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Everything posted by dbHunterNY

  1. yea saw an email from DEC on that earlier. play stupid games and you'll get stupid prizes.
  2. i had a similar hit angle but farther foward on one doe. she was alert and spun at the shot making the angle much worse than i thought. there was plenty of blood and didn't go far but may have been from the entry into a lung. there's arteries in the hind quarter that will bleed though. you guys may have missed a little blood along the way tracking but it's there. how much of a blood trail you get seeing a particular hit doesn't always make sense.
  3. click bait for sure. a lot of other celebrities truly hunt and fish like crazy that aren't on the list. athletes from NBA, MLB, NFL, and UFC all hunt and fish. hell some athletes and even actors like Tom Seleck host outdoor TV shows. name a country singer guy or girl and they most likely they hunt.
  4. i use slogan outdoors ultraflex slings. they're tight swivel to swivel so they don't really swing around but are elastic enough the stretch to put it over your should or both shoulders to treat it like a pack. http://sloganoutdoors.com/index.html there's people who have tried stealing the design but this one is the original. made in USA and guaranteed no matter what.
  5. Probably one of three things.... Probably trumped by the last two but had big buck encounter in dark. Opening morning before daylight I was crossing hay field with a low powered head lamp on my head. Had eyes of deer faint in distance. One set came closer and closer to check me out. As the deer cautiously stepped into the dim light working straight toward me it turned out to be a hit list buck. Kept coming and at less than 10 yards I thought I might get charged antlers down. It took one hop out of light, eyes stopped in darkness, and i continued walking while it stayed there. gun opener dad was out. Has not seriously hunted in while. Petty trigger happiness and "screw everyone else. I got my buck" mentality made him lose interest in years past. We could actually watch deer now without fields getting cleared by gunfire at first legal thing that steps out. Finally I took my 2.5 yr old out "hunting". Lots of deer sightings and snacking happened on that trip.
  6. just don't let someone else's time and effort put in effect your own standards based on your own schedule. i know of half a dozen people that took awesome deer, but they have been laid off and hunting every day. i was lucky to get 1 evening or morning sit per weekend this year and no vacation time to spare for hunting. matter of fact the buck i wanted the most this year came into the set i'd planned on hunting and had a pattern for. i had other stuff going on where my schedule changed though and i couldn't hunt that evening. i got cam photos of him coming in, prancing around in front of, and leaving my stand upwind. he was well within bow range and way before last light. also it was gun season. can't beat yourself up. everyone's situation is different so just do what you can to improve your situation. don't worry what others are taking.
  7. my standards are higher than others where i hunt. i don't fill buck tags every year. i practice coming to full draw with my finger safely behind the trigger on almost anything i can legally take. it gives me some experience without shooting it. also i do as others suggested, which is filling doe tags. i only fill them where needed but actually releasing an arrow on a deer successfully is important. deer do crazy things when shot at with an arrow that you only figure out with experience. also real world experience tracking deer helps you actually recover it based on what you experienced happening when it was shot. then you have the fulfillment and confidence from actually getting something and having something to show for your efforts.
  8. Elite Synergy's are nice there was a ton of them this past year on Ebay. Now they're hard to find.
  9. i think that probably won't happen anytime soon.
  10. i don't care how skill a hunter is. he or she can't kill a caliber of buck that's simply not there. this buck was killed there in an area with antler restrictions and it's a potential state record that's knocking on the door of 200". that is by far bigger than what one could expect anywhere in the country. i haven't looked into it but logic would tell me it wasn't the only older buck there and all the others are young bucks. it'd also be willing to bet that the general hunting population wouldn't think all the rest are "scrub" antlered bucks either.
  11. i wasn't implying you were an immigrant. i was implying that those immigrants that went through the process to gain citizenship earned it much more than you or i who got it simply by default by being born here. i know a lot of those individuals who want a better path to citizenship for those trying to get it after them. they also despise illegal immigrants with no intentions of gaining citizenship as well as those who take theirs for granted.
  12. more people shoot closer to 60lbs then a full 70lbs. draw length for that bow is adjustable so you're good there. a bow set at 60lbs for a max versus a bow turned down to 60 lbs from a max of 70lbs will perform better.
  13. craigslist probably not. however, every bow i've bought on ebay has come from a shop just not one local to you. ebay provides you with feed back. a shop will be moving lots of stuff and have lots of feeback to go on. give it a look. bargain bows tend to show up and in great numbers on there especially now with newer bows all being out in a month or so (after ATA show). that means they tend to be cheap. they all will kill deer.
