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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Fletch

  1. Never happen, let deer suffer[emoji107] Not
  2. Not that I really care but I would say no it should be under crossbow. But then again should compound be with stick and recurve since its not traditional? Or inlines be with sidelocks in muzzleloader?
  3. Fletch


    are those live minnows? Where would you get some near there if yes? I fish out there once and a while for bass and we catch a crappie or two now and then but have never focused on them. It would be fun with my son and good eating!! How far below the bobber or do you move it around to see what works?
  4. 10/22 am 57 Out back in the far stand for 2 hours. The rain had just stopped and it took forever to get light this morning. The woods were very quiet. Thought for sure I would see a deer. Not to be!! Pulled to cam cards. Hey just an fyi if you forget to turn the cam on it does not take pictures!! da The one I did turn on not one daytime pic, no goods.
  5. 10/21 pm Slipped out back for the last hour. I went to my brothers new set and man it is a little too high for may taste!! Close to 30 feet, yikes. I won't be sitting in that one again!! Nothing sighted.
  6. I downsized say year and sold my big. cozy heavy climber for one about 5 pounds lighter. I carry a back pack hooked onto it. I can be up in a tree set up in 6-8 minutes. Sometimes it isn't fun hiking it way back in but in some situations, new land and public land it is a valuable tool. I have found few spots where being on the ground beats being up in the air. Especially during bow season. It has nothing to do with still hunting you don't need any stand for that. Some/ most of my places are small and stand hunt only. Just one tool of many. It's up to you what style hunting "does it" for you. I'd give it some more tries though. In certain circumstances a climber is invaluable. Good luck with whatever you decide!
  7. Wouldn't hunter harassment laws be in effect here? I would demand charges be filed against them as well as the threats. Then they know your serious and they are on record if anyone screws with you. I am surprised there is any good hunting around the res! They usually hunt/ fish year around and wipe out everything on and near. And record next time with that go pro!
  8. 57 and rain stopped just before I headed in. Taking forever to get lift this morning.
  9. Amend that I won't sit in it even then! I'll hang a lower set! Jeesh
  10. Slipped into a new stand my brother put up out back. Holy cow is it high! I think I need a special permit to be at this altitude! It's in a creek bottom so it goes up in front and behind so the shots aren't too steep. A little out of my comfort zone. I don't think I'll sit this one again unless a real hoss is using this single spot!
  11. I shot a buck out of a tree stand on town land that ran along a creek. I had a good chest hit and great blood. I knew I hit the deer good. It was a thick area and after I hit the buck it ran out of site within 40 yards. I was following good blood along the game trail right along the creek and lost the sign. There were deer prints in the bottom in the shallow water that just stopped a foot in. I was convinced the deer crossed or turned back on the creek trail. I looked that whole day up and down and even drove around to come in other side of creek and look all over there. Went back the next morning and looked some more and had about given up. I was hiking down the creek and I noticed an antler and just the top of a shoulder sticking out of the water in some deadfall. It was my buck, he died right at the creek fell over and floated probably a half mile down the creek. He was just fine as the water was in the 40s. Man that was a sonofabeech pulling up outa that creek and up the bank. I had another in that spot that after I shot it crossed the creek and died on the run 10 yards from the back lawn of the local police station. Guess he was going for help!
  12. Where are the jerky pics? Or better yet samples!!
  13. Very hard to even make a guess on the pic. He is between 3.5 and 6.5 I would feel comfortable with. He is a shooter in my book!!
  14. Pretty sure you can put a scope on a compound. I was just calling out your certain disdain for how other people choose to legally hunt when the same could be done to you. As my Gram used to say...got nothing nice or constructive to say then why say it? What was the goal of your comment? To try to prove your hunting is superior in some way? Are you a better hunter? Maybe, maybe not. If you are super you should be proud of your accomplishments. I don't care who hunts with what as long as it is safe and ethical and legal. It never fails to amaze me how what other people do seems to bother some people so much. The deer are not yours, most/or all of the land it not yours. What difference does it make? Are you that jealous of what deer other people may tag or that they have different goals than you? If you don't like crossbow don't use it, easy. How does the guy down the road shooting and filling his tag on a deer with a crossbow bother you? Do you think it was too easy for him? Do you think he took your deer? Do you think he sucks as a hunter because he does not use a maple stick bow he made himself? Help me understand because I am at a loss on this way of thinking. I have never hunted with a crossbow before. I am excited to try it out. Will I stick with it? Who knows, I like my Diamond a lot! I do know one thing I am always happy when a fellow hunter is successful. Be it a doe, spike, 16 point - any deer and taken with rifle, bow, ML - any weapon. Why can't other people be? Anyway I am sure you are a super person. I got better things to do.......
  15. 10/20 pm 65 Out back in the far stand for 2 hours. It was quite warm and very quiet out. Peaceful night in the stand, nothing bothered me, deer included!
  16. Good luck and I hope you have a great time! I've said it before but your escapades are right in line with hunting trips I want to do! Thank you.
  17. I'll be headed out later. I skipped the morning since I was up late watching my mighty Eagles destroy the Giants. Plus it was raining pretty good. Man that game was bad!! lol It is warm but to tell you the truth a couple of my spots have shown better afternoon movement when its warm by cam pics. Those nice cold days nothing??
  18. 10/19 pm 52 Out behind the house for a quick sit in the field edge stand. Could only get out for an hour. At 6 I had a spike come out at 40yards and eat apples for 10 minutes or so. I have seen him a couple other times already. He is my resident deer lol. I also saw a grouse run down my trail.
  19. 10/18 pm Hunted the hole for 2.5 hours. Again a nice night. BIL out as well. Neither of us saw heard a thing. Even the squirrels were not very active.
  20. Was busy watching a squirrel climb my ladder stand Looked up and little spike came in eating apples for 10 minutes at 35-40 yards.
  21. They got one my brother shot last year we left overnight 40 yards from where we lost blood. Knew I would find it the next day but they did first. They got the ass I got the backstraps/ shoulders. A few years back I lost the trail on an 8 point I was not familiar with the prop yet. Next morn 8 hours later it was just lower legs, hide, head and bones. It was probably a 160 pound deer live. Amazing! They even had the ribs semi cleaned
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