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Everything posted by Lawdwaz

  1. I love the composition, NOT the subject. UGGH!
  2. I did take a couple of the grounds AFTER I weed whacked. I was driving my wife's vehicle and didn't want to be running it through the field to get back to the shooting bench so I borrowed my friends p/u. I tossed his Echo trimmer in and cleaned things up a bit. As far as targets go, I took a cardboard box out of the barn and punched probably 30 holes in different printed things on it, makeshift targets I guess you'd call it. Then I drove the truck within about 40 yards of some swinging steel I've got there. Off the shooting sticks I consistently spun the steel, each of the remaining 20 shots connected easily.
  3. Went to pull the trail cam cards yesterday and figured I'd plink a bit with the 10/22. I used the Stoney Point sticks in the extended standing position. 50 quick rounds down range before the bugs drove me off............tough to beat the Ruger, IMO.
  4. Purty sure this is him last winter.....and I have both sides of his sheds. The brow tines (G1) give it away. I think he's only a 3.5 year old buck, I had him in a ton of videos last fall & winter then found both sheds within 125 yards by shear luck. A blind man could have found them.............
  5. Here's another but this one I have a history with.
  6. Here's another try at it. It should work.....
  7. SOB............I posted that from my phone, sorry it's turned. My old reliable laptop is (possibly) FUBAR so I need to get my new one up to speed. I have to get my Photobucket account password from them so I can get them on this machine. Oh well, the next time you see that buck he could be in the same position......with his head laying on the ground!
  8. Here's a dandy. I'll probably never see him again.........LOL EDIT: See Post Below For Said Buck
  9. Just the stock (cheek piece on opposite side) and the safety. It was offered by the factory for a number of years in BDL trim that included very nice basket weave checkering fit for a King.
  10. Sloooooow internet.
  11. IIRC that rifle, as chambered, is the number one gun of choice for the Pennsylvania deer hunter. I killed my first PA buck and a couple others with a left handed 760 in .308 Winchester..........foolishly traded it for some gun I have no recollection of.
  12. More like "hairless fox". Just your everyday average fox, sans the fur coat.
  13. I thought about the wild game burger but figured I'd just be disappointed due to my incredible culinary skills on my own REAL wild game. My buddy and I had the seafood stuffed broiled fish. My wife had some form of a salad with prime rib tips or something in it. My buddies wife had a chicken dish that looked (and she confirmed) dynamite. Prices really weren't too bad considering the high rent district of Transit Rd and the 14221 zip code.... Funny thing is, like TC said, getting in the place for a meal without waiting a long time can be difficult. I'm not interested in hanging out at the bar for a few beers/drinks then sitting for my meal. Prices and tips at the bar can add up fast and we just can't risk DWI these days. (or even those days in the past!) A couple beers is good in my case...... So we started at a joint down the street that we like, "Chester's". We had a couple beers there and as we were getting ready to give our menu choices to the waiter he said, "sorry folks, sewer backup in the kitchen. We can't serve food under those condition". Damn the luck...... So off we went to roll the dice at the Griffon Pub. We figured what the heck, have a beer and if the wait is too long we'd just say screw it and go to Mighty Taco. We were pleasantly surprised when they called us after no more than 10 minutes to our table.
  14. HA! It worked via my phone without photobucket. Sometimes I forget all the short cuts........
  15. I'm trying to upload the picture from my phone to photobucket and it keeps on failing......not sure WTH is the scoop?? It's just a picture I snapped of a cool frog hanging out on the south facing side of our building at work. I think I know a back door way to get it done, learned it from Pygmy. Oh wait, that had nothing to do with pictures.
  16. I few days ago I saw this guy in my neighborhood acting suspiciously. He was walking down the sidewalk then wandering up driveways and lawns, like he was monkeyed up on crack and going to break in. I watched him from a distance and spotted him going into some bushes about 5-6 houses down from me. I then saw a lady facing him, about 50' away and she was on the phone.......I thought, damn, she's calling the police! I walked closer in case she needed some help. As I got closer I saw she was smiling........I said hello and asked what the guy was doing. LOL, he's looking for a lost rabbit and it was in her shrubs. I walked closer and see this GIANT rabbit. I mean HUGE............I bet it weighed 25lbs. Huge eared ugly thing that it was.... I offered to bring Jenny down as I was sure she could catch the beast. (No guarantee on it being dead or alive though) He passed on my generous offer........ Turns out the rabbit had spent the better part of the day hanging out in this ladies beds as it was cooler and damp from watering. The guy finally cornered the thing and got it back home.
  17. That's cool Paula. I'm seeing lots of bunnies around, a couple live under my shed. Come and get them!
  18. I'm sure my much anticipated commission check from the manufacturer will be LOST in the mail................
  19. I'm too full and too tired to do it but I'll hang a cool pic tomorrow of a neat frog........snapped the pic yesterday. Griffon Gastropub is where we went..........really good. (local guys will know the joint!) <Correct spelling is NOT guaranteed>
  20. The boat was out of service getting a new cover (pretty smart move having it done on a holiday weekend, huh?) but we could have met at least. Next time!
  21. OK guys, find the lady a flight. Lets say leaving from Rochester........to Myrtle Beach, SC.
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