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Five Seasons

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Everything posted by Five Seasons

  1. majority of us would like to see it passed for elderly and disabled. it's been said over and over. well bowhunter numbers have been on the rise. so it cant be that bad... you're comparing professional archers to the average hunter. says the guy who claimed he would be hunting this year...
  2. nothing wrong with kill and harvest... how do you feel about "destroy"? agreed. But I never tell my wife I'm going out "killing". I'm going "hunting". that's the act of pursuing an animal, killing it, harvesting it and putting it to use. Going out "killing" to me, sounds like you're out to just kill whatever moves with no interest in a fair chase or harvesting the animal for eating.
  3. i'm not going to get into a 3 page debate over tractors. You all know very well that a farmer shooting off his old farm tractor that's never seen a road or gone near one is not a jaw dropping OMG situation. That was my only point. And yes, there is nothing wrong with having people take deer for you as a farmer. It's all legal. 3 pages ago a handful of people were more upset with your tone, meat wasting, word choice and lack of compassion for deer then the legal taking of the deer. I'd simply suggest that if you continue to do what you do that you don't post about it. I can't stop you and if you want to share your "destroying" with us, then you can continue to do so. I just have a different impression of who "you are" now. And to be honest, I'm sure you don't care, and I don't care what you think about me. I know how I hunt, the ethics and morals I have on a daily basis in life extended beyond hunting and that's enough for me to be happy about who I am.
  4. JJB's correct. WNY has always at least left the personal attacks out of it. He has a right to his opinion too and to my knowledge hasn't used his "powers" in any negative way. He's not the only MOD either. Doc sticks his head into these threads as well and he's on the other side of the fence. If they start banning or censoring based on opinion then this place would die out quickly. Those that enjoy the debate and drama help keep the traffic up in the slow seasons. And if you're not into the drama then you don't have to enter the 2 or 3 active threads. it's that simple. while we disagree on crossbows, I believe you'll find most bowhunters are some of the biggest advocates for the sport you'll find. I don't believe hunting is in any jeopardy. It's a primal instinct of man kind. I rarely hear much about protests anymore and even the anti-gun movement has publicly stated they're going to leave hunters alone. The biggest issue we face by far as a sport is land access and availability.
  5. so that nobody else has to google what you're talking about like me
  6. this. love me some moose. would love to elk hunt someday too. i've heard its not as big a challenge as you think though? like they come right in when they're in the rut? i dont know if that's true. sounds like a rush to me.
  7. personal attacks are never warranted. There's no reason to call someone's mother out because they're upset that they lost the battle. I never said boo to "the pope" I'm not sure why he felt like he had to say boo to me. My PM box is still empty by the way...
  8. reading is > then you. This is the dad of my friend growing up. He was a farmer. He had time to "thin the heard" using his tags. A farm tractor is not a motor vehicle. exactly. he can bait, spotlight, even rifle I think. Remember shawn these are huge rural farms.
  9. I manage safety for a 120MM a year business. I'm doing just fine. You know very well the prime objective is safety. They do however, touch on other topics.
  10. it's odd, that in mine they also discussed how to hang, gut and ethics. Not just safety. Downstate it must be more about destroying deer and XP multipliers for head shots than it is about hunting.
  11. say it to my face old man. say it again about my mom too. PM me a location. I don't remember ever saying a single personal thing about you. For someone with a picture of the pope as his avatar you sure don't practice what most religions preach.
  12. i suppose it's because a lot of times stereotypes begin to form. Why do you think they require a hunter's safety class? The more ethical and self policed we are, the less negative pressure hunting will get. What looks better on a peta website - A nice clean kill with leaves covering the bloody gut out area, or a deer with it's brains blown out? this is hunting, not killing.
  13. i never said they had extra time. i was trying to explain the priorites they place on what deer do to crops. lets remember you can spotlight and bait and "destroy" them a lot easier then normal hunting. You're also not trophy hunting and generally if you wanted, you could just shoot and shoot and not even worry about the recovery process. All I am saying is that if it was SOOOO devastating, every farmer would be a regular sniper if he had to be. My best friends dad would just shoot them with a rifle off his tractor as he plowed and sprayed. If that wasn't enough he'd just drive over to the salt lick...
  14. 30+ minutes from a double lung? where does this ever happen? if you're just "destroying" deer, why not shoot the fawns? better eating... 30 seconds of adrenaline filled running? please... Stop trying to flip the switch that you're all ethical now. Best thing you can do is slice the heart with a broadhead. Not devastate it, but slice it. They'll run a good 100 yards in a matter of 20 seconds or so and pump all the blood out. Results in some of the best meat you'll ever eat. I wonder why I don't see more headshots in magazines and tv? I totally understand the time issue for farmers. I worked on a farm and my best friend was in a farming family. However, if you have time to spray because otherwise you'd lose your crop, you should have time to shoot. If it was that big a deal where deer were putting farmers out of business they'd take the time to hunt them.
  15. I wish my arms could shoot fire... all i have his firearms. just busting your balls man
  16. i'm going to guess some sort of flower pollen or dust of some kind.
  17. i edited it 2 seconds after i posted it. don't try and insinuate i'm being sneaky. i'm done with this thread btw, i've said my peace and it sounds like you're ok with how i feel.
  18. those mom and fawn pics are awesome. can't believe the resolution for trail cam. they'd make a great pic for a calendar during a summer or spring month.
  19. lol I love the "ungodly thick" I so know the type. check out where my gun kill buck died last year. The pictures don't do it justice. I actually lost blood eventhough it was double lung. Slugs just don't bleed. So i was still in most of my cammo with my browning crawling prone and got real lucky when I looked over and saw him. Took 45 minutes of pruning just to get him out. This stuff is awesome bedding though and where usually the big boys hang out.
  20. I've wounded and lost 1 deer in 13 years. It was my very first year hunting. To your question, I would tell that good friend that if it's such an issue he can "destroy" the deer himself. If it's as big an issue as he or she claims you better believe they would. I grew up with farmers and a lot of them did their own dirty work. If you have time to spray your crops to prevent disease, you should have time to prevent deer from eating your crops. I have never predator hunted. Never even shot a yote while deer hunting. It actually has never presented itself to me and I've considered often what I would do if I got a good shot. So as far as senseless killing? I'm not sure how I feel about it because I've never done it. his point is spot on. If you feel like what you're doing is worth while and legal that's fine. To his point, it's your attitude and using words like "destroy", "head shot" and "target practice"
  21. disgusting i understand that. I guess you and I have a different view of an animal's life, the respect for nature and what hunting means to us. You do what you do man, if that's what you're into. I wouldn't go so much as squirrel hunting with someone who thinks like you.
  22. yeah i was on 1 cup of coffee and really struggling haha.
  23. yeah i used google earth's measuring tool and it's quite a distance. Dumb rule for archery if you ask me. correct. so if you drop a buck with your bow and do not harvest one with gun, you can use regular season to take one with the mz or bow in late season. It's hard to believe the DEC allows that, because it actually makes sense
  24. confused and lazy. legal in 2015 or legal now?
  25. Not sure I like this post. To each his own if you're legal, but it's sad to think anyone would ever "target practice" with a beautiful animal's life. It's obvious you don't need the meat if you're tossing some of it.
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