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nybuckboy last won the day on September 8 2020

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About nybuckboy

  • Birthday 10/15/1953

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Southeast Madison County (Hubbleton)

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  • Hunting Location
    Southeast Madison County (Hubbleton)
  • Hunting Gun
    Winchester Model 70 - Weatherby 270 Mag cartridges
  • Bow
    Mathews VXR 60 lb

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  1. If I have a site where I can be on the ground, up hill hill from the trail I'm covering and downwind I will stay on the ground if possible. The older I get (71) the more hesitant I am to use a hang-on stand more so because of the climbing stick set up. I need to be able to hold on to the top of the climbing stick, step across or even down onto the stand or I won't use it. If I don't feel comfortable I won't use it. I have had a couple stands in IL that the outfitter has set that I won't use. They have been perfectly fine taking me to another.
  2. The only thing I could see putting a damper on this is the NFL playoffs. I don't have a dog in the fight but you might consider mid March... just putting this out there. A lot of Bills fans upstate. Love Ruebens!
  3. I went out last Friday from 1pm til dark. 22 degrees. No deer. I plan to go back out after Christmas.
  4. The only thing I would add is make sure you use a level for the tape marks.
  5. I don't think I have seen on the hoof more than a few bucks 150+ in my entire years of hunting deer in NY State. I just asked my hunting buddy who has hunted near big NY State land most of his life and he said only one.
  6. That's a silly question... like you have time for deductions on the hoof. LOL!
  7. So to clarify - I have hunted 4 times in Illinois with Illinois Trophy Bowhunters, Inc. In 2009 killed a 149+ 8 pt. Probably the reason I have returned again. In 2012 I missed what I called the monarch as it been on camera for a couple of years. In 2018 I saw but never shot at the 180-185" and the last time in 2023 I never saw one I'd shoot. They are all working farms that are leased to the outfitter.
  8. I used to small game hunt when I was a kid. I still do like to turkey hunt. My passion is bowhunting... not so much gun anymore. Today at my older age I hunt for the challenge first. I do really like venison but to me it is secondary. I can get venison most any year with the bow or gun.. I hunt for the opportunity to kill a big mature white tail buck. In NY my sights are lower... say a 130 class buck. I try to go to IL each year when I can to have the opportunity to kill a real trophy buck say 160+. Twice I've seen and once had an opportunity to kill a true monster buck in IL. In 2012 I had a shot at the monarch of the farm... a true 200" buck but at 40 yds shot just under the heart. The other time was 2018 same farm a 185" but was not close enough for a shot. The memory of each is etched into my brain forever.
  9. I have a TruGlo single pin pendulum adjustable bow sight for sale. This is model TG6311B. They retail for $90 - $100 on Amazon. Link: https://www.amazon.com/TRUGLO-Archers-Ambidextrous-Micro-Adjust-TG6311B/dp/B00BBJHPNY/ref=sr_1_2?crid=3S4PFWGUSSVK9&keywords=truglo+pendulum&qid=1706877285&sprefix=truglo+pendulum%2Caps%2C110&sr=8-2 I have used a TruGlo single pin pendulum for years but decided to try this adjustable. I'm 70 so my vision is not what it once was. This was installed on my bow but I quickly realized that the .019 pin was too small as my other sight had a .029. So here it is for you... make me an offer. You pay shipping.
  10. Greene - there is absolutely no reason hearing aids shouldn't help you. Question: have you returned for a follow up visit since the first day of delivery? I see you're a veteran... Are they from the the VA? What brand are they and are they in your ear or over your ear?
  11. Untreated hearing loss has been linked to cognitive decline as well as falls. You can't just put a pair of hearing aids in and wear them for a few hours and expect everything to just go back to hearing normal. It took many years to lose your hearing and it will take time and dedication to hearing with them again. Don't put them in and go out to dinner in a noisy restaurant and ask even the very best hearing aids to just do all the work. You actually have to learn to hear again. Your hearing system is very complex. There are about 20,000 nerves in the inner ear on both sides that change the vibrations into electrical circuits that send the signal to the brain. We hear with our brains not our ears. I have been in the field of audiology dispensing hearing aids for over 30 years. Do your self a favor and reconsider hearing aids. If anyone has any questions I would be happy to help. Link to cognitive decline - https://publichealth.jhu.edu/2021/hearing-loss-and-the-dementia-connection
  12. We all know that around 11/14 is considered peak estrus but do you think next weekend 10/14-15 could be a first estrus cycle?
  13. Is the overall consensus that turkey's have been in decline in NY State? If so, why doesn't the DEC have a stocking plan where land owners could raise turkeys like they do pheasants?
  14. That sucks. Sorry to hear about that. As everyone has said, nobody got hurt.
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