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Four Season Whitetail's

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Everything posted by Four Season Whitetail's

  1. Yup i am sure it will..if you get lucky enough to hit that 3 inch circle..How many have you wounded and lost over the years doing these stupid shots at running deer that you jump while still hunting? Or do you hunt the deer that jump out of bed and lift their tail so you can throw a 220grain stiff one up their arse? I dont care what you say..That shot is more than tough on a standing deer and you say you do it to them while still hunting and jumping them? Would love to see a video of your shooting at a moving target of the likes of that sometime to see the % of hits in that 3 inch circle.
  2. I agree but do you take those bad shots over and over again and see no problem with that or do you learn from them and wait the next time for an ethical killing shot with less chance of failure?
  3. Lets say you pull the shot one way or the other and blow half the ham off that great buck with that big magnum and he runs off to infect and die a nasty death. That 5lbs of meat would not matter much then huh? That shot is the most unethical shot there is and for anyone to take that shot over and over and say they have not blown the ass off a deer and lost it i call..BullShit!
  4. Yeah Really..and by the sounds of it some do it over and over on purpose. I know it will kill them but i also know that in the heat of the moment a bullet can hit an inch or three off target and blow a deers arse apart and never see that deer again. I am sure we would not hear about those shots though.
  5. Such is hunting. You may have took the first buck in the antler. I did that once on a long shot in a swaying treestand years ago as a youngster. Knock him silly, he flipped around, did circles on the ground while laying on his side using just his rear legs, it was a site to see. Lucky for me the 9ptr was following a doe across a field towards me and as he regained his composer he continued coming right towards me and i finished the deal with the little 243. Only knew what i did after i grabbed the left antler to start dragging. I had him mounted with the bullet hole. In your case you are in good shape as it sounds like you are just starting out and you are in an area with numbers of whitetails. Get right back out there after them. It will happen in due time but like the other guys said..The Texas Heart Shot is not the way to get your first trophy. It will kill a whitetail every time but way to risky 99.9% of the time. Good Luck!
  6. Between Northern tier property and Southern tier property and other hunting spots i have 17 hang on's along with 2 each ladders and climbers. Nice to have stands in place at the best locations when its time to hunt.
  7. Awesome buck. Love those short faces!
  8. Well i had 3 different bucks picked out that i would take during the last week of bow and saw 2 of them a couple different times during that week. I stuck around for opening day and low and behold one of the 3 shows up at 715 Saturday morning, The only problem was he went from a nice 130ish 5 by 5 to a nice 5 pointer. Sometime between Tuesday and then he must have met up with one of the other 2 that were running around down there. I know some say that AR does not work but after about 20 years of hunting the same place i can say that it sure seems to be changing the age structure down there. Many nice 2 year old bucks running willy-nilly across the roads and some real,real nice mature bucks. Good news is that i now have ownership in a nice camp in Pike with a few acres to go along with the farm land on the Mt Morris end of the park. I will be spending the rest of the hunting weekends down in that area.
  9. Yes go back and look at post#22 I was picking up my new Great Pyrenees puppy sunday afternoon and the guy was telling me it was opening day with the new rifle law but Grow says it was a muzzy shot? Not real sure of all of it.
  10. Yup i agree but you say that sitting over a bait pile is hunting because the law says so. Shooting fish(Bear) in/on a barrel if you will? Hunting? Not in these eye's. But Legal. Cant wait for this live test to come down the line to prove once and for all on the transportation/disease thing and then you will kinda have to support the high fence guys( Your words remember...Its Legal!) or will things change then?
  11. Come on up! 5-6 inches and total whiteout. Calling for 2 feet in my neck of the woods and 4 feet up on the hill. Will be over Wednesday afternoon they say!
  12. Yes and some like to argue that AR does not work. I myself saw 3 different shooters that i believe were 31/2 plus and all 3 were broken up. The one i was chasing during bow hit the bottom at 7am Saturday morning but the only problem was that sometime from Monday afternoon and Saturday he removed his right side antler at the burr. It will only get better in the years to come.
  13. In whom's eye's? This goes more on hunters thoughts on other hunters! After all it was you and all the other hunters that heard the shots, not peta or any other group. This is why i believe Belo is spot on. Its the so called hunters that come out for the first weekend to kill anything they see regardless of where it is, whom's property they do it on and whether its a legal time of day doing it. They do in a way give the sport a bad name but they more so piss of the hunters that try and do things the way they should be done.
  14. Yes and like they are better at taking care of that problem then hunters would be? If you see them on your property you would do yourself a service of taking them out asap. Regardless of what the white shirts say, Will they return your property back to the condition it was before the pigs showed up if you let them live? I would not bet on it!
  15. Nah just keeping it clear that you think any kind of hunting is fine regardless of where as long as it is legal and you support all as such!
  16. I was talking to a guy down in Livingston Cty and he said he knew of an incident of a rifle hunter hitting a house. First day of the new rifle law and bam..Damage done!
  17. Do you mean the same way you feel about high fence hunters?
  18. Easy 20-30 minutes of light on each side of those numbers and from the sounds of it from where i sat, Many,Many hunters use that extra light at each end of the day.
  19. Point is that its proven daily that big whitetails are a huge selling point and states and people living in those states can do huge things with a DEC or DNR that knows how to manage those animals. We need AR,Shorter gun seasons, 1 buck per hunter per year and manditory check in stations with all unused tags mailed back in. Then we may have the start of a good deer hunting state!
  20. So you are telling me that those weekend warriors are not out after the biggest buck in their area? We all are in for the good time but if you get them to tell the truth they will tell you they are after a monster but will settle for a smaller one. the real trophy hunter will eat tag soup before killing a young buck
  21. Ahh Surprise,Surprise..Good ole Steve.. So you are that lost that you dont believe that hunting is already money driven. Most Ny hunters did not and will not give up hunting because of Ar being put in place. Most of todays hunters are driven by bone plain and simple. Food plots,bait buying land, you name it, all in the name of the mighty antlers. You always complain when this is brought up and money is involved, well sorry if you cant play, and you keep bringing up..My Cut! Now can you please tell me how i will see a cut if Ny is made into a trophy state? Why did i just bite off my part of a 35 grand camp in Pike Ny when i have 750 acres out my back door in Jefferson Cty..So i can chase trophy whitetails in the bowels of Letchworrth. Where does that money go? How about the taxes? Tell me what the mom and pop store in Castile thought when we bought 4 grand worth of pellet stoves? Where did that money go all in the name of antlers? If Ny state became a trophy state they would sell many more Non resident tags at a higher price and all the spending that those hunters would do while here.Resident tags would not increase and even if they did hunters would still pay to play. How many hunters that you know take trips out of state in search of antlers. Iowa,illy,Kansas ? I know many and thats because they cant find it here at home. I am going to write a letter to my buddy Andy and fill him in on a little secret that will make him famous. Now that he has cleaned the streets of those child killing weapons i am going to show him how to be the most popular person in sportsmens eyes in a few short years. I am going to tell him how us deer farmers can release our unwanted 300 inch blood line does out into the wild and let them do their thing. With a little forced hands and a few years he would be the smartest Gov.ever. Look at the top 5 states in the record books. Funny how they are also some of the biggest deer farming states also.
  22. Its all about the $$$$$$$ Ny top dogs know if they have bigger deer they will bring in out of state hunters. Hunters numbers are not dropping in every state like Ny is so they will jump on the band wagon and have Ar in most of the state and then issue a million doe tags to calm the beasts!
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