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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Northsox65

  1. Thank you, 55 years young, 8 more years of working and I can retire for the second and last time! Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
  2. An old wise hunter once told me that Coyotes are good luck, they will only hunt where there is food, if you have Coyotes on your land you are doing something right and have a healthy deer population.
  3. I live In the Area and Have Hunted Cornell lands Every year for the past 5-6 yrs. If you want to hunt on Cornell you have to Register with Cornell Before Oct 15th, They do a background check to make sure you do not have a Criminal record. There is a lot of Cornell Land in the DMFA area, and I usually Harvest one or two does a year, I could Probably get more however 2 is fine with me. I have hunted Many Many days where I was the Only hunter for miles, and I have hunted Many many days without seeing a deer. I have never hunted any of the state parks because I do not hunt with Bow, so I cannot comment on how Crowded they are during this season. There is NO public land to hunt and the Tree Hugging PETA liberals in the area will not let you any where near their pet deer. There is a lot of Cornell land that is also Bow only so I can only talk about the land I hunt that is out Behind the Ithaca Airport. If you have any questions Please feel free to contact me.
  4. Like a lot of you its has been a hard year, spent many hours in the stand, For the first time in my life I had snow on the ground everyday of Deer season, Saw lots of sign, Tracks, Rubs, Scrapes, just no Deer until 330pm Last night. She was about 75 yds away with a small 4pt. We will be eating Venison for Christmas!
  5. Ok, now lets listen to a Mechanic,,,,,, First check connections on Battery, take them off, clean them with a wire brush, make sure they are tight when you put them on. Try to Jump the Jeep, if It starts then you can rule out The Starter. If it starts you need to put a voltmeter on you pos and neg post of the battery, it should read 13 volts, rev up your engine and it should go as high as 14.5 volts. if it does not then your alt is shot. If your alt is doing its job then you have a short/draw somewhere that is draining your battery, you can either trace wires and find the short, or disconnect your battery every night so it doesn't go dead.
  6. You are very close to some great state land hunting for Small Game, Waterfowl, and Deer, 3 Rivers WMU between Phoenix and Baldwinsville has lots of great spots and very little hunting pressure anymore. Back in the 70's there would be hundreds of cars, now only a handful.
  7. Ya, there is not one inch of 3 Rivers WMU that I haven't hunted, I don't Bow hunt so haven't been on here yet, anxiously waiting till Nov 17th. I hunt down in the Ithaca Area now, however I do miss Hunting from Henderson Dairy, Potter rd, Kellogg rd, Smokey Hollow, and from Hencle Blvd, to Lamson. I have killed more my fair share of Rabbit, Pheasant, Ducks, Geese, and some pretty nice Bucks. I might head up there this weekend to hunt some ringnecks,,,,,
  8. I have been Hunting it for the Past 5 years, If you put the time in and scout, you might get a deer. I usually get 2 does every year, However I live about 5 miles away from where I hunt. There's plenty of places to hunt, is it worth a 2 hrs drive, probably not, we are not overrun with deer, and the places that are in within the City limits and you cant hunt them.
  9. I do not bow hunt, I have been to Buttermilk and Treman many times during the summer and drivin by it many times during Hunting season, Definitly not overcrowded. Might be worth a shot if you bow hunt.
  10. I live in Ithaca and I have been hunting the special January Season for about 3-4 yrs now. Its it true we have a deer problem, however the deer live in the city limits of Cayuga Heights, Lansing, and Ithaca and you cant hunt them. And there is no Public land available outside the city limits unless you sign up to hunt Cornell Lands and their deadline to sign up is Oct 15th.
  11. Well its been a crazy season for me, I Got a nice doe, actually it was a spike but the longest antler was about 2 inches on opening day at around 230 in the afternoon, and took another big doe last night at around 330pm.
  12. woke up to a dusting on the ground here in Ithaca, hope it stays for this weekend!
  13. I will be out in my new Summit Climber with my 12 GA H&R single shot Deer Slayer. Got the Climber from my family as a Birthday Present last week, cant wait to take my first deer from it.
  14. All through my childhood I sat on a old tire at the bottom of a tree, now I have a ladder stand and a climber, I never go over 10 ft off the ground. I figure it gives me a little better view being in a stand and by the time they notice me I have a scope on their vitals.
  15. I am Retired Military and now I am an Accountant for the USDA, I missed Many deer seasons when I was either Stationed Overseas or Deployed to the Big Sandbox. I have about 10 yrs to go before I can retire for the 2nd time and go hunting and fishing whenever I want!
  16. #1. For me is the Uncontrollable Cough I get right around 730. #2. Hunting on 4000 ac of public land and some jerk walks in 10 min after sunup and wants to set up 100 yards away from you,
  17. I didn't know we had so Many from Tompkins County, I hunt Dryden, Yellow Barn/Hammond Hill.
  18. I had Bear Meat when I lived in Northern Maine, it was pretty good, The only bear I ever shot was out of self defense, back around 1999 we had a very late spring and the bears came out of hibernation and they were hungry and one must have smelled food in my house and tried to break in, a 12 gauge slug to the head at 10 yards changed his mind real quick.
  19. That is a Southern Tier Mt. Lion fir sure, Thank God you finally got a Pic of one, sure will put all those Rumors that the DEC let them out years ago to control the Deer population to rest,,,finally!
  20. I lived in Northern Maine for 10 Years from 1995-2005, I have been on Numerous hunts with friends who were lucky enough to get a permit. Moose hunting up near Caribou Maine is pretty easy with a very high success rate. Moose are Very big and Very Dumb animals. Hang around any huge Broccoli field and they will be there, there are 100.000 ac of woods, swamps, and fields to hunt. Be ready to work you butt off after the shot, these animals go from 500lbs to well over 1000lbs and if you go to Alaska they are even bigger there. The locals all have low boy trailers with winches, no lifting required!
  21. Well, just an update, Last Sunday I went and drove around Yellow Barn State Park and Hammond Hill State Park. Both look Promising, Hopefully I can find a nice spot to hang a tree stand far off the beaten path where it wont get stolen. I want to start scouting however there is still a lot of green and still looks pretty thick in the woods.
  22. I start getting the itch about 100 days out, cooler mornings, leaves changing, soon the honkers will be flying south. Can't wait to be in my Treestand November 18th!
  23. They made up like a year later, but the fact that she told me and my son, Her Grandson that we couldn't hunt because of their Drama really hurt. You see my son and I are the only ones who live near the Farm and we are there anytime they need wood cut, split, stacked, hay bailed, fences fixed, tractors fixed, and so on, and on,
  24. The Mother in law told me that she was allowing her other son in law to hunt the property this year, however when I called him about it he had no idea what I was talking about. Even though over the years we have let this pass I still will never forgive her and my pride wont let me go back to ever ask her again.
  25. About 10 years ago my Wife and her mother got into a scuff, and somehow I was asked not to hunt her Prime 40 ac of deer heaven. Since then I Hunted Land Owned by Cornell University, I scouted many years and found the perfect spot and harvested many deer. Now this year Cornell has closed almost all their hunting land because of lack of Funding, (baloney I say) so here I am 85 days from Opening day in the southern tier starting from scratch. There are other places to hunt in my local area, King Ferry Co-op, Hammond Hill state park, Yellow Barn State park, and if all fails I can hunt Connecticut Hill. I keep saying to myself that this might be a blessing in disguise and I might find a spot that is so saturated in deer that I might limit out opening day.
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