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Everything posted by steve863

  1. Close to what line? You two come up with some real doozies. Not like most of the people here don't already know this.
  2. Don't know if it's racist, lots of people throw around the "racist" term these days for things that really aren't. I'd say it's more of a STUPID statement on his part. Nothing unusual coming from him actually.
  3. Duh, I should have read the title of the thread. 244lbs.
  4. I'm sure he confiscates his clients cell phones so they don't do anything crazy like post on a ""live from the woods" thread on a hunting forum while on the stand!
  5. Might be, but still way more dangerous than a ladder stand. A lot easier for something to go haywire with that type of stand and not worth the risk from my perspective. It's funny how that guy is so anal about scent, equipment that might make noise, etc. and then he doesn't seem to be too worried about breaking his neck. He may think he's smart, but others might have a different opinion.
  6. I don't care if someone tied the biggest buck in the world down below me, there is no way in hell that I'd be dangling from a flimsy platform like that. Sooner or later something will give or slip and he will have an accident.
  7. Please do. It seems like there is way too much talking this year and not nearly enough killing!
  8. It's not goofy, it only bigger. Those cowboy hats were also meant to be used to scoop water out of streams to drink, so the big guy needed to drink more because he had a bigger gut to fill thus the bigger hat.
  9. I don't think even Growalot ever had horses come thru her property, and there isn't much that hasn't happened on her property. I used to tell her that there was more action on her land then on the Ponderosa.
  10. To hell with that idea!! I'm perfectly happy shooting spikes, but don't take away gun season. What could be a more perfect scenario for Cuomo and his cronies? Now hunters don't need guns since the state is bow only, so might as well take away ALL weapons from everyone!!
  11. The Catskill region is becoming a wasteland to hunt, quite honestly. I don't know why anyone would even want to lease in an area where doe permits are almost impossible to get. Why would anyone spend good money on a lease (and it surely won't come cheap in the Catskills) and then be restricted to no doe hunting and only bucks that are 3 to the side or better?
  12. Why do some think it's such a bad thing to hunt from the ground with a kid? It could be just as exciting on the ground and one doesn't need to worry about the kid squirming around 15 feet or more above the ground in a tree stand. Plenty of deer get shot from the ground.
  13. What can I tell you, Jerkman? Your phone obviously ownes you!
  14. You do what people did before cell phones were invented. You keep looking and enjoying the scenery even if no deer are to be seen.
  15. Humanity can't live without those damned smart phones it seems. I am beginning to think it will be the invention that will corrupt humanity for good. Just look at the "LIVE from the Woods" thread. Instead of focusing on the hunt and enjoying the time out in the field, people are constantly dicking around with their phones, texting and posting constantly. Unbelievable.
  16. I think Nomad needs to kiss the ground he hunts on. The rest of us see little to nothing while he has buck after buck walking by him.
  17. I was going to suggest a HuntingNY.com t-shirt as a prize, but maybe we shouldn't go down that road. Maybe a box of Rice-a-Roni instead??
  18. Team Legend, where the Legends miss 90% of the deer they shoot at. Last year Burt did connect on a nice deer after his neighbors did him a favor and ran over his gun barrel with his truck. The bent barrel helped big time!!
  19. Here's to hoping that the deer "duck" everyone's shot and then run over to me!
  20. Guys shooting at game at 80 yards with a bow are the same type of bozos who shoot game at 1000 yards with a rifle. They'll show off that one amazing killing shot at long distance but will never show you the ten or more shots they screwed up at these distances before they made that one amazing one.
  21. Sure it could have spun at 40 yards. Most people shouldn't even be shooting at 40 yards neither.
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