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Five Seasons

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. That's horrible and sorry to hear about your accident. Thank you for your service.
  2. there is no limit on how many guns one can own... yet.
  3. I have to argue... that is not a trophy buck.
  4. those that are compelled to write a novel on this forum need to know that 90% of us do not read them. Your points need to be short and to the point. This is the internet. Studies show you have 7 seconds to get someones attention.
  5. I used to live with drunks. They were a peaceful bunch as well. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. Hevi makes a good turkey load. Sorry that's all I know. I just buy the cheap Remington pheasant loads and they do fine. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  7. We need Early in this thread. He'd be freaking Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. Yeah I'd like standing but want to stay under $350 if I can. Thanks for the advise guys Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. Those bails of hay are for helping your new grass seed grow in the spring right? Sucks the deer got to it... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. When all else fails and you're just starting out, buy the box that has the picture of what you're hunting on it lol. Over the years try different makes and loads and if you really get into it you can start hand loading. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. Agreed, but one must consider budget. So if he can only get one gun I'd recommend an 870 or 835 with a few barrels. I also noticed a big difference in kick with my browning verse my mossberg. You do usually get what you pay for. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. It's funny that some will poo poo the shotgun for deer, as much of the USA is rifle. I've hunted my whole life with a browning 12 gauge and with its rifled barrel, leupold scope and lightfield sabot slugs it's always put them down just find around 100 yards. Unless you're hunting fields, chances are that's the longest shot you'll have 90% of the time anyhow. For me, I learned on that gun, so I was delighted at how much less a rifle kicked when I finally got the chance. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. I wonder if they make a fridge/freezer with the small section is the fridge and I could keep beer in there... That would be cool Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. I think you need to decide what is the biggest thing you're going to hunt. I don't feel like anything less then a .308 or 30-06 to take care of bear, and that round is just fine for deer. But a little too big for some fur bearers if you like the pelts. I'd say a .270 is a nice deer round. Personally, I believe you need at lest 3 guns to cover the majority of NA game. A large rifle for deer and bear. A .22lr for squirrel and target. A shotgun with 2 barrels for duck and turkey etc. minus accessories you can have all 3 for under $1500. These May not be perfect for any one game. For example you'd want a nice over under for pheasant, but a pump will do the job too. A .270 may be better for deer but not bear. You can also get a rifled barrel for a deer slug gun too. 3 barrels, one gun. Then buy a Ruger 10/22 and you're good. Just my .02 Ps a .22 can kill a deer with the right shot, it's about increasing your odds when we talk caliber. These arguments seem to be endless when talking personal defense as we'll. especially with the newly popular .380. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. Agreed. It is sad and I get it. Found a dead frozen fawn yesterday with no visible wounds. However a lot of areas are overpopulated as a result partly to some pretty mild winters. We just have to remember that nature will do its thing. The healthy and string will survive. The weak and sick will not. Natural selection Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. The best you can do to protest this state is to move your business. Most of us don't own a business, so we vote. As we all know the letters and voting do little. The only option left is to move. The state won't feel any of leaving. Even a millionaire has little affect on an exit. It has to be large business. When they leave it affects thousands and is bad press. But like some mentioned there are still many good high paying white collar jobs. The majority are downstate. This is why the state is unbalanced geographically but continues to get by. I have nothing against the city and the island. It's not my style of living but I respect that it is for many. What sucks are that the economics and politics do not align with upstate, where we would be more inline with Ohio or Pennsylvania. I guess however the shrinking population has been noticed by some and that job loss is becoming an issue as we are no doubt spending millions on the add campaign. And sits... Even the worst places on earth have their percentage of people doing well while many more suffer... Wow that last sentence was as about as liberal as I ever want to sound Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. Yeah but they said they will be downsizing. Sad part is those new 2k something jobs could have been new jobs for unemployed New Yorkers. So while there might not be a huge loss of current jobs, the loss of potential jobs is huge. You have to really laugh at these commercials inviting businesses to NY. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. What size freezer do you have? Been using my parents and would like to have my own. Just enough for about 2 deer and maybe a turkey (store). Would prefer upright but might be able to get buy with chest to save money. Thx Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  19. Has anyone else seen this? Saw it on Facebook and do not know the website to verify its credible. http://yellowhammernews.com/nationalpolitics/remington-arms-moving-1200-jobs-ny-alabama/
  20. so we've deraile twice now. once to talk about the 150' rule, and another to talk about the SAFE act. Both topics have other threads. Again, we need to discuss why crossbows are not archery equipment.
  21. if he's out hunting and enjoying it then he's breaking the law
  22. sweet scope on your archery equipment. Get a bipod yet?
  23. i believe in background checks, gun locks and safes, I believe in restrictions for the mentily ill, but as long as they're done right. There is a lot i agree with regarding gun control. And i've openly criticized the ones wanting no regulations at all. I believe there's compromises that can be made. Unfortunately the NRA is afraid to give an inch and so is the anti-gun crowd. These stances can be applied to politics across the board. What I do not believe in is ammunition and mag and weapon restrictions. Mostly because I feel criminals wont follow these anyhow, so you're only hurting the law abiding owners.
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