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Four Season Whitetail's

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Everything posted by Four Season Whitetail's

  1. Check your cob's..They are hard. Will be doing High Moisture soon. This year will be early for everything!
  2. Its pretty simple if they own enough property.
  3. X2 Most times if a doe is in season the mature buck of the area will be following her so close that if she stops quick he will get stink nose. I have had bucks come thru 5-10-15 minutes after other deer have but i believe that was just natural movement. Unless your doe to buck ratio is totally skewed to favor does. a doe in season will most likely have a buck on her heels. If you want meat and the doe- Pick a hair!
  4. Had that problem one time not to far from ya. Problem solved!
  5. CWD does suck and i also believe its been around forever. It is the same prion as Scrapies in sheep. There is a live test for CWD that has proven itself to be 85% accurate but thr USDA will not accept that as a viable test for deer farmers because its not 100%. Well the funny thing is..We have to Tb test or herds every 3 years and that test is only 70% accurate and they are fine with that. All these states that are bringing in Elk from CWD positive states and Untested states are using this live test before they bring them in and they are calling them CWD tested animals. Funny how that works. This was just another shot taken by some to try and stop or atleast slow down the growth of Deer Farms and High Fence hunting...Didnt work again! Now they claim they want to stop the spread of CWD so they outlaw the use of deer urine from farms. Now there has never been a documented case of the CWD prion being found in any whitetail urine in the wild or fenced and that includes 100% brain and Node positive animals? Strange Huh? But on the other hand there is 100% proof of the prion being found in Corn and Alfalfa yet they do nothing to stop big Ag and stop the harvesting and sales of corn and hay from any CWD positive states? Strange Huh? The corn on you local Agway store very well could be loaded with the prions after being harvested for Wisconsin and you but it to feed deer,cows,chickens,whatever and you just threw CWD prions all over the ground in your own backyard to infect that land for the next 16 plus years! Strange Huh?
  6. Well Jack..If you were bright enough to know that QDMA is about the only group pushing QDM that may help you a bit. As far as CWD and QDMA they were they most vocal about how it was going to kill everything yet do nothing to help. Typical from a group of a few people getting fat off of others. As far as your sniffing comment you may want to take a little bit of your own advice but maybe i will keep a closer eye on things and see what other posts i can sniff around on. Sounds like a swell time. Just an FYI...QDM is a joke in Ny state because 99% of the people dont have enough land to even have a slight impact. So good luck trying to push that stupid idea!
  7. Yes ask them about their funding towards a CWD vaccine? They scream to the moon and back about this stuff but seem to keep the checkbook pretty tight.
  8. Well i would not run off so fast. I understand the concern but after 60 years and nothing how long do you run scared and ruin peoples lives over a..What If? If what if was going to happen dont you think 60 years would have shown something? The thing i dont get about you science guys is that you report on something you made.Lets take whitetail urine...You white coats inject CWD prions into urine and then into a mouse and make him positive. Yet there has never been a case of the CWD prion found in a natural growing whitetail. Even 100% proven node and brain positive whitetails yet nothing in the urine. Now i get the jist of this but i bet you could inject that mouse with something to force hair growth and it would grow a beard. This what if this and what if that is a scare tactic used by those with agendas and they get their ammo from your research. Nobody wants CWD and wishes that man would have left things alone and quit playing with mother nature. Remember one thing...It was your white coats that made this prion way back when with Scrapies in sheep and it just jumped to deer and givin a new name. Science is important no doubt but when after 40-60 years does one say enough is enough? I believe if you look at a few states like Wisconsin they have already said it and the federal Govt said it way back when after they pulled all funding. Ebola Anyone!
  9. Good advice if he has deer around him. Cant attract what is not there. We have about 900 acres here and no does get shot until late season. I like alot of does on the property and in doing so i have mature bucks chasing does across corn and bean fields in broad daylight. A Lot! Very rarely do we step in the woods without seeing deer. Keep the food, Keep the ladies and you will have great hunting.
  10. I can tell you when the rut is on in my pens, The rut is on in the wild! Yes have some come in early..Late October but for the most part its the 2nd and 3rd weeks in November that the magic happens here.
