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Five Seasons

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. I was flipping through the channels a few days ago and stopped on Hanity and fox news. Not a fan of these shows, but he was talking about leaving NY once his contracts expire... because after all Cuomo doesn't want him here. He pointed out that there's been an exodus from NY, CT, NJ ect for years and places like the carolinas and texas are where people are going. His point was also that the exodus from NJ would hurt Christi's chance for election. He also pointed out that all but 1 state that was growing (Washington), were no income tax states and industry friendly. Not a coincidence... also the carolinas have in my opinion probably the most ideal weather in the country.
  2. didn't i say that in my first sentence? I'm sure they also do carry their own stuff though, dont ya think?
  3. honestly... most f&S brand products are junk. I'm sure this store will sell more. But aside from like a deer cart, some stands and gun safes. Especially their camo is junk. Great for entry level or someone looking to try out the sport, but not for anyone who spends countless hours in the woods.
  4. oh i wouldn't expect it either. It's just interesting to see one state fully encouraging it, while another looks to get rid of it.
  5. if you saw where a few of my archery stands were (while not 50 yards), you'd agree that there were no safety issues. while 150' is a little too far, i'd like to see it go down to 250 at least. I have a stand that's 300' and i have permission but there's a very thick area of woods between us and there would be no safety issue with archery.
  6. http://www.nraila.org/legislation/state-legislation/2014/1/mississippi-senator-files-sportsmen’s-sales-tax-holiday-bill.aspx
  7. that would make sense as you obtain a special deer tag with your archery course... although i guess you don't get a special bear tag. but here you go: http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/32162.html the first paragraph tells you what license you need.
  8. you missed the point. I am not against you and the cause, and you know that. I am against the internet guy who makes statements as if they're facts. And then it snowballs as people reading your stat regurgitate it. And then before long we all look stupid as we're making claims such as "the moon landing was fake and shot in a Hollywood studio". Because a few people said it was so. I'm anal with data. It's probably because it's a large part of my job as an engineer. So... if you're going to make statements, just post a link to the study and I'll shut up. No, I'm not going to google the study you read because I don't believe it. My goal is to help us a group be educated and come across as intelligent when we speak about our cause instead of feeding into the stereotype that we're all a bunch of gun toting anti-gay and abortion red necks.
  9. of course. but lack of success will eventually see them quit. Those with a passion and love will work harder to become successful. it's not just level of difficulty, it's tradition, it's the challenge of having a deer within 30 yards undetected and being able to harvest it. A crossbow is easier (I dont think you can argue that) and it changes the game. And someday when life slows down I absolutely intend to get a recurve. I think you already knew that too. I believe it was Doc who brought it up before. Yes the change from recurve to compound was controversial. And after we go to crossbows... where does it end? that's the fear. Just like we have a fear of giving any ground with gun laws. The fear is that you give an inch, they'll keep pushing. Now legalizing baiting, maybe even night vision. Obviously I'm taking it to the extreme, but I'm trying to make a point. your views don't bother me, and I respect your right to have them I simply disagree with them. Again, I was giving you unsolicited advice on how to help your cause and asking you to respect my right to have my opinion as well. you don't like being told you can't use something? with this logic, we should legalize all drugs, gambling, prostitution... how about allowing people to hunt with RPG's? Why even have seasons? Who are they to tell you what you can and can't do, right?
  10. this kinda thing sucks. It's obvious this kind of event is him trying to throw a bone to those he's pissed off, and should certainly be protested. On the other, fishing is fun and tournaments are fun and protestors will just ruin it. Do proceeds go to charity or anything?
  11. you're attacking those who are anti-crossbow. This is me. So I was simply giving you some unsolicited advise. Instead of wasting your time complaining about what's wrong with the anti's. Why don't you state your case for legalization. Many of us have made up our mind and aren't switching sides no matter what. But plenty will read this who are on the fence. Your negative attitude to those opposed doesn't help your cause.
  12. You already know I'm pro crossbow for elderly and disabled. I am not trying to advance any agenda with those 2 posts. I am simply saying that archers are usually dedicated individuals whose hobby is difficult and not for everyone. I think a lot of us like this about archery. Anyone can pick up a rifle and go deer hunting. A select group are dedicated enough to bow hunt. It's like belonging to an exclusive club and this usually leads for the pro-crossbow crowd as labeling us as elitest. Oh well, I guess. More American entitlement. A trophy for everyone, and lets make hunting easier because bowhunting is too hard for me and I don't want to put in the time to learn. Lets legalize baiting too. That would make it easier for me to kill deer.
  13. instead of attacking those apposed to your opinion with what's wrong with US... why not point out why they SHOULD be legal. You don't sway any opinions by attacking anothers view. But those who are neutral may be swayed if you provide some evidence in your favor. Politics 101 my friend.
  14. well I guess my point was that he loves it so much that he keeps doing it eventhough it's difficult. There are many who would quit. I posted this video below too before, and I guess my only point was that some will overcome almost anything to do what they truly love. http://www.hlntv.com/video/2012/06/14/warrior-games-mark-obrien-salute-troops
  15. probably my oddest funky thing my uncle shot
  16. you both just proved my point. You can't possibly have any relative data by talking to a few people in your part of the state. A course in statisics would tell you all you need to know about sample size, who was sampled etc. No offense intended to either of you, but there are thousands of gun owners of various walks of life. To not even hear about the safe act in the news is hard to believe. And for the casual gun owners you're refering to, owning an 870 that they keep in their closet coated in dust, the SAFE act doesn't really change much until they go and try and buy ammo, which is probably very rare.
  17. nothing against anyone disabled, as I have always supported crossbows for them, but I felt this would be a good time to post a picture of a guy I went to school with father. This was in NY last year. This is passion.
  18. Lol. Prove you wrong? You made the statement. I only claimed to be skeptical, you made the claim. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  19. So a 17 year old beats up an old lady for her purse, but he's only 17 and he shouldn't have known better? More entitlement... Good to know more and more New Yorkers wont be able to defend themselves against these attacks either. And it's not like the knock out game is a new fad or anything either. Lets give them a free pass.
  20. I guess you fail to see the fact that I'm calling you out for typical "I post facts on the internet without backing them up" nonsense. The results must not be too hard to achieve if you read them and weren't afraid to post it... unless of course they're made up. Because I have a real hard time believing it's 20%.
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