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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by SteveB

  1. So your opinion is the only right one - got it.
  2. Actually I don't believe he supports it mandatory - more nuetral I would say as it is far from the best method to get 1.5's to live another year in much of the state. My opinion only.
  3. You can hunt closer now - just need to get permission 1st. 150 ft is well within the range a hit deer can travel. Means that even if they lowered the distance you would still need permission eventually to recover a deer. So to hunt that close, you would need prior permission. If a landowner is willing to grant it, then most likely they would grant permission to hunt closer then the current 500 ft. Anyone thinking that lower it to 150 ft to hunt a suburban area the 500 ft keeps them out of, had better be ready to knock on lot's of doors prior to hunting to get recovery rights or prep for the confrontations that will occur.
  4. Their elk season is a lottery draw with a few handfull of tags. Colorado seasons are more split and confusing then NY with draw tags for almost all species and weapons. Not unusaual for even residents to not be able to hunt near where they live for game of their choice with their weapon choice for years.
  5. With all due respect, I am not searching the DEC website for things others have posted. The above charts are another example of meaningless %'s without the real numbers to show where they where combined. No nead to be afraid to ask anything but I'd rather wait to repost or pm you my nyb story when I know who you are other then a forum handle.
  6. Still would like to see the links - not an edited copy and paste - to the actual numbers posted for prw and now AR. Any %'s without the numbers they based on mean little to nothing.
  7. It couldn't be placed in any season before this year as it was not a legal hunting impliment for whatever strange, foolish reason. A longbow and a modern 30" compound with 80% (actually up to 99%) letoff that can only be shot with a trigger (release) are at best 4th cousins to each other. A compound and a crossbow are more like fraternal twins. I'll support crossbows in guns seasons only, if compounds are moved there only as well. 2 seasons would be fine by me - all archery (longbw/recurve, compound and crossBOW) in bow, and guns (shotgun, rifle and mz) in gun season. Probably too simple an idea to be accepted by most.
  8. Recurve and compound, I shoot ACC's for hunting. Target and friendly 3D are Goldtips.
  9. I'd like to see the link. Those numbers are not even close to the chart I have somewhere. Not saying they are not true - just the first time anything like that has been posted. Hunt Cayuga county, 7j and h. If we post this, and I use my name as well, then posting affliations and NY clubs and associations would be pertinent as well. Me - see the signature - no other state orgs or clubs at this time.
  10. Percentages mean nothing - going from 1 to 2 is a 100% increase. What are the actual numbers of 1.5 and older both before and now. These are the real facts and can't mislead like %'s. And 2.5 is not an adult. Deer aren't mature until 4.5 minimum.
  11. We all need dreams. ;D Out the door in a few for a 5 hr ride and setup.
  12. There are several around the state - I'll post the schedule next year. Just did one last week in Boston, NY - should be near you. Another one coming in Brockport - 7/30 and Rochester 7/16. http://www.brockportbbqfest.com/ http://www.rochesterevents.com/festivals-events/big-rib-bbq-blues-fest
  13. Not selling Q - just sauces and seasonings - w/samples. I'll let you try the "promise it's not hot" sauce.
  14. Look for me in the Butler's tent - I'll be the one who looks like a little less BBQ might be a good thing.
  15. Still looking for those actual before and after harvest numbers used to promote the per centages.
  16. About the same most likely. Few of the states ranking higher have AR restrictions.
  17. Working. Vendor at the The I Love Barbeque Festival in Lake Placid. http://www.ilbbqf.com/
  18. I would like to see the real, actual numbers - percentages don't always tell the whole story. How many of those 80% of "saved" 1.5's are being taken as 2.5 and older?With percentages, you could be "saving" 500 1.5's and only adding 50 to the number of 2.5 and older. Real numbers and not percentages is the only way to tell what is going on for real.
  19. Please go crawl under a rock where you belong... You don't even reference the post your referring to..... Not that it matters because all of your comments are worthless. And after 6 months under your rock, you crawled out to make that meaningful, inciteful post?
  20. Same here - would like to see some of the "plenty of others" pics. Thanks
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