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Bow Addict

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Bow Addict

  1. Every one on here follows all NYS game laws!
  2. Welcome to the forum KShadows
  3. I thought I was going to see a pic of a classic Camaro.
  4. Amen Carbonelement! Anyone that says anything different is full of crap!
  5. God forbid I shoot a deer 5 minutes before or 5 minutes after legal shooting time.Jeeze,come arrest me if you're that frickin lame! While you're at it,make sure you police the hammer lane and drive 55.Enough said!
  6. If I can clearly see the deer I'm not looking at my watch.I'm not that paranoid.He's dead!Who really is that critical of the time.Not many I bet.
  7. I would prefer all hunters gassed up before they hunted and stunk to high heaven.That leaves more deer for me.I'm greedy that way.Actually, every hunter can hunt the way they want on their own land.It's none of my business.
  8. The only problem with doing deer drives,once you start you'll never see another deer unless you drive.Forget sitting.It's not for everyone.
  9. We use a Buddy Heater in our blinds.You can get a hose adapter to hook up 20 lbs.tank to them also.They work great and are safe to use in enclosed areas.
  10. That explains it.It's an illegal immigrant. It's a Mexican deer.
  11. Word is there were a whole herd of Buffalo running wild in Detroit last night!
  12. Have not seen any in person,but we have several on trail cam at camp in Allegany Co.including a sow with 3 cubs.Have pics of them 2 years in a row now.A friend killed a 300+ pound boar last year on our property.
  13. Getting my elk calls ready for next season.You can never practice too much! I'll be saving a ton on air fare.
  14. Looks like a large coyote to me,but not 150 lbs.It looks so big because the guy is so far behind it.Just like the monster deer photos!
  15. Holy crap! That's a helluva 8 pointer.Congrats man!
  16. Really nice buck.Congrats to your friend Dave.
  17. Congrats.What an awesome Daddy,Daughter moment.You must be really proud.
  18. Congrats.You will always remember your first kill.Great job.
  19. We all know it's impossible to kill deer while wearing hunter orange!
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