always use mine during our 3D league ,nothing worse then sweating and wearing bug spray . They work great.
  17. DEC released bigfoot ,dumbest thing i ever heard . Everyone knows that bigfoot was released by an alien spacecraft to do their hunting and gathering for them.
  18. We have seen signs in Java ,my buddy who owns the property saw one 2 years ago .
  19. I stopped at mighty taco one night and the cashier at the window informed that the car in front of me had already paid for my food.
  20. I watched the show a few times and in those few times ,I have come to the conclusion that their family tree looks like a telephone pole.
  21. I busted out the new binoculars this afternoon to take a look at the sun ,damn was it bright!
  22. How political are the auditions ? Seems all to common these days for adults to make sure their kid makes the team or in this case ,the show.
  23. I always look through the hot wheels when I'm at the store. I just recently started looking on ebay for large amounts of the track and also Lincoln logs for the kid when he gets a bit older.
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