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Everything posted by Hock3y24

  1. Got one oct 1st last year 730 am, was about 70degrees out
  2. Been seeing a lot of bear skat in castle creek( north of binghamton 10 miles south of cortland 20 miles) no bears though.
  3. Saw this happen before ( couple of teens in a supermarket stealing junk food) just acted Like I was on the phone with the police and they dropped those Cheetoes and ran fast!
  4. Trail mix bar, 5 hour energy for those all day sits, water, jerky, sandwich is the usual.
  5. That stock is much nicer that what comes on the axis, and you have a better gun. Congrats and let us know how it shoots!
  6. I dont think that's an axis in your photo, possibly a 116 trophy hunter? I have a 308 and 223 axis, savage makes great rifles for a great price.
  7. I tried out the rage titanium last year, I did not like how easy they opened up in my quiver. They fly great and I'm sure will do good damage, however I just have more confidence in my nap thunderheads.
  8. Also can try calling local clubs, sometimes they add new ones last minute
  9. I have been looking online for friends on dec site and your about 2 months behind the 8 ball, I'll keep looking though!
  10. Yeah local archery shop had it, sad it just arrived.
  11. 6 in 5 years, I lost a decent buck my first year of bow and have learned a lot since then.
  12. I'm ready to go! Cams getting pulled down tommorw, shot 25 3d targets last night 20-40 yards all in the vitals. Broadheads are flying perfect. Just hoping for about a 35 degree morning oct 1.
  13. Anyone ever use these? Any good?
  14. I have 10x bibs, use them on cold days and I have no complaints.
  15. this thread is way more interesting that the Atlanta Tampa game!
  16. As the tittle states Hoyt charger 65lb 27.5 Easton aftermath 400 Nap thunderhead 125
  17. Every fawn I have pictures of this month have no spots
  18. Missed out on a second doe tag if anyone has an extra 7r 7s or 7p they don't need!
  19. 27.5 draw 27 inch arrows 125 gr head 65 lb draw .400 spine works good for me
  20. Welcome, I'll be trying a couple of new spots in chenango this year also. Looks promising!
  21. New hoyt charger this year before that I had a old pse quantum that did the job. Also bought a diamond justice used off archery talk as a backup. Both are set at 65 lbs
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