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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Hock3y24

  1. I only have one stand marked with these, it's only A morning stand but they work well
  2. Depending on your draw length I have some arrows I will donate to the cause!
  3. I still have like 20-30 lbs (from 3 deer) I try to save like 10lbs for camp.
  4. Used adjustable bow off archerytalk, I bought a diamond bow on there for 200 got a new string for 50 an added accesories I had. It shoots just as good as my new hoyt
  5. Especially when people "accidently" use last years dmp tag.
  6. I got 6 100 packs of minimags 2 days ago!
  7. Since I only have a car right now, I saw legs off and stuff the deer in a body bag, heavy duty ones off ebay works the best and you can just wash then reuse it.
  8. There both great, there's plenty ammo for both where i live and I also can shoot 7.62 ammo when I find deals on it on my 308!
  9. Those collars arnt worth keeping on hunting arrows, the nockturnals work well in cx.
  10. Anyone ever shot this/ have any opinions? Likes/ dislikes.
  11. Leave them where they lay, as others said be considerate if anyone else uses the land. I like to leave them right in front of my stand If possible and pick off a coyote or 2.
  12. Jeeze I live not even a few miles away, always wanted to try behind kmart.
  13. New hoyt charger, and a couple of stands like 60% off
  14. Bow orange hat till I sit, gun orange vest
  15. If I'm on a open field I like the 25.06, 243 is plenty with a smart shot selection at longer ranges
  16. Sweet, didn't know it was that easy online
  17. Just got mine online, dmp worked, how long till they mail them out?
  18. I saw a buck with antlers like this but twice the size, too far for an arrow but he sure looked cool! Biggest 4 point I'll ever see.
  19. Tp , knife, rope, marking tape, SNACKS, flashlight, compass, cellphone, seasonal things, deer scents, hand warmers, extra gloves. In bow season it's only a fanny pack.
  20. We have 2 adult females with a boar right now and 8 piglets that will be ready to go to butcher right after New Years, just brought 9 pigs to butcher in May. I'll never buy store brand bacon again!
  21. Have some arrows for sale or trade for a climber in good shape. I'm in binghamton area for trade. 7 maxima red 350, 26.5 carbon to carbon. 5 maxima red 350, 27.5 ctc 7 maxima blue 350, 27.5 ctc 3 bareshaft 6 green nockturnals included. All have Onestringer wraps and blazers are straight fletched. Would take 150 or a gently used climber stand.
  22. 308 rocks! I threw a boyds laminate stock on to match my grey socks!
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