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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by SteveB

  1. John - again that has not been my intent. Busy day - will try to explain in more depth later. I will say that less then 4 years ago, I felt as strongly against crossbows as anyone here. Thanks for keeping it civil and letting your thoughts be known. This medium often makes it easy to have intent misread.
  2. Well Doc - what do you expect when someone pulls crap like this out of the air personally accusing someone of a vested interest who has been 100% honest?
  3. The Judge is a close 2nd - i think it has a shorter BH though.
  4. Got that backwards. Should be: He's just a man using hunting, shooting etc, to have fame and fortune come his way. Great self promoter whose most every move is calculate to get him paid. He screwed up with this one. He supports no second chances for lawbreakers - guess that means other then himself. Anyone so loudly supporting law and order has no business going hunting without knowing the laws. And no responsible hunter goes afield without knowing what animals are legal to take.
  5. Number 1 seller by a wide margin at my local shop, Greg's Archery. The GT500 is the hot one.
  6. I never even hinted at that. I am always curious about the equipment those who say they don't want bowhunting to be easier choose. I'm sure you know now there are bows called compounds and recurves. Those choosing to learn more about archery and it's greater challanges might take a look at them. That is the equipment that the bowseasons where started with.
  7. Then why are not the compound shooters using thumb rings? How common was the use of thumb rings or other releases when the bow seasons where started here? The near universal use of ones with triggers evolved from bows being used that all but impossible (or just too hard for most to bother) to shoot with fingers. The string angle and light holding weight of a less then 40" ATA compound takes far too much work for most to bother. They simply go the easy route with a trigger - if anyone uses a thumbring on a 32"ATA compound, I have never seen or heard of it.
  8. A mix of windex or windshield cleaner and alcohol makes a great swap for T7 - especialy if your rifle is prone to a crud ring in front of the breech plug. Simple Green makes a great cleaner as well. I generally only use water when cleaning at the end of the season and that is a boiling water bath followed by alchol and then dry patches until sqeeky clean and completely dry. Apply fav gun oil while still hot and get great coverage.
  9. CNY - let us know what kind of load you plan to shoot. Some things may need additional cleaning occasionaly then water.
  10. But all but a few use a trigger to shoot their compound. Why is that?
  11. Hey Chevy - how is that project going where you where going to identify and back up your claim I have a hidden agenda? Seeing as I have no idea what is is, I really need your astute help in finding it. Oh and just to help you get it straight, I do not claim the the compound device should not be in the bow season or do I want it moved. I simply point out if a modern compound bow is allowed, there is zero reason for the crossbow to not be allowed as well. I either meant to ask or have asked you why you choose to shoot and hunt with a compound. Care to share why that is your choice rather then a recurve or longbow? Thanks for helping.
  12. With that logic, any "bow" that needs a trigger to shoot should be in the gun season as well.
  13. http://www.adorama.com/SIS334R.html?sid=1282137612179053 http://www.kandkonlinestore.com/items/products-/hunting~fishing/archery/browns-archery-bow-scope-mount-detail.htm Plus I know several who use 2 power target scopes with a peep clarifier as well for hunting.
  14. They are available for compounds - lets put them there as well.
  15. Another scripted reality show billed as a real competition. Aren't there enough of that crap?
  16. Without a legitimate poll of all hunters, how do we know how many truley want it?
  17. Doulos covered it - no such thing as seasoning a modern barrel. And borebutter is a rust inhibitor - not a rust prohibitor. Patch lube is about all it should be used for.
  18. Hunting the bowseason with a recurve does not make me an archery hunter because I support the right's of others to hunt with a crossbow or even a compound? Again, I choose a recurve - what do you use? Have no idea what a x-gun is. I do support the inclusion of archery weapons that are over 2400 years old. I even support those like the compound that are only 40 years old. You claim to read but don't have a clue. Again, I hunt the bowseason with a real bow with a history of 1000's of years. I use an inline for regular season and mz. I have no personal need for anything else. Thanks for including the Oh stats - if you go back to the start of them allowing the crossbow, you will find the bowseason has increased in size allowing all bowhunters regardless of weapon choice more opportunity. They even had to add a few days to the gun seasoon last year because the bowhunters aren't getting it done for management. You posted proof that adding crossbow did nothing in Oh to shorten the season as you claim has to happen. Apparently it is you have never bowhunted or you would know that deer don't pose in the spot you have picked for them. My back will be fine - as least as far as lifting a crossbow I don't have or have any plans for. But I do hope you are careful in all that self back slapping you are doing. In otherwords, you have no factual rebutals and will quit. That usually happens when all you have is emotion and unsupported opinion - something the lurkers will certainely see threw easily. Trying to continualy twist my support of allowing others their choice of archery equipment even though I have zero interest in using one clearly shows you are dealing with the guilt of your selfishness - poorly. Only someone so self centered as you appear could not see there are those that might support a cause for the good of others.
  19. Because your point is simply another emotional guess and opinion (which you say are worthless) until you post some stat's backing it up from states that have similar conditions as NY and have allowed the crossbow in all archery seaons. My point is, being against something soley on the basis it might have an unproven advantage (remember no opinion or emotion) while accepting hunting methods that allow the similar alleged advantage is plain hypocritical. Demonstrate to us how positioning for a shot with a crossbow when the deer doesn't walk to the exact spot (think shooting to the right or behind a tree with a bow needing some 18" horizontal clearance) would be any easier to not get busted then drawing a compound with <10 lbs holding wght.
  20. And trying to move a crossbow into position when the deer does not come into the same position that you have it resting will most likely get you busted as well. And since a ground blind hides the draw completly (over the hmp to that massive 5lb hold wght) , they should be taken out of the bowseason.
  21. So "Hunter" - still waitng your reply as to when we are getting together with our recurves to show me how bad a shot I must be because I support the use of crossbows for? I want to see how accurate someone shooting a real bow is when they are anti crossbow.
  22. In that case, I am sure that you support getting rid of shoot thru ground blinds and tree stands. Both extremeley effective methods to hide the draw. Might add any bow with letoff also - greater the let off, the easier to draw and hold while the deers head is hidden and wait for the shot.
  23. Other then the AR (and I do that on a personal level) same plan I have - sounds like a great one. Good Luck!!!!
  24. Not a fan at all of such common sense things being made mandatory. But on the other hand, if I see a jar on the store counter seeking support for someone falling not using basic safety equipment, my money stays in my pocket. I don't support the need for foolish laws, but don't support fools either.
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