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Everything posted by steve863

  1. I never said it wasn't a good idea to keep everything as clean as possible. I surely do when I process my deer. I bet the odds are the same if not worse when you eat at a restaurant for potentially getting sick. I'd actually be more willing to take my chances with the deer I shot in the wild in comparison to the food handlers in restaurants and such. I don't think I'll be picking up e-coli or hepatitis from the deer as easily as I might in a restaurant.
  2. He only eats the Kosher ones, so those are without the foreskins.
  3. I get the part about trying to be as clean as possible with the meat. It can only add to the quality of the meat, but I also go back in years far enough to know that guys used splash a couple of buckets of water into the chest cavity without ever drying it, then either hung the animal for a couple of days or strapped it to their vehicles where it picked up all sorts of debris on the Thruway, yet I can't recall hearing about any of them getting sick or dying after they consumed the meat. Not like store bought meat or the prepared meat you might get served in a restaurant went thru spic & span cleanliness procedures on the way to your gut. If you follow common sense handling one should be fine.
  4. If you are doing 10 plus deer a year a grinder like that probably wouldn't hold up, but for those who do 2 to 3 deer a year, it will absolutely get the job done and you don't need to spend hundreds on a better machine. I have one of these inexpensive ones from Cabelas going on 7 or 8 years now without a hiccup. Plus, how many of us grind up the whole deer? So for the amount of meat one grinds from 2 or 3 deer a lower end grinder will definitely be more than enough.
  5. As you can see Biz was born with a full set of teeth. I think the story was that the new parents couldn't handle seeing that grin the rest of their lives so they gave him up for adoption soon after birth.
  6. I've been sent a DMP a couple times over the years after being denied when I first applied. It's definitely a great feeling getting one. They seem to be worth their weight in gold in many of the WMU's in the southeast region of the state. So glad that I don't hunt this region anymore and don't have to deal with theses DMP scarcities.
  7. That's fine with him. At least he's got a monster buck unlike some of the others here! LOL
  8. He was born in the Bronx. He grew up in Brooklyn, but lived in Ozone Park, Queens when he was the "Dapper Don". Even buried at St. Johns Cemetery in Queens.
  9. AT is from Queens NY. Hometown of the likes of Donald Trump and John Gotti. He ain't following anyone's order of operation!
  10. Give him some time. I hear it's a real brute, so he's got his hands full dragging him out!
  11. They are wasting their thousands then, because the Catskills is probably the least likely place in NYS to shoot true trophy sized bucks.
  12. No one said that those two stink in the post season, only that even the best of pitchers can be inconsistent. So you can have 4 first rate pitchers in your rotation and it still won't guarantee you a series victory. Most especially these days when most starters don't go much further than 5 innings so the emphasis on pitching is way over-rated. You wouldn't have teams hitting 300 plus home runs per season if the pitching was great these days, and it surely isn't.
  13. If bats go dead like the Yankees bats did even a third rate pitcher would look like Sandy Koufax pitching against them. Plenty of great pitchers have stunk in the post season, i.e. Maddux, Kershaw, Price to name a few.
  14. I hear this all the time but I call it BS. So what happened to Coles and Verlander in the first two games? They are like the premier pitchers in baseball. Neither one had it. Pitchers can suck any given start, so thinking that they will be the major key factor in post season success is not exactly accurate.
  15. He's got more points than I have strands of hair left on the top of my head!
  16. That would be my ultimate nightmare to have a deer drop and die in some suburban backyard where I'd have to knock on their door to ask for permission to retrieve it. I don't care if I'd never get a chance to kill a deer again, but I won't be hunting in a place where this could potentially happen.
  17. No, at 62 I don't think it's a good idea to use a climbing tree stand. Deer can be shot from the ground, too. Much safer than fumbling with a climber.
  18. I don't care how good the hunting is or how big the bucks are. Absolutely NO way would I ever hunt in such an environment. Having a smart ass punk kid spewing obscenities at me would put me close to the brink. That is the last thing I want when I am out hunting. Hunting should be an escape from such ignorant humanity and not being put right in the middle of it!
  19. It's funny. Queens is very ethnic and always has been, but it's the folks with the Anglo sounding names that will sooner have issues with your dead deer than will the Asians, Hispanics or Middle-Eastern, so go figure that one out.
  20. Growing up in Queens NY back in the 60's and 70's it honestly wasn't a big deal. You had quite a few people who hunted from the city back then and most brought back deer strapped to their vehicles. People weren't as nuts back then as they are now. I remember one Greek dude who had shot a really nice buck. He must have had it strapped to his trunk for a week and was driving it all around the city showing it off. LOL That surely wouldn't swing today!
  21. Yeah, Olivia wanted to watch our meat, too.
  22. Since he is so anal about scent, what does he do if a hunter needs to pee or crap while in the stand? Does he allow it?? Maybe he makes them wear Depends while on the stand?
  23. No, that isn't an option. He does all the cavity searches himself. He doesn't want any women in camp. He doesn't want any girlie smells on anyone's equipment or clothing. Plus, just as boxers are told to stay away from women to avoid weak knees, he doesn't want any of his hunters getting weak knees 20 feet up in a tree in his flimsy stands. It's a liability issue.
  24. Don't forget to hand over the cell phone. That guy does body cavity searches just to make sure you aren't sneaking it to the stand.
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