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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Lawdwaz

  1. This man speaks the truth. I've used USPS, FedEx and UPS. I don't recall how FedEx wanted it as the gun was sent back for some work on the builders dime..........UPS was done via the main hub on Cayuga Rd, no sweat. USPS was easy too.
  2. If a long gun is being sold and shipped, it is easier to ship it out of state than in state. If I am wrong on that, please correct me.
  3. That is pretty cool. How much does he have into that rig?
  4. As long as the FFL on your end will except (and it is PERFECTLY legal) from a private individual there is NO problem with the transfer. SafeAct has nothing to do with this......... All you need to do is get an FFL to send me a copy of his license, via email, FAX or USPS. If he requires the gun to be shipped to him from an FFL we can do that also but it adds to the cost a little. If you want it, we can work it out. I have the original hard case and I can fabricate a cardboard shipping container to enclose the entire thing. Piece of cake......................
  5. And I'm here to help............................... http://huntingny.com/forums/topic/26071-weatherby-mark-5-deluxe-30-06-leupold-3-9/
  6. Just thought I'd toss this out for the local guys or those that would travel. Weatherby Mark 5 (Japan) Deluxe 30-06. The gun was part of the old Bank Of Boulder deal where you could send in some cash and get a gun in return instead of interest. Pretty neat deal! I believe the year was 1978 that dad did the deal. It came with Buehler Mounts and a Weatherby scope. I tossed the scope and put on an older Leupold VX 3-9 back in 1997 when we went on an antelope hunt. Dad killed his buck 'lope with it and it has sat since until this year when he used it to kill a 7pt. He would like something a bit lighter and with a touch less recoil, like a 243 so this one needs to move on. IIRC he killed a couple bucks with it in PA back in the late 70's after getting the gun but truth be told it has seen very little action. It came with a Weatherby branded hard case (plastic) and the test target. I certainly can get better pics of everything if someone is interested. $875 local and we can split FFL checks.
  7. Always bittersweet for me when the season closes............I know it's time to get my life back on track as I have neglected much for the past 10 weeks. Don't misunderstand; bills get paid, kids are fed and hauled to & fro, leaves are picked up, pets are fairly healthy and love is made but other things need to be caught up and organized. I sure do miss the time in the woods, messing with the guns & bow, excited calls & text messages from friends and family, packing up the duffel etc. When I get home from a few days away the most excited one to see me is the dog. The rest of them seem to get by OK.....................LOL. Oh well, 9.5 months till archery opens. Woot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. You only have 12 posts here (as I type this) at this forum and have started 4 threads. This one here and three others: http://huntingny.com/forums/topic/25923-shooting-more-than-one-buck/ http://huntingny.com/forums/topic/25924-northern-and-southern-tier/ http://huntingny.com/forums/topic/26040-7m-hunting/ The threads you've started are a bit odd, IMO. Something said earlier about a troll is ringing even louder now.......
  9. I would guess I've killed better than 15 deer with the 275gr Parker BE over the past 5 years or so. I don't think I've missed a single one and can only think of one that needed a second shot; this guy........... Shotgun and muzzle loaders have an amazing selection available of bullets and loaded cartridges today.
  10. Honestly guys and gals I'm laughing my tail off at this thread, I could EASILY blow through a weeks worth "Likes" on this thread. I meant it to be real, you guys that are talking about GETTING a manicure, pedicure or massage for yourself are a hoot! OK, now seriously...........what should I get my wife? So far this is what I got her: Delta Sonic Applebees Dinner & Car Wash book. She's gonna LOVE it!!! Please keep the ideas coming and no more of those goofy gift ideas please, I'm running short on time. TIA
  11. You look like you just chipped a nail or need to pinch a loaf in that pic.
  12. I still see people using cotton long johns for hunting. I guess if you don't EVER break a sweat you'll be fine but good heavens, today's stuff is just amazing if you understand it. I froze so bad after some of those early morning hikes up the hill in PA. We'd get so sweated up, even when carrying your coat and top layer. Then you'd just shiver for hours.................
  13. WTH is a spa WEEKEND? (And do I get to go?) I'm thinking of a dinner & room at Russell's Steak & Seafood....... http://salvatoresgrand.com/packages/ Lame I know but, but............ OK, please keep the ideas coming.
  14. Got that November 1st: Sears Elite Canister Vacuum. Too much money on that but we have a history.............
  15. Wow what wonderful time you're going to have! Merry Christmas Oh and that remote starter kicks azz too!!
  16. Tell her you're thinking about a new garage door or dryer..................THAT will through her off track. LOL
  17. OK guys, what are you getting your wife for Christmas? I won't totally steal your idea but will if I have to. After 23 years of marriage I'm tapped out of winners. Clothes aren't an option, Ipad was last year, doesn't need a camera, jewelry? nahh. Hurry, its getting late! PS....she doesn't hunt and we just got a new dryer & garage door so they are out.
  18. I couldn't mount him, personally........ He is a great find though, weird he isn't eaten up at all. You could enter him in the (IIRC) "found dead" section of the NYSBBC.
  19. Crazy sum B's back then! I spent many hours watching Marlin Perkins and the Mutual Of Omaha shows. Classic for sure.............. Thanks for the memory.
  20. This info came from this blog. I wonder how credible the source really is? http://nesaranews.blogspot.com/2014/12/remember-this-when-you-do-your-taxes-in.html
  21. There's PLENTY of folks that old that absolutely will not do this. Never will they relinquish control of an asset that they have busted their ass for to turn over to another family member. I know what should be done but plenty of folks don't understand. Seen it more than a few times........ Hopefully your grandparents are gifting $14k a year to everyone and anyone that is close to them if they can afford it.
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