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Five Seasons

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. Do a few of these a year. If you counted the salaries and time spent on them it's unreal. They almost all settle for pennies.
  2. The term elitist gets thrown around a lot here. Thought this was a good read. http://thefederalist.com/2014/01/17/the-death-of-expertise/
  3. If my memory serves me right, we asked for their help in Iraq and Afghanistan and if I remember right we only received help from GB and Australia and a few others. That's what my comments were aimed at. I am old enough to remember these conflicts.
  4. Didn't realize we had another scientist here with great facts. But I'll take "your" word for it that the earth is ok.
  5. I don't have any issues and agree that regulations have gone over the top. Heck I make a living trying to interpret them. I've already stated this. My issue is the ignorance and regurgitation of out of date science refuting the ozone layer depletion and global warming. I didn't believe in global warming for a long while. I feel some would just rather refuse to admit they are wrong then just accept it. For gods sakes it's the same thing that pisses us off about the anti-gun group. We used to paint our houses with leaded paint, we insulated with asbestos, we used benzene to wash our hands. All of these things worked well, but the risk did not outweigh the reward. As technology progresses we need to advance and improve.
  6. Honestly I enjoy a little weather. San Diego would get boring quick. Carolina/Virginia hit a good mix.
  7. Just be careful with some that have been chemically treated or contaminated. Someone gets sick every year from indoor burning.
  8. This is not a joke. They will mandate this some day.
  9. Sometimes the extra expense will pay off in marketing or tourism for the town. Otherwise you could argue the Statue of Liberty, Mount Rushmore etc were all a waste. Good find.
  10. If it's just range I think any bargain scope will work. In my opinion a good scope has good glass in low light, doesn't fog and can take a few bumps. I wouldn't worry so much about that at the range.
  11. The ozone layer is healing itself. But I digress... If you don't believe NASA then I won't change your mind. I'm done here.
  12. This is approaching the "homosexuality is a sin" debate I got sucked into in the Mississippi hunting forum. So why are you arguing it? I'm done arguing. Argue with NASA. They're certainly a bunch of dummies http://www.nasa.gov/vision/earth/environment/ozone_recovering.html Honestly you'll find most level headed scientist will agree that it is certainly cyclical. The concern is that we seem to be speeding it up. Don't get me wrong, some tree huggers have absolutely stretched the truth. Both sides have their nut jobs. Heck while I was in engineering school in the early 2000's the professors were split on the subject. But over the years it was hard to deny it any longer. I believe we are selfish. We feel we own this earth and were the center of it and what we do to it will be our kids problem. I'd hate for my kids kids to look back at us and wonder why politics got in the way when we had a chance to prevent it?
  13. Remember the ozone layer wasn't a debate. Im sure the response is that this is a photoshop but what the heck.
  14. Do you need to be alive to know history? You all believe the bible and never met Jesus right? A good education goes a long way. And by the way cfc's and r22 are the same thing and the issues was in the 80's while I was alive. You are incorrect in thinking the EPA doesn't care. I've applied for 5 air permits in 3 states. All cities have air regulations related to opacity, smell, HAPs and VOCs that go above and beyond the EPA. Think of them as ARs for companies. So your wood stove isn't going anywhere but the manufacturers are going to have to change. California has done it with cars and motors. The national government have put in regulations for the reduction of emissions in cars. These are all urban examples; should I keep going?I was raised on wood burning. Never had a furnace till 18. I'm not arguing this rule, just that we need to always be working on getting better. What set me off was the ignorance. The efficiency issues with the new refrigerants have absolutely hurt the environment. Global warming has gotten worse... If it's real of course. Honeywell is currently working on low gwp refrigerants. The ozone layer protects us. Without it we die. It's that black and white. There is nothing fake about it. The imagery was real.Do you not believe that oil and gas can also skew data? They did it in the early 1900s with leaded gas. Pay anyone enough and he will tell the public what you want them to. I work for the largest industrial manufacturer in the world. I do not benefit from regulations. But I do believe in science. Baby Jesus isn't going to cure my type 1 Diabeties, but my insulin pump will keep me alive. I thank God for putting smart men and woman on this earth with the sense and reasoning to protect us and to invent these modern marvels.
  15. You do know leaded gasoline was also causing cancer and health effects at extremely alarming rates right? Why do you guys with little to zero science or engineering background think you even have a clue?
  16. Are you freaking kidding me right now? We banned cfc's. The ozone healed itself. Your ignorance is astonishing. Did you not notice how hard or expensive R22 is?For goodness sake the replacements to cfc's were invented in honeywell's buffalo research lab. I worked with those brilliant men and woman for 5 years... But hey I guess you know it all. Are you in denial that Lake Erie and the ohio river caught on fire? Was love canal a fake too? I said I wouldn't come back in here but denial of the ozone layer is just a whole new low for you.
  17. That is simply untrue. Those opinions are not held by a few. The reason you can start eating the fish from Lake Erie and Ontario is the direct result of this. Those acts crushed businesses, but to most it was the right thing to do.Do me a favor, get a job where you can travel to India and China where they don't give a flying flock about the environment and favor the almighty dollar. Where it's so bad you can barely breath. Then we can grab a beer together and share stories. How about we just let BP off the hook too? Trust me when I say there are indeed some silly and dated regulations. Do an Annual GHG report for a research lab or read the regs within a title V permit and you'd agree. Call it what you want, if it's a furtherance of a lifestyle choice then I'm glad to be a part of it. We only have one earth and one chance. We can live better and smarter, your stubbornness to dump motor oil in the woods and burn trash and tires "because you can" is unsettling. Ashamed and surprised to see this from hunters of all people.
  18. I won't say anything further. Mostly because he didn't even answer my question.
  19. Food sources are important too. Similar longitudes and latitudes in Mississippi but when you get near the rich fertile soils of the Delta the deer racks and bodies rival NY. A few miles east and they're dramatically smaller.
  20. Saw this on facebook. Something very satisfying about watching these videos.
  21. Bahajajhahah I forget VJP, what's your profession? You probably don't believe in global warming either do you? I have 10 years in environmental compliance and a bs in environmental engineering and until you understand "the environment" you need check your facts. Furthermore, contrary to popular belief most environmental legislation has come from republicans. CERCLA, RCRA, clean water and clean air acts, ghg caps and reporting. DHS CFATS reporting. All republican.
  22. I'm not sure what you're missing Doc. I don't place much credibility in the opinion of someone who hasn't walked in my shoes. It's that simple.
  23. And since how many times have we saved theirs with no thanks in return? Let's be honest the only reason they fought in the revolution was due to their hate of the British
  24. Gun is certainly king. Late ruts mean tough bow seasons without plots, or in some cases baiting. And yes depending on the part of the state the deer size will certainly vary. Southern Mississippi is small but they're much bigger in the hills of the north.
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