  14. i know for a fact they don't have actual deer carcass tags there. however, in wildlife management areas (not what we call WMUs) like the one this buck was taken in there's mandatory reporting via a check station. it's not always manned but all the tools needs to check the deer in are there for the hunters use to do it by themselves.
  15. because i didn't run out of popcorn..... http://www.wideopenspaces.com/another-possible-state-record-buck-taken-public-land-mississippi/ here's some public land with state mandated spread based antler restrictions that produced a B&C buck that could break the state record. antler restrictions with exemptions for youth hunters to help maintain a balanced herd and improved age structure. check station for mandatory reporting of every deer for accountable realistic deer herd management. sounds like they're doing it right. more public land should be this way if states want a better experience hunting for hunters and to ensure the deer herd will be around and well in the future. isn't bigger than a vast amounts of public land we have access to here in NY either.
  16. i know of a lot of immigrants from Mexico and other countries that went through all the BS and accepted the process to get US citizenship. they don't condone mass deportation but people have to be vested in the process with intentions of gaining citizenship. those like yourself who just had it handed to them from the start with a sense of entitlement and no appreciation for what it takes to earn citizenship they just assume deport to the middle of ocean without a passport. nothing against you personally or your voting choices. however, your desires to have this country be a suck hole for everything and anything with no appreciation for what's made and what will keep this country what it is, I'm sure befuddles even the most patriotic and scholarly shrink.
  17. definitely do not have the build for strongman endeavors. that stuff is way better than any machine linear motion weight lifting equipment i learned as long as you use a belt and do things right so you don't pull or tear something. office job has killed me and don't live on the farm anymore to do as much though. when i was more into weight training my dad thought it was a joke and i just ended up with more work on the farm. lost two pant sizes and gained 25 lbs when i thought i was already in shape. about killed me though. mornings i felt like a 100 year old man until started putting my body to work for an hour or so to loosen back up. hay ground was always the primary focus on the farm. dad always used to say wear and tear on equipment was not good. hay bale elevators and chutes to get hay into the barn took too long to setup. rock picking equipment for hundreds of acres of hay ground to be replanted was too expensive to rent. his justification for such nonsense was he had two boys for a reason.
  18. way to get it done! people who routinely fill tags make it work for less than perfect situations. congrats!
  19. yea i've been into it hard... lol.... dusted off half a dozen 45 lb plates earlier in the year to check my deer scale calibration. most they've moved since summer. bar is still laying on the basement floor mat. i think the treadmill sees use. all the clothes on it seem to be staying leaner than i. couple more hoodies and it might blow out a shock though and need repairs. effort's coming but no promises. someone should start a fitness activity thread similar to the first shots bow thread.
  20. i've taken doe over 8.5 years old to as young as 1.5 years old with a doe taste/meat seems to be minimally different as long as they're both healthy and not healing from injury or something. i'm with some others about disruption of doe family groups patterns using your property by shooting certain matriarch doe where you shouldn't. for population control any adult doe is fair game but know you're basically trying to lower the average doe harvest age with the assumption that it falls in line with quantities of what age doe are available to shoot. if a particular doe on a pattern is always busting you despite changing up your hunting and stand locations a little. it'll improve your hunting to take her so other deer can come in relaxed, not the same way or from the same spot she came in to bust you.
  21. anything 4.5 yrs and older. typically what i try to shoot for but anything 1.5+ years old is fair game. oldest one i took was something over 8.5 yrs old. in hind sight i should've kept her whole jaw bone and sent in incisors. for years i've been curious to know a more exact age. not all doe are the same size for the same age. i've seen them differ by 50 lbs. skeletal proportions, other physical characteristics like that square flat brisket, and what they're doing give you a decent idea of them being relatively older or younger. this season i've taken doe that range from 3.5-4.5 yrs old. a little lower than normal for me. they were actually not as heavy but all carried fawns. shot early enough in the season and they all were not dry but producing milk. i passed an older doe this season with a rifle on opening day. she and her fawn call the pocket of timber home that my stand was in. both were abnormally heavy. she sat down wind for over an hour within bow range. was alert but never blew or ran off any other deer. different doe came into my set and did everything possible to figure things out and make a fuss. she didn't make out so well. i can't expect to breed weight and stupidity but what the heck. i'm sure it doesn't hurt.
  22. no sucker punch.... they'll see it coming. follow up punches too for every 10 yards they watch it coming through their scope, because the safety is on and/or they think the gun is unloaded.
  23. Manage to spend a week in Punta Cana (Dominican Rep) and another in Florida on the gulf. Family vacations during deer season. My wife could be onto something or her power of persuasion is stronger than i thought.
  24. unless a fat lady is singing and grazing out in the picked corn field behind my house and early enough before i have to leave for work in the AM, then it's over. lol
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