  11. Yes and No...Yes you be cautious but not to the point of ruining peoples lives over something that the so called experts cant even agree on and one of which the disease itself has shown and proven itself as to what it is....Something that deer can contract and die from! But facts also show that 99.9% of deer will never live long enough to die from it. Prevent a disaster you say? Really! After 60 years of having no ill effects on land, animal or man you speak of disaster? Opinions are made of facts and truths. No disrespect but to try and get us to believe that scientist do not know about how big deer farming is all across the country and the numbers involved as they study this stuff tells me they have not done all their homework. Sorry...Cant swallow that one! Whats your thoughts of all these prions being spread all across the country in every truck load of Corn and Alfalfa that comes out of every one of these CWD positive states?
  12. Yeah no shite...Must not ever watch the tube or read the paper. When the time is right and the mood strikes..Bingo. Point is you now watch over your shoulder for the rest of your life for maybe sticking your nose in someone else's business. If they dont come knocking on your life then let it be.
  13. There you have it. To bring my deer in and to cink them so all fawns hit the ground around the same time. We call them Cidr's They stop the cycle of the doe, in for 14 days, pull Cidr and give her a shot of Pmsg, Breed 58-63 hours later.
  14. And you most likely are right and the day will come when he wants to even the score. Hope he is not to much of a redneck!
  15. I can show you a handful in 6G and 8M.. They lease out for bow and opening of shotgun and then the family hunts as they please. Big money only wants the property for a couple 3 weeks and they dont step back into the woods. they kill their shooter bucks and whatever does and back to the city they go. I have had the offer myself. Guys with money that dont hunt alot spends massive amounts of cash to lock down great land for their week or two of hunting.
  16. Losing leases...Thats a good one. Money talks and farmers that lease their land for high dollars could care less what they do as long as they write the check. The farmer may have others come in and may kill some himself but to rip up a big check...Yeah Right!
  17. Looks like us bow guys will get pretty much to whole rutting season. By the time shotgun rolls around things will be played out somewhat.
  18. Funny i see many of these sights on Letchworth every opening day. And i dont believe people are putting drives on? How many have shot a buck after it was jumped or shot at by someone else first. Not much diff...
  19. Count me in. Always wanted to do that but i would bring my smokepole or 300Wby Mag. Love to bowhunt but if i had a one time chance at Canada it would be in the middle of winter and i would want to be able to score on that big dark antlered 300lbs brute.
  20. Always and a little pat on the backside!
  21. LOL I have seen the same...Minus the tree. When you get the real doe in estrus in her 58-62 hour breeding window you will see bucks come out of their skin. I will not bad mouth any scent collector but many claim to have it and some may get lucky and get a little bit when they collect does together but most of it gets diluted by the volume of other urine. When i have a doe in front of me,about to artificial breed her during her breeding window and i syringe out the fluids collected in front of her cervix i now have the most powerful buck attractant known to man. Thats what i and my close friends use and thats how the scent above is collected. It is pricey because it is very limited in amounts.
  22. LOL..It is pricey. The show is interesting really. Kinda shows the in's and out's of the whole whitetail thing. Living the dream for sure!
  23. You wont find anything better. Laugh and joke all ya want and i am right there with ya but when it comes to hunting and using something that really works and is from real deer then this is it. Paula if you really want to see your scent being made and the farm it comes from then switch on the Sportsman Channel #605 for me Sunday at 5pm and watch ConQuest 200. The farm is in Michigan.
  24. Works for me! BUT..When you have made repeated calls..The first 2 with out even a reply. that there is middle of the night killing going on and they do nothing, That will give ya sour grapes for awhile. I have a military base across the road of a dark road and have went as far as sitting in a treestand, have a shiner come down the road shinning the field and i click my light on and shine back at him. That will make a light go out quick and a truck speed up. lol Perfect spot for the dummy deer but they have no time! You can bank on an overnight kill on that road the first night that snow blankets that field. Year in and year out. One fella must have got real scared and drug one for 100 yards towards the road and then left it in the middle of the field.
  25. Yeah i would give up also. You are so two faced on here its a joke. I can show you a handful of mice on this site that tell the truth and then i can show you a few two faced ones that are either virgins and saints. Yeah i guess so!
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