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Everything posted by Trial153

  1. Good luck. You going to have to wait and see who starts producing replacement parts. There is a big enough market that someone will jump in soon enough. Also check XOP and see if their belts are the same size and specs
  2. I think that if I asked the people I have had to intubate because they couldn’t breath on their own due the virus or secondary infections status post the virus, how they deadly it seemed to them they might have different take on it than you or I. Or maybe I am part are of the big conspiracy. If so I missed the memo
  3. professional athletes or people in the same shape as professional athletes Represent a minuscule percentage of the population. Is your wife, mother or father, adult friends all the shape of professional athletes? No? Well let’s all be thankful that your silly example isn’t the bench mark.
  4. Na they got slapped in court with breach of contract. The get get sold off they lost their colliery case. Everything is in flux. Lone Wolf is getting swallowed back up by LWCG. You will see them come out as one this coming year. Novix is going to have to rework their brand come up with some new product
  5. My wife and seven year old daughter had it over Christmas. Sucks for all involved. Hopefully your family gets well soon. I also find it pretty crass and tasteless for people to come on a post their bullshit comparisons with the pretense of “ not down playing it” That’s all well and good for you, but that doesn’t make it for everyone. Unfortunately with the work I do I get to see this crap hit people in all levels severity. At one time I thought I had the answer to who gets seriously sick based on preconceived notion’s of their physical condition and their co- morbidities however I been proven incorrect enough times that stoped I speculating. Again hopefully your family gets well and things get back to normal.
  6. Box of Remington 22 Hornet, 49 in the box… 50$ meet in Greene, Albany or Columbia county. …I have no use for it might as well get it to someone to use.
  7. Have some stuff I never use. Not shipping, Willing to meet near Greene county, Columbia county or Albany county. It’s going all together. 75$ for all of it. Two boxes Remington ( 10 each ) 000 buck shot 12gauge 3inch 15 Rounds 12ga 3” number 5 Remington Turkey loads 10 rounds Federal Premium 12ga number 6 3inch turkey loads 2 rounds Winchester 12ga 3in turkey loads number 6
  8. What was lone wolf is now novix to distance themselves from LWCG
  9. Unfortunately daily limits are pretty much the only enforceable limits, possession limits tend to fall by the wayside. High fish limits just like high game limit fosters a perception of artificial abundance. While in a fact a animal or fish maybe abundant, it doesn’t mean that populations aren’t affected by harvests. Another thing that high limits do is devalue fish and wild life. This is very common, as mentality is don’t worry there is more where that came from.
  10. What the hell do they screw into ? The axel?
  11. I have an undergraduate in Wildlife Biology. However I am not a practicing biologist, nor have I been employed as such. Didn’t take me long to realize that because I was interested in something didn’t make it a good subject to try to earn a living at. Live and learn I guess.
  12. Your making bull shit exaggerations the deer are being hunted all year round already. With the inference that are adding another season is un impactful. The truth is you do not know what the impact is. Generally speaking to one would want it error on the side of prudence when you’re dealing with an unknown. But that not way it plays out in NY. It’s shoot first and figure it out later, well maybe.
  13. https://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/wildlife_pdf/2020deerrpt.pdf Actually those numbers are printed every single year and they’re published for public consumption. Go to page 18. maybe after reading it you could stop exaggerating
  14. This place is a perfect example of New York’s greedy ignorant hunting culture. For the most part all you read is me, me, me …it’s good for me. What you don’t hear often enough is hunters advocating for the Deer and long term health of the herd. What you don’t hear is hunters actually thinking about the repercussions of their actions. If it’s legal it’s then it’s okay in their book. There are deer hunters that wouldn’t think twice if they shot the last deer in the forest if they were given a tag for it. It’s pretty sad.
  15. To some extent I agree. I think that most types of intrusion has some type of affect however I think The degrees vary. For example a farmer driving his truck or a tractor around the farm doing farm work is nowhere near the same effect as a Hunter driving his side-by-side into an area and then hunting. Another example you’ll see in some urban settings, watch deer react to people walking on trails hiking trails dog trails bike trails etc. they they have a little reaction yet go hunt deer in Those same areas and see how their reaction and behavior changes Specifically in regards to small game hunting around my area it’s all but dead . The amount of small game hunting compared to deer hunting that goes on is minuscule. However I’m sure that varies by the areas, so your location it might be different. For example I have a piece of property it’s not very big it’s only 140 acres and I rarely if ever hunt it anymore. Other than put my cameras out I may go on it five times a year. Almost every year I either get pictures of a Deer Hunter trespassing or I get a report from a friend or neighbor who encountered a trespasser. In all the years I’ve had it I have yet to have any small game hunters trespassing on the property that I know of and yet it has fantastic cover for rabbits Grouse and squirrel. Again reiterating my point I also think that it has a different effect on deer the actually hunting them. Running Rabbits thickets, shooting geese in a field Are going effect way differently than actual deer hunting. By the way I appreciate the thoughtful response and discussion
  16. By your logic than they shouldn’t be any season at all. Give the nimrods the tags and tell them they have all year to fill them.
  17. Another poor management decision the NYDEC. After a 4 week gun season in the southern zone, that has a week long muzzleloader gun season following ....hey lets add another week and give them a much needed four day break. That should help us climb out of having the worst fawn recruitment rate in the northeast and about half of what it is mid west. The thing is the DEC can get away with it because they can count on the Ignorance and greed of lot NY state hunters. Unfortunately as bad as The NYs Dec deer management is it pales in comparison to NY states hunting culture.
  18. God has nothing to do with it. I am just happy my wife doesn’t complain too much being away so much. Sounds like your learning something. Keep at it and I will keep advocating for better deer management.
  19. A good graph and the accompanying article. https://www.deerassociation.com/deer-movement-is-a-mystery-stop-trying-to-solve-it/
  20. Mountain lion is exceptional table fair. Better albeit different then moose. Think veal vs beef. Mountain goat is fantastic as well, however it tends be on the tougher side, I guess to be expected based on the topography they live in. I agree moose is best wild red meat in NA, I like it so much that plan a hunt pretty much every three years.
  21. You cry about personal attacks and then you revert to them. You really can’t help but be a hypocrite, as it comes so natural for you. I will get plenty of Sun hunting in Arizona next month. With two freezers full of moose, elk, caribou, deer, mountain lion and mountain goat I have no reason to hunt around here and miss family time during the holidays.
  22. Would you say that conditions that force deer into extended bouts of mostly nocturnal movement is unnatural and stressful for them?
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