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Five Seasons

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. any reflection off the silver or it a matte finish?
  2. mixed race animals live a tough life. But we need to support them.
  3. i think the point is that most kids have never been on a train. Have done a few with "santa clause". kids love it. It's about them, remember that.
  4. because we already concluded it was the infidels.
  5. despite what many feel about his attitude, one of Trump's big pushes is infrastructure. If you listened to his speech last night, he makes a very good case that both parties want it done and we need to do something about it. And if we both want it, what's stopping us? It'll create jobs and improve our country.
  6. There are plenty of things I would give up in life before I gave up meat. But don't discount your father's death as a lack of control. Taking care of your body and spirit is still and will always be important. For all we know he may have passed at 55 if he ate bacon every morning instead of yoga. My wife loves it, and I love watching her do yoga . Take care of yourself and control what you can. The rest is up to God. And by the way, besides the food, hunting is a great stress reliever for many of us. You calm your mind as you watch the sun rise in the morning. I sometimes enjoy that part of hunting more than anything.
  7. I will add, that plenty of good hunting can be had without firearms if that's a concern for you.
  8. when I moved, I was forced to hunt unknown and public land. You don't realize how spoiled you are till you lose your good private land. It quickly became less about a mature buck and more about just getting an opportunity. As far as man made laws I'm referring to shooting hours, setback distances, back tags and even ARs and baiting. Only some of the examples of laws that very wildly from state to state and either make you a legal hunter or illegal. While I do my best to follow laws, I wouldn't consider someone who uses a 3 blade rage head in NY a "tough guy". But shooting over your bag limit in any state, or out of season or spotlighting are all universally unacceptable. Let me know if you're just picking a fight or legitimately debating.
  9. sometimes we take deer hunting to serious. sometimes we put too much emphasis on bad man made laws and equate that to ethical or non-ethical hunting. I'm not condoning poaching, there are truly some bad people out there. But the internet is full of lawyers and people so high and mighty that I'm sure they live in a glass house. deer hunting is meant to be an exciting past time that also helps to provide food for our families. We get so bent out of shape over rack size that it has ruined family and friend relationships. I once worked with a guy that stopped hunting with his brothers and cousins because his uncle cused out his son for shooting a bb (he was 16). Moving down south and hunting public land has really opened my eyes to non-trophy hunting and made me appreciate the sport that much more.
  10. You're an a$$hole when nobody even provokes you? Were you picked on as a kid?
  11. I'm very happy. I assume I'll die happy. If you're not happy with your current situation then it's on you, not society.
  12. I mean... Just basic medical care. Living like that is when people died from infections because they got a bad cut...
  13. i think it's the number one show on cable. so there are certainly more fans than haters. If you're not a fan of the show, stay out of this topic, lol.
  14. I look at it this way, unless you're afraid of the jihad invasion and stock market end of days that is always supposed to happen but doesn't then society isn't so bad. There are many issues we can all agree or disagree on that are troublesome. I'm a pretty experienced diy and I love the woods and I'm more interested in sitting alone in a treestand than going to a club. All that said, we can't enjoy a lot of what we do without societies help. Just sitting here typing these words there are thousands of people working jobs making it all work. I love movies, I love good beer and wine, I like internet porn lol. I enjoy toothpaste and clean clothes. I'm sure with enough work I could make my own whiskey, but how many books can I bring? How good is my imagination? idk... I guess I'm happy with life, so I don't understand the desire to leave it all behind.
  15. there are much nicer, more comfortable ways to live if you just want to be a hermit than how they live.
  16. last week was interesting. I'm still upset about the truck. I know it's tv and it's not real but it still sucks.
  17. could we just keep this to anti-hunters? Everything in the world isn't decided on liberals or non-liberals.
  18. This is so true. And it's funny as I debate with my liberal friends about the current race. I've been told a few times that I vote republican because I vote what's best for me, and not for society. These statements mostly coming from Sanders supporters. In contrast, the financial and ecosystem impact on the Cecil effect has benefited many anti-hunting groups and they're happy. They're probably still happy knowing the impact it's had on the parks. But of course, that's because they only care about their own interests and not for those of others.
  19. it's not an easy task and can be a little nasty too. we're losing guys everyday who do it and that's not good. I generally expect about 9 months. You don't want to rush something you'll have for a lifetime displayed on your wall.
  20. it only goes to your page because you're logged in. There is no-way to link to someone's account. It would just take us all to the section as either a guest or our own page. all i see is some fishing stuff http://www.amazon.com/Hunting-Fishing-Gear-Equipment/b?ie=UTF8&node=706813011
  21. I believe he stated the pictures were taken at the taxidermist shops. So technically... you can't really verify they're his kills even. I'm more of a fan of seeing hunter/harvest pics than mounts. Probably should post this in the "out of state" section.
  22. ahh i was blind but now i see. thanks and sorry for the confusion.
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