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Everything posted by philoshop

  1. I was recently chastised by Belo for posting a couple of political items in the general chit-chat section. My apologies, I'll post them here right now: I can't find the other one, so I'll substitute:
  2. Just a couple of weeks ago I was given control of a 4-wheel drive Steiger with pony tires on it making it 8-wheel drive. I was pulling a 12 or 14 bottom plow, a 20' disc, and a 20' "clod chopper" behind that thing at the same time. What a beast. A million dollar plus rig altogether. It wouldn't mow my lawn though. And it wouldn't be any good for hauling firewood out of my back lot. Choose the correct tool for the job. Most tractors have been well-maintained. There are exceptions. It's just part of being a tractor owner. You take care of your truck and your tractor because they're tools that you use.
  3. That's a tough one, Val. Until people die or become incapacitated they don't generally sell their tractors. Even if they buy a newer and bigger one, they tend to hang onto the smaller and handier one. The only advice I can offer is to do your homework and don't buy something that's too small for what you want it to do. It takes a pretty substantial tractor to work an 8' brush-hog or a 3-bottom plow. A 4' brush-hog or a small disc setup requires less tractor. The other thing would be to learn a bit about tractor maintenance so you can spot potential difficulties up front before you buy.Various oil and hydraulic leaks are tell-tales. Best of luck to you!
  4. I'll guess you're kidding, Biz. ;-) If not, just ask around the bar and get my phone number. Or walk a half mile south and look for a guy on a big orange tractor cutting his grass. These GTG's are tough to put together even with long lead times. On short notice you're flying by the seat of your pants. I'll try to put something together for later this summer or early fall. Even with the small turnout we had a good time at the last one.
  5. It seems there's been a change of plans. We'll get together on Wednesday for lunch rather than today.
  6. All my best to you and your betrothed, Jerry!! Have a great day!!
  7. I add tuna fish to my Kraft Mac & Cheese. Then I make sandwiches out of it until I'm full.
  8. Imagine 10 hours on a roof the next day. That wasn't fun, but we were young and stupid then. The rule was that if you puked on the siding you had to hose it off. But if you leaned far enough over to miss the siding there was a good chance you'd fall off the roof. This was before cell phones and 911, so there was also a good chance an ambulance would take a couple of hours to get there. I never lost anyone.
  9. The place caters mostly to fishermen and golfers. It's a good crowd, including doctors and lawyers who often don't open their shops on Mondays anyway. I'll be there and 2012 Taco and his wife will be there. Anyone else who's available is welcome.
  10. I'm retired. Well, I'm mostly self-directed in relatively Quixotic pursuits. I don't split hairs over the terminology.
  11. It's a little out there for a lot of people, I know. It's when Taco and I are both available. Some of the retired folks might show up. I'd be happy to do something more ordinary later this summer if anyone is interested. This one is constricted as far as time. Sorry.
  12. Just wanted to bump this up so that people see it. We'll have fun no matter what, but a few folks showing up makes it that much better.
  13. I'm currently on my 4th and 5th careers (simultaneously) in 45+ years of working. I go for about ten years before I get bored. Then I weigh the pros and cons and pull the trigger. Life is too short to be miserable, and it's not work if you love what you're doing.
  14. On seeing the title I thought there might be some lady photos attached.
  15. Invest $25 or so in a block-and-tackle rig. With a good anchor point you could put a moose in the back of a pick-up truck all by yourself. It took me a couple of years to figure that out. ;-) Free advice. BTW, I currently own your truck's great-grandfather. A 2000 Ranger. Congrats on the new wheels, Biz.
  16. I was reminded by 2012 Taco that I mentioned something about a GTG at Vonnie's Boathouse Bar and Grill this month. The date is set for Monday 7/15 at about noon if anyone can make it. Given the fact that it's very short notice and in the middle of a workday, I don't expect a huge turnout, but I just wanted to let people know. Vonnie's is located at 4446 West Lake Rd (aka Rte 14) just a couple of miles south of Geneva. Almost directly across the road from Roy's Marina. Hope to see some folks show up.
  17. I had forgotten all about that, Taco. Sorry. ;-( Sounds good to me! Say about noon? Vonnie's is at 4446 West Lake Rd (Rte 14) south of Geneva. It's right across the road from Roy's Marina. Hope to see a few folks there.
  18. I wish you many, many more happy anniversaries!!
  19. If I remember this correctly, Buffalo Trace Distillery had a fire back in the 1800's in Frankfurt KY. Every animal downstream from them was drunk for a couple of months. Horses, cows, pigs, chickens, and people. They got over it. Damned waste of good whiskey though. ;-)
  20. My brother boiled lobsters for a restaurant in Sodus Point one summer. He just whacked them on the head with a knife handle before he boiled them. He's sort of a peta guy, and they probably just died with a headache. Personally, I'd just throw them in and get the butter ready. To each his own.
  21. "Tyranny requires cowardice, and cowardice desires tyranny." - From a Bill Whittle speech several years ago, and he's absolutely correct.
  22. The males very much participate in the nestbuilding and rearing of the nestlings. They can hatch out a few broods every year as well.
  23. I don't know anything about them, but I will say that you don't want anything like a soft tree-climbing saddle. They're not made for extended use like in deer hunting. Guys have died in trees from nothing more than hanging too long in a climbing saddle.
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