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Four Season Whitetail's

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Everything posted by Four Season Whitetail's

  1. Gotta have a bumper crop of mothers before you can have a bumper crop of babies. Most of Ny wont have that problem again next year. Yes the ones that make it thru hunting season will enjoy the weather but it wont repopulate a failing herd. Maybe in the 8's but i dont think even those areas are over populated!
  2. Yup Ny is following right behind every other state that no longer have a whitetail population to speak of. Yes some private lands have some deer but there may as well be a fence around them because the average guy cant touch them. Most State lands will be void of hunters because the deer have been decimated. The writing is and has been on the wall.
  3. Not yet for me. Saw prob the 2nd biggest buck in my life, in the wild, during the last week of bow. Just a brute of a 5 by 8 prob 140 maybe 150 area. He was just a huge 10 with 2 stickers and a 3-4 inch drop on his left. Deer of a lifetime for sure at 50 yards in the thickest crap possible. I believe that boy is still alive and well and now again spends his days at the bottom of the Hogsback. Really sucks when bow ends for sure. Besides that my buddy took a great 9 point pushing 120 opening day and his dad of failing years took a nice 5pt, His first in many years. It was nice to have Cusehunter on this site join us down at the cabin this year and he got to enjoy one of the rope trips with us, lol One of the easier ones and he was like....Wow, I broke a sweat on that trip. We could have taken 3 park legal bucks on that trip but nothing either of us wanted. I would guess in 10 days i passed at least 8 legal bucks and had 3 shooters..In my book...at 20 to 50 yards and either does,young bucks or thick briers screwed me up. All in all it was another great trip and i saw piles of deer on the park and cant wait for our late season last couple days of shotgun/Muzzy week trip. Come on SNOW!
  4. Why waste money on cam's? You are seeing deer, You need to work on your hunting skills per say.. move your stands, Build some ground blinds. Whatever it takes to get you closer to them!
  5. Page 9 Ft Drum buck called our place home a few days of his life. Knew he was big but was thinking 150's big not 170's. What a buck he is and a pile of other beast's taken this year.
  6. Way,Way high if 1 other person can step on that property with you?
  7. I would just walk over and bust it like a deer did it. leave the 2 ends tied to the tree's. A real dickhead will see a deer went thru and put up another piece of tape.
  8. Did up a couple does yesterday. Loaded with fat.
  9. Great Buck and look at the wind blowing that grass behind him. Wind dont bother that dude on a mission!
  10. The one who made the dog shit comment. Seems to make alot of those kind of posts as of late!
  11. Your first 7 words are the root of your problems. Using before the time is right will screw you every time. I believe just like on the farm that it takes the first few to come in before the whole area is saturated with the smell of love and accepted as normal.
  12. I am laying in my bunk right now just outside Letchworth. Next 10 days its game on. Saw 6 bucks tonight between my watch and driving off the park at dark/ They are on their feet.
  13. Hey wait a second here...I think i may have a dog in this fight at 52? And as Biz would say...I still have the haircut to prove it.
  14. 5:35 and mother nature says you cant shoot most nights. Pretty fine line there Culv...
  15. There are just as many, if not more, Hunters that sit until they cant see to shoot than ones that watch the clock tick to the last second. I have even heard of deer taken by the hunter still siting that was pushed by the guy that got up 15-20 minutes before dark to leave. In this day people will do whatever they want to do regardless of some of the stupid laws on the books. We hunt an animal that is most active at the time a state says you cant hunt, Kinda makes it tough at times!
  16. I agree! Much shorter seasons and no guns during the rut.
  17. Yep i myself love looking at all the great bucks taken in Ny even though i dont post to many of mine. I take a big whitetail and it automatically comes back to my farm so most of my bigger deer are just seen by friends i hunt with and family. Ny is starting to show what kind of deer can be had here with just a little age. Great site to showcase those bucks!
  18. Dont tell him that....I hear he sings like Tweety!
  19. Just use 1 and keep your shots at 30 or less and problem solved. 1 pin takes alot of what can go wrong out of the picture!
  20. Straight from the cervix of a doe in her 58-63 hour breeding cycle. Doe in heat lure may have very little of this fluid in the mix because it is mixed with urine. If she is in true heat. Most is a shot in the dark and much of the urine sold is just that, Urine. A younger buck will react to about any urine but for a mature buck to pay any attention to it you better think Pheromone's!
  21. People will buy anything to try and kill a big buck. There is only 1 true scent that will draw a mature buck in. Period! Younger deer will stop at smell rat Pizzz at this time of year. Very few know the real deal with scents.
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