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Five Seasons

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. I was under the impression that you were saying he was convinced they're all gone and incorrect about assuming that. My overall point was with regards to heard management, I wasn't trying to be specific. All that being said, if the only chance I have to fill my freezer is to take a doe I'm going to do it.
  2. ammo checks are stupid. nobody here will side with that. So is most of the safe act. But they all came about because of poor decisions made by stupid people. I'd like to prevent that, and I don't want to prevent it by limiting what type of firearm I can own. It's no different than antler restrictions. Seems many favor education over law. Why can't we as a gun community promote education? Fair enough, however I'd easily attend or donate to a specific cause without going all in to support the group. I disagree with some actions taken by the NRA and the republican party but I still support them. (sorry I didn't burn my card like you asked).
  3. I'm not saying there isn't an agenda. But the tagline was essentially to prevent gun violence and raise awareness for mental health issues. That's something we should all support and put our differences, politics and conspiracy theories aside. If sandy hook didn't happen, then neither does the safe act. http://news.yahoo.com/tim-mcgraw-defends-decision-headline-sandy-hook-concert-102045241.html
  4. I can't even understand what you're trying to say... My understanding was that he was for the responsible ownership and safe handling of firearms. If I misunderstood this, then I will back down. However, I am also for gun safety. Any gun owner who is not for gun safety and is ok with them being sold to "whoever" at a gas station is what has landed us in hot water to begin with. It only takes a few sandy hooks and nut jobs to ruin it for us all. We should continue to be the biggest advocates for gun safes, trigger locks, education and training and simple background checks.
  5. him posting the video to social media and deer and deerhunting picking it up helps. With all the outrage over safari hunting going through the internet, it can also be used to shed light on d-bag citizens breaking the law. It might not get as much attention, but shedding light on the problem often helps promote stricter enforcement. Politicians don't like to look bad...
  6. having a no doe and wall hanger only policy is just retarded. Proper heard management requires the harvest of does. There really isn't anyone in the business left who doesn't agree with that.
  7. there's a place for having a conversation though. Telling and discussing are totally different. I know a lot of guys here have agreements with neighbors and others don't. Talking through the pros and cons should never hurt anyone.
  8. It's sad that the fines and penalties are so small. Same with our poaching laws, they're smaller than most speeding tickets, but I agree. I hear you, but legally he's allowed to hunt there and should be able to do so in peace. I used to hunt a small 5 acre spot. had great action but I'd deal with the lawnmowers and barking dogs. That's par for the course, but not someone blowing an air horn. If he leaves, the anti's win.
  9. This is tough to watch http://www.deeranddeerhunting.com/media/videos/featured-video/neighbors-like-needs-enemies
  10. couldn't stomach the price of the primos stick so i bought a redhead for ~$20. It can only be adjusted by tabs at the bottom and it's difficult to keep level while adjusting. It's fine for a blind but I would not recommend it for any run and gun. I bought a MAD x-blind this year and it's ok as well, but leaves a little to be desired.
  11. I'm waiting for the remote operated rifle setup on a food plot in Missouri that i can control from my ipad. No scent control necessary!
  12. that's interesting because I've been told they're just as challenging as a compound and bulky and clumsy and noisy. Now I hear they're light years ahead? You guys really want a challenge. Skip a day on your private land and try and kill a mature deer on public land, with any weapon.
  13. use to have several grape vineyards near my home growing up. You couldn't spit without hitting a turkey. About 5 years ago they became corn and a few hay fields became houses. Needless to say I don't see as many turkeys.
  14. Big "tech/manufacturing" company moves into town and needs employees. Do they hire the history major or the engineer? I know we're getting off topic here and I firmly believe in being well rounded, but your post is very much on point.
  15. There's a level of challenge. It's not just the spooked deer, it's the peace and quiet of the archery woods that many enjoy. Early season deer are patternable and the guns change that. Many of us think bow hunting is hard enough without making it really hard. I enjoy all forms of deer hunting, but there's a reason we all don't hunt with a recurve either. Shooting a nice buck at 30 yards or less is an accomplishment, heck any deer with a bow is a job well done. The challenge is getting close enough vs a rifle shot at 200 yards across a field (which I have and enjoy as well). But at some point you have to draw the line. For me that's sticking with a compound and not going full recurve. Some prefer to stalk deer as a challenge. It's all different. When i'm 50 I will probably be more picky with what I shoot and what I shoot it with. But to just have a free for all doesn't jive with me.
  16. If I recall the guy is a grandpa. And while he claims we're all out of touch with reality, he constantly posts links to nut-job fueled websites so I'm not sure he's any more qualified then anyone else to address the education system problems. I think our schools need a lot of help, but I certainly do not believe our schools are teaching our kids to be anti-American. That's just nuts. Now it's also common knowledge that history books are written by the victors. Taking a deeper look into some our cultural struggles with slavery, discrimination, the slaughtering of native Americans is the appropriate way to teach history. Rome was great, but a lot of people died along the way. How would we expect our kids to learn from our mistakes if we don't tell them about it?
  17. Don't change the subject. We weren't discussing the state of our education system. We were discussing your comment that teachers are now teaching anti-American history in schools. The weather is nice out. Get outside and just stop with the nonsense already.
  18. What this guy said. U.S. Had its own class.
  19. Beautiful morning today. 50's at dawn and high 60's around 9. Detoured from the spot I planned to hunt after i got a gobble off my Harrison's Hootin stick. Around 7:30 I had a Tom behind me that was headed in the opposite direction. I decided a run n gun was in order. Couldn't quite cut him off or get him to change his mind but he was a big bird and my first of the season. After sitting in the hedgerow where I saw him last for 30min I decided to head back to my decoys a good 1/2 mile back. I sat and called a little then leaned back and just soaked in the rays. It was about 9:50 and I caught movement and There's 2 freaking jakes who came in silently at my decoys. Basically caught me with my pants down haha. Was able to put a bead on then at 20 behind my x-blind but Jakes aren't legal in Mississippi. Was pretty cool still. Unfortunately I noticed my mueller reflex site was a little off and on further inspection I found the glass is loose. So thankfully I noticed that, but now I have a mad rush to buy a replacement. Can't find my original factory sites either which sucks. Still a great morning.
  20. I prefer muck boots. I use the same pair I early season deer hunt with. I think they're woodymax or something? I've been wanting to pick up a lighter pair with less insulation but just haven't pulled the trigger. They do well in the swampy and mucky areas though and are easy to slip on and off.
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