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Everything posted by virgil

  1. It really is not that complicated. An unvaxxed person is more likely to contract the virus. An infected person is likely to spread the virus, thereby prolonging the pandemic and increasing the chance of additional variants. A person who wants to remain unvaxxed without altering their normal behaviors is making the choice to potentially put others at risk. It's not a decision that effects only themselves.
  2. You make a lot of assumptions about things you know nothing about. Not surprising. I got the vaccine while Trump was President- I'm assuming that's who you were referring to? And, never hid in my basement and only worn masks where required. Actually been going to work every day without interruption making sure my department is able to care for sick patients- you're welcome.
  3. Love when someone tries to post a smartass response and can't even spell.
  4. if you feel you have a valid point, why not use factual information and legitimate comparisons to make that point? Why intentionally use disinformation to simply rile up the dummies?
  5. Right, thanks. Did you read the definition that you just posted? Or, are you only interested in posting something provocative? That tweet is idiotic and purposely misleading- surely intended for the gullible and stupid. Magic never had AIDS. And, in case it needs to be pointed out, HIV and Covid transmission are not similar. Covid is airborne. HIV is primarily spread through needle sharing and unprotected sex- neither of which typically takes place on the basketball court.
  6. The general area is loaded with ag property and lots of deer. My place is in that area. Loads of deer. But, my place is always mostly does. Bucks are usually smaller racks, occasionally a bigger buck.
  7. i've heard good things about the guy in Oakdale.
  8. I think we hunt in the same area and i can say that i have the same issue. I've seen bucks chasing does occasionally. But, it seems that there are at least a dozen does to every buck. They don't have to work very hard to find a hot doe. I think they're more likely exhausted from all the action.
  9. Except for the small part about a belly ache not being contagious.
  10. Thanks for the suggestions. Yes, i'm on Long Island- i'll try Meat Farms- that one is right near me. I guess i could buy pork belly in bulk from Costco also. Mike, that sounds great.
  11. I'm planning to make venison sausage this year and want to cut in some pork fat. In the past, i've had a hard time finding pork fat. Was hoping to find fatback, but no luck. My local butcher only had pork trimming, which cost as much as pork chops. What do you all use and where do you buy it?
  12. That's funny. Science is the reason those things were stopped, not the reason they started.
  13. For those of you who are anti-vax, would you refuse monoclonal antibody treatment if you were to become infected and sick?
  14. You're missing the point of my original post. The messenger didn't match the message- that was my point. If you want to view that as a 'derisive?' statement, ok. If the meme had been posted by someone who wasn't forever flooding the site with rants and grievances at all hours of the day and night, it would've been a simple 'like'.
  15. Don't know why you're so offended on Grouse's behalf. If you find the endless barrage of grievances unifying, good for you. I guess if we all agreed with his points of view, we could consider ourselves unified, and you would be happy.
  16. I had no problem with the original post. I actually like it a lot. But, coming from the most partisan and divisive contributor to the site, it's a little ironic and funny.
  17. Thank goodness this forum has Grouse and his relentless messages of unity.
  18. I do know that. The conversation to that point was simply about masks in schools, not masks during vigorous activity. You're just being argumentative, for a change.
  19. This is why misinformation/disinformation is almost impossible to battle these days. Believe whatever you want. Luckily, open heart surgery is not a vigorous activity for the surgical staff. Otherwise, all the patients would be killed when the medical team passes out.
  20. Masks do not limit oxygen or increase CO2. There's no truth to that statement and simple research could dispell that misinformation in seconds. Surgeons and medical personnel have been wearing masks for hours-long procedures forever with no issues or concerns of oxygen depletion or CO2 elevation.
  21. I think the answer to that question is partly the fact that not all schools have the resources and space to make that happen. HVAC systems in most schools are antiquated and can't provide proper ventilation. Classrooms that were already crowded don't have room to spread the desks out enough. And, some districts don't have the funds or ability to install the plexiglass dividers on the desks.
  22. I could see it being more of an issue to high school kids than younger kids. Unfortunately, at least in our district, the high school kids were testing positive at a much higher rate than the younger kids last year. Probably more to do with whatever they're doing when they're not in school.
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