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Five Seasons

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. Amen. The governor went on record to say our kind isn't welcome in NY. Nobody should be surprised at the numbers. I'll add that land access is our biggest challenge and I'm not sure there's a good way to solve it.
  2. I have a decent collection but not the size id like. And that's mostly because I talk myself out of it. I've got to man up
  3. I thought crossbows we're going to save us all?
  4. A large percentage is still a factual statement despite your pic. I feel this thread had long ago run its course. I'll bow out now.
  5. My wife does have a rav4. It's a limited model but doesn't have twenkies
  6. Well said. And sort of funny when you consider that hunting laws are nothing more than a decision made by humans. And they change almost yearly. Reading his last response it seems he had his mind made up anyhow.
  7. So you see a black guy in an SUV with rims and can automatically assume he's on public assistance and deals drugs? That's some amazing abilities you have. None of this discussion is to say that urban crime, black racism and the multitude of other problems do not exists. Nobody ever said that. The discussion is on the flag and concerns with how it makes a large percentage of Americans feel. <---this guy here certainly is not an engineer with 20" rims. He's a drug dealer.
  8. that's a great point it shouldn't be discounted either that if you excluded the city which is generally not full of hunters, the state population has been declining. As people leave, there are less people to buy licenses.
  9. So because I don't always carry means I shouldn't sometimes carry? Isn't some better than none?
  10. It's only pride in your country if you're putting someone else down or bitching and moaning I guess.'Murcia!
  11. I carry my glock when possible. Better to have one and not need it.
  12. You're so whacked. Who cares what you saw? lets look at facts https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_by_poverty_rate http://stateofobesity.org/lists/highest-rates-adult-obesity/ http://wallethub.com/edu/states-with-the-best-schools/5335/ I know you hate facts, so I'm sure there's something you'll say to dispute them because you once traveled to a city and spent a few days there. So again, your confederate flag waving states are simply just afraid of change. They're poor, they're unhealthy. I live in MS. Many great people here. In fact, personalities and charitability are far better than anything I've ever experienced living in NY... but the poor lifestyle choices are astounding. From mismanagement of money to fast food lifestyles. I do not blame most people here for that, but I blame a culture that hasn't woken up to new ways of thinking. I hear more times than not "You only live once" instead of "I want to see my grand babies grow". and that's sad. So keep backing the flag, but at least know who you're standing with. The poorest, fastest, least educated states in the country. Wave on!
  13. It's a flag. Not a state flag, or country flag. Stop acting like they stole a piece of your brain. And per capita, your poverty and obesity numbers are NOT higher in the northeast. and there we have it we're on the same page doc. I can't remember which thread it was, but I totally agree that piss poor parenting and social welfare programs are not the right direction. It's sad that we're more interested as a society on what we can get for free, instead of what can we do to help.
  14. In another meat eater episode Rinella's hunting black bear in alaska. He passes an easy shot because of how much bears remind them of humans. I'm not saying I agree, but it makes you think. We hunt deer, turkey, duck etc because they're really nothing like us. Yet a bear will eat the same muscles and fish we do. They'll stand on their hind legs. So it clearly can mess with ones head a little and that can do all sorts of things to how your brain perceives the taste.
  15. wow, i remember that episode. He's by far my favorite hunting show. Personally I've always kind of wanted to shoot a bear but have never gone after them. Mostly because of retrieval issues and meat concerns. Would love a rug someday, but again not sure I'd want one bad enough to specifically go after them.
  16. not a men or woman's soccer fan, but I watched the last few minutes. Go USA! I guess I've never understood why someone comes into a very obviously titled thread just to be negative....
  17. It's funny that most parts of the country where they still fly this flag are anti-gay, higher percentages of racists, obese, poor etc. Theses are all statistical stats about some areas of the south. It's not social engineering it's a fear of change. Not all change is good but it's not all bad either. Stop being a bigot hiding behind politics. It's so obvious and they're all laughing at you Yankees waving the flag.
  18. What's wrong with progressing as a society? Once alcohol was illegal, once pot was illegal. Once blacks and woman couldn't vote. We've moved on. The past is the past and not to be forgotten. But we can move on too. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  19. A 250 bullet rips and tears, it does not cut. The diameter is also nowhere near 2.5 to 3".But the biggest issue when you compare the bow hunting challenge to small calibers is distance required to ethically harvest. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. Canceling the Dukes of hazard is just insane. There's nothing but family values in the show and its history. Filmed and broadcast in the past.
  21. i haven't been going after birds for too long, but the stories i hear about turkey hunting back in the day make me sad. I still think it's easier to kill a deer and that really shouldn't be the case. Heck I remember just 10 years ago seeing dozens bowhunting and I rarely see a few in the fall now.
  22. sorry didn't know i had to report in every hour ants. There are many pics of me in the harvest thread. There's even one from last week in the camo thread i started. Go check, I'll wait. I'm not afraid of anything I say on here. Strangely those of papist are missing.
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