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Five Seasons

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. Even with the show being scripted the items are interesting. A good way to kill 20 min and I almost always learn something
  2. I had a while back that both him and big hause were meth heads back in the day.
  3. So shouldn't the point have been "trump protesters leave flag on ground"? You're missing the point completely.
  4. I see disrespect and a still frame. I do not see stomping. Just pointing out another of Papist's wildly exaggerated statements
  5. Stomping on the flag? Is that really what you see?
  6. no gun owner should be against improving our gun penalties for illegal possession. it's illegal guns that give us all a bad name. Traffic penalties are high for 2 reason. The politicians will tell you it's because of how many deaths occur in autos, and that's true. But mostly, they're a huge revenue source.
  7. so the 2 most important people in America each with 0 political history? I'd politely disagree and would prefer someone with at least a little history to "help" guide trump if he is who we end up with.
  8. when I shoot a nice tom some day I'd like to do a mount like this, but not sure where or how I'd present it. What do you guys do?
  9. when i started turkey hunting i was using just box and mouth. It wasn't till last year that i bought a slate and glass and so upset I didn't do it earlier. I do prefer the slate I think, the glass is better for windy days or trying to call further, but harder to use for me. primos makes a tool i think it's $15 and while probably something the pros would scoff at, its been good to me for conditioning my calls.
  10. confused about your "not afraid of jail statement". Whether I've been or not, I sure enjoy my freedom.
  11. Not really. You claimed all Europeans were good. Just like not all Muslims are bad, not all Europeans were good. Stop picking and choosing which parts of the constitution you like and which parts of immigration (white Christians) you're ok with and start realizing that the US constitution protects all of us regardless of religion, race, sex or sexual preference.
  12. And I don't disagree with that, never said contrary to that. You might want to do a little research into the mafia btw...if you think all European immigrants were full of love and joy.
  13. I guess DHS, the FBI, CIA are all retards and should be listening to you. I can't imagine why they'd have them on their terror lists. Again, im not defending Muslim terrorists in the least. I'm not denying it's a problem. I have peaceful Muslim friends. I have shitty Christian friends. The problem is PEOPLE!
  14. Like I've said many times, closing the borders has my support. I'm still torn as I'm not sure it embodies America... Unless you're a Native American than we are all byproducts of immigration. I'm not sure what the answer is really. But this guy came out and said he wanted to create a freaking database based off religion. Imagine you're a peaceful Muslim just trying to live your life (despite what papist reads on jihadwatch) they do exist. There are more Muslims in the world than any other religion. We freaked when cumo wanted to register our guns. Worry about the criminals we said... How is this different? I like a lot of Trumps ideas. I like how anti-politician he is. We need that. But I'm terrified at the following he has gained mostly off fear mongering and hate. That is not Christian and it's not American. If he'd keep his mouth shut a little more he'd have my vote. Until then Rubio, 2016.
  15. And we had muskets and not full auto machine guns. Stop picking and choosing based on YOUR belief
  16. Some members of This site love to pick and choose which constitutional laws should be abolished and which should stay.
  17. some of you need to retake your American History classes. Europeans fled their countries to come here to be free from religious persecution. The USA was founded on separation of church and state. I am not a denier that there is a very real problem with muslilm extremist. I vote we build a wall on the border. But we are not and have never been about singling anyone out for their race, gender, religious practices or sexual preference. Stop being so blatantly racist and bigoted. Home grown right wing extremists are just as dangerous.
  18. how about tagging and monitoring people based on their religion?
  19. I'm not sure the rodent analogy fits. I like some things he says and dislike others, but comparing the POTUS to an exterminator? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. Yesterday I took a shower with Irish spring and head and shoulders. What do you guys use?
  21. download a free program called cc cleaner. it's great for cleaning up junk on your computer, deleting cookies and what not. There's also an option to write quick or up to 2 passes over your free space. Basically jibberish. After that a few bullets or a fire if you're really that concerned. I acutally run the overwrite a few times a year anyhow. btw, the overright is not recommended for SSD drives.
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