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Everything posted by stubby68

  1. just sight the gun in for what you feel comfortable shooting. I personally sight mine for 2 inches high 50 yards. Even in open woods shots of 100 are rare. At 2 inches high for 50 yards I have never had a prob in the woods or takeing long shots in open fields. Don't let all the moa,bzo or any other sniper talk confuse you. Just remeber hunters are not snipers and if you are comfortable with your gun and practice and know what your limits are you will do fine. If you are shooting far enough that you need to figure moa bzo or calculate windage the deer is prob to far away to be shooting in this state
  2. I don't know about others but I didn't say food because I am hunting not going on a picnic. If the question was what do you carry when on a picnic I would have said food. I can go 12 hours without food I did how ever forget to say a bottle of water.
  3. I'm only out from Before daylight till dark I end up only a mile or so deep most times so do not need much. I carry knife,tow rope,wet naps,tp,and 5 extra rounds. If my dad is going to be out I will take 2 way radio so he can get a hold of me if he needs to.
  4. VT who was I bashing? I made a statement about the body always producing scent, which is a fact. I also asked if all the control measures worked then why worry about the wind. I also said that years ago before these products were made and people were told they needed them no one saw a need for it. If you actually read my post I said that I do not fault anyone who does all the scent control stuff and that if it is there thing then fine. How is any of that bashing anyone? Especially when I never mentioned or directed the comment at any one. If what i said made you lose your confidence then you weren't very confident to begin with. Also believe it or not many people have shot deer while they had a smoke in there hand. I never said that smoking draws deer in. I said I have shot deer at 50 yards and had them closer while I was smoking or had just put a smoke out. That does not in anyway mean I think it draws them in. It simply means That I do not have trouble getting close to deer without useing scent control. Has that caused a few deer to get spooked when near? Yes but not enough for me to worry about it. Again who was I bashing? How was anything I said bashing?
  5. The human body constantly produces oder there is nothing anyone can do about that. Unless you have scent control flowing over your body at all times. If a deer is down wind of you he more then likely smell you. When someone tells you how they controll scent when hunting they always end with play the wind. If the scent blocking clothing and sprays worked then why would it matter what the wind is doing? This is just my opinion but why go to so much trouble controlling your scent, walking to stand in you underwear, or wearing special clothes and then still have to worry about the wind? With all that you should be invisable to a deer as long as it does not see you move. Like a couple others have said I never worried too much about scent even shot deer at 50 yards while smoking and had them even closer right aafter or while smoking. I don't fault anyone who does all the scent control if that is your thing then fine. I just think that years ago before all these products were around noone had a problem getting deer but now that there is money to be made off it then scent control is where it's at.
  6. I never said hunting fields or food plots was not ok. I said the people who plant food plots for deer should not be complaining about someone who pours a bag of feed on the ground. Neither thing got there by nature and they were both put there to draw in deer for the harvest. No hunting in real life isn't like it is on tv with there bait piles AND FOOD PLOTS. Where do you think the food plot craze started. You seem to think I am all for baiting with a bag of feed. I am not yet I am not for hunting a food plot either. Plant a food plot or dump a bag. Both ways you are drawing deer into someplace they probably do not normally go so you can get a chance to shoot them. Hