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Everything posted by The_Field_Ager

  1. Not only watched, but all your information is gathered and sold to advertisers.
  2. Unless you are planning on off-roading, you do not need 4wd. I live in Ski Country and AWD combined with good snow tires does an excellent job I currently drive an AWD Chevy equinox. It drives better and more comfortably than the Subaru Outback I had before. Plus it doesn't burn oil like Subarus + the payments were a lot less each month
  3. The Democrats are planning the same for America: Psychiatrist: The West is marching into ethnic replacement without even realizing it https://voiceofeurope.com/2018/01/psychiatrist-west-marching-ethnic-replacement-without-even-realizing/#.WllH-Uiflis.twitter He really nails the issues:
  4. Once the takers are in, you better start playing the demographic game if you want to have a future. Its that simple. The breeders are inside the gates, they aint going anywhere. Get busy
  5. The saving of the nation requires Americans to get to grips with the fact that the war currently being waged is very much a demographic one in large part. It is simple math. People need to sacrifice the gadgets and wide screen TVs and start having large families again.
  6. Only if you let the MSM cool-aid and fake news get to you. Stay on point.
  7. You must be joking. Even b4 he was elected the establishment threw everything at him to discredit him and cause him to lose. The Dems are not going to give him an inch. There can be no compromise with them. He hasn't had a moments break from the media. They have and will use and jump on any and all infractions to see him beaten in 2020. This is all out war . The country is less than a generation from fundamental and probably fatal change if Trump and others like him don't turn around the ship of state. Stick to the real and serious issues and don't concern yourself with Trump's lack of apparent polish.
  8. Not even a tiny little bit. Too much ground has already been lost to leftist bullying and hand ringing. Let me quote Vox Day from a recent blog post: http://voxday.blogspot.com/2018/01/promises-promises.html
  9. You seem more concerned with appearances than the fact that one of the nation's political parties is acting like a giant criminal gang, holding the nation to ransom and trying to subvert the rule of law for the purposes of future political power through illegal migration. The Dems know they have abandoned their historic blue collar base and are fully aware their political fortunes now rest in the hands of non-Americans. Hence the daily histrionics from them and the endless chants of racism and Hitler. Democrats are fine with a future US that has demographics similar to Brazil or Venezuela. They don't actually care about the people or preserving the nation as it has been historically. It is power at any cost for them. Mainstream Republicans are hardly any better.
  10. What is also unbelievable is that we have a President trying to negotiate with one of the nations biggest political parties about whether we should enforce American law or not. Incredible times. Democrats are proving themselves dangerously and treacherously lawless.
  11. Thing is, not a single Trump voter disagrees. The left media are so out of touch with the reality on the ground, they still think they can brow beat and force people into accepting 3rd world migrants as being a good thing for the nation. As Europe is demonstrating: import the 3rd world, become the 3rd world.
  12. The class action lawsuit against Google, by James Damore, is incredible. You have to read up on it. The toxic leftist radical environment they encouraged, the open and hostile views expressed there against conservative employees is something to behold. And the recent video exposes of Twitter by James O'Keefe is amazing. Twitter is basically hiring H1B foreigners and brown people to make sure white Trump supporters and conservatives have no voice online. Incredible times we live in. Hopefully Americans wake up soon
  13. Seal calls out Oprah Winfrey for hypocrisy, calls her 'part of the problem' http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2018/01/11/seal-calls-out-oprah-winfrey-for-hypocrisy-calls-her-part-problem.html
  14. Yeah, I live in Ski country. Tried to get away with all-weather tires one year. Car was very difficult to handle. High grip snow tires basically turn my All wheel drive car into a different vehicle as far as handling goes. Pragmatically I just go straight for the dedicated snow tire these days.
  15. 4/all wheel drive? what kind of snow tires you use?
  16. 'Order Out of Chaos'. That is the mantra and chief concept that drives our glorious elites.
  17. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2017/12/28/irs-property-tax-prepayers-not-so-fast/986804001/
  18. Heard on the radio earlier about how filing 2018 property taxes early won't work. You need a new assessment done first.
  19. 100k to effectively rent your own home from the government. Wow... I think I'd buy an RV at that point
  20. My years in the UK helped me out on this one
  21. We have certainly seen this pattern with the Hollyweird sex scandals. The biggest blow-hards turn out to be the biggest gropers
  22. I also park too far from the curb from time to time...on purpose
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