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Everything posted by virgil

  1. Any information about which counties will opt in? Or when that information will be known?
  2. i wouldn't put anything past the Chinese government. Their disregard for their own people is well documented. But, it's hard to believe that they wouldn't have been aware that the virus would not be contained within their own borders and that consequences would be enormous if it were ever proved that they purposely created a virus that had such horrific effects worldwide. Also, if population reduction were their goal, it would be hard to explain their recent change allowing married couples to have three children as opposed to only one. Lastly, the suggestion that the Chinese government is in cahoots with Democrats to unleash this thing in order to damage Trump is barely worth a response.
  3. I don't doubt that it could have been created in a lab. Linking it to all of your political boogeymen is silly- but, to be expected.
  4. Holy geez, the nonsense conspiracy theories that you guys can come up with.
  5. Actually makes perfect sense. Fat people are most at risk and occupied the most hospital beds. Offer them a gym membership and they're not coming in. Offer them a donut and they'll line up.
  6. Had a chance for one last try today and killed a nice bird. No gobbling on the roost. This bird came to sporadic clucks and my decoy.
  7. Ha. You do realize that this quote originated on Twitter in 2019 while Trump was president, right?
  8. It's absolutely hilarious that you don't see the irony in some of the things that you post.
  9. Politicians today care about power, nothing else. They make strategic decisions about what positions are most likely to get them elected or keep them in office. Ethics, morality, concern for constituents be damned. Look at all the recent examples of elected officials declaring a candidate to be completely unfit, corrupt, dangerous, etc; only to completely change course once it becomes politically prudent for them.
  10. Extremists always believe that their opinion is based on fact and all others are not. It allows them to feel superior and to disregard any opposing points of view.
  11. Oh, look at that- the 'stolen databases' have been found. Apparently, the Cyber Ninjas were looking in the wrong place. Looking forward to the retractions and corrections. Arizona auditors backtrack, say no election data destroyed (abc15.com)
  12. Cyber Ninjas? Of course i'd never heard of them before this current clown show. Neither had anyone in Florida where they're based. Neither had anyone else in politics. But, of course their leadership has the necessary credentials of having promoted the 'stop the steal' nonsense. So, they get the job. I do like their theory about bamboo in the paper ballots sent over from China. That's a good one.
  13. Because there has been no evidence to support the claims and because they couldn't even get the cases into the courts. And, this group that's conducting the audit? Come on. That's like asking the fox to take inventory of the hen house.
  14. Agreed. That's why i don't affiliate with either party.
  15. And the Trump-appointed judges' motivations for a coverup would be what? And the red states like Arizona rigged their own elections in the Presidential election, but not in the down-ballot elections? It's all nonsense and you know it.
  16. I don't care what Liz Cheney does next. I can't imagine her becoming a D as she's more conservative than her likely replacement in the leadership role. I understand your point about her no longer representing her party's wishes to continue to propagate the lie about the election having been stolen. It's the party's right to choose their own leaders. The sad part is that the current requirement in the GOP is to show loyalty to Trump above all else. The accusations about widespread fraud have been proven false by numerous recounts and 60+ lawsuits which have all been rejected as baseless, many by Trump-appointed judges. I'm sure that many of the people who continue that silly narrative know that it's nonsense, but also know that it's an effective way to hold onto the party's base.
  17. Oh, please- your guy lost. Time to grow up- same thing we all said to the Hillary people in 2016.
  18. Right, because she refuses to repeat the lies about November 20 and January 6.
  19. Interesting quote. Very similar to the words Liz Cheney spoke today as she we being canceled for acknowledging the truth.
  20. Hi Phade is this the Tactacam Reveal? I love the one I bought from you last fall and would love another if you get any.
  21. There's a lot in the area, especially if you have young kids. The lake in town is beautiful. The golf course on the lake looks nice if golf is your thing. I've taken my kids fishing with a guide/charter and it was a lot of fun and reasonably priced. They have old fashioned baseball games in town from time to time. Ommegang Brewery has great beers and a nice outdoor area with food and music. There's loads of simple family stuff in the area- mini golf, bumper cars, ice cream, etc. and Fly Creek Cider Miller is pretty cool if you're already in the area.
  22. Isn't that not too far from Cooperstown?
  23. When did deferments start to bother you guys? Recently, i'm guessing?
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