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Everything posted by Lawdwaz

  1. I heard Lonsberry talking about this today.........He said the horses were shot in two different locations and times on the farm? And also that the DEC is refusing to give any more details on the case? Anyone else hear him?
  2. Oh heck..........if you can ship #3 for that price I'll take them.
  3. Lawdwaz

    How many

    One bro & one sister. I'm the middle child and you know what they say about the middle child don't you????????? They're the middle child. Yea Dom, that must really be something! Quite a family.............congrats??
  4. I edited my post after I re-read your OP. Woodchucks hmmm? Sounds like fun!
  5. You would be east of where I was I'm pretty sure........IIRC we passed a sign for Woodhull on the way to Addison.
  6. I still haven't picked up (from the contest here) the 2nd place awards package from WNYBuckhunter yet. He has them at his house and I told him don't bother mailing it since it would be a fairly heavy (LOADS of goodies ) package and that I would pick it up on my next trip past his place. I've already gone by TWICE and for got to give him a heads up.........dumb azzz. If I'd have managed to win first place then I would have really bragged it up......................................... Nice job growie, do you have any pics of your team mates bucks??
  7. Unless you are expecting offers OVER your listing price I'd say you better jump on a $145K deal. And if you are expecting an offer over the listing price I'd think your realtor messed up and didn't list high enough. 5K under that asking price would be a done deal...............from my view in the cheap seats. So when is the backyard BBQ and pool party? I'd love to see that end of the state, your new digs and meet you and the lucky lady but I WILL need time to get in shape to go swimming with my shirt off....................................
  8. Read that yesterday. Great, now we can really fry that fish.................................................................
  9. I'd say 12"+ in general but there was a pretty hard crust that was a bummer. We were on Slate Creek Rd, is that near you?
  10. How long will Mr B be working in EA? It's a very nice little town with some serious money around!!
  11. Probably one of the Obama backers that agreed with his statement, "you didn't build that".
  12. Yesterday I took a road trip with a buddy to do a welfare check on his cabin in Canisteo. We traveled from Clarence via Rt's 5-77-20-63-390-36 and 248 (I hope I got all those right!). We saw quite a few deer after we got on the 390 and then the other routes heading south then west. At the cabin we jumped a couple that were browsing on pine needles, it looked like. IIRC that isn't a good sign? After we left his cabin we head over to Addison. We had to do a welfare check on a member here, Pygmy. He and the Mermaid were in EXCELLENT shape and even offered up a cold beer, which we graciously excepted. We had had one other quick stop before heading back via the 390 and retracing our tracks home. It was great to see some deer and I'd guess we saw over 100 total for the day.
  13. Funny thing that she had the PLB though?? I would be interested in her complete kit of gear..... If I suspect I might need a PLB I suspect I'd stay home.
  14. What was the bad idea, sending out rescue folks for a dumb ass chick who wanted to scale a mountain in the worst possible conditions? Yes it was a bad idea.
  15. Thanks for your thoughts. I'm probably going to gran another camera this year since one of mine went belly up last fall. I still have two out but I'd imagine they are close to dead battery wise by now. I'll have to strap on the snowshoes to retrieve them this weekend, if I can muster up the energy.
  16. Great shots as usual. Any thoughts on trail cams after all your work? Your favorite cam? Just curious..........thanks.
  17. You're gonna fit in just fine around here................................
  18. Beer?...........................OK for snick snack time but for dinner we go with the Riesling. What time do we show up?
  19. Better than booze, gamblin' and women though!!
  20. You got my attention with that stuffed cabbage! Tonight we are having kielbasa and sour kraut. Tomorrow, a 13lb turkey..........thanks growie!! I wonder why sooo much of my life revolves around food? I think I need professional help...........................................
  21. Remember, bonus point for August 16th
  22. Sounds like some good plans for the day. I just got up and I'm going back to bed. Kidding Been reading the newspaper and tapping keys here and there.......Text back and forth with our daughter, she just landed in Rome Italy around 8am our time. She is gone for almost three weeks with some school mates; a few days in Rome, a longer stay in Northern Italy with the girl that stayed with us in September then they hit Paris for a couple/few days before flying back. Woot!!!! There goes my retirement. Well, time for my weekly shower/shave. I'll take the dog for a short walk as it is way to cold for a couch potato pooch.................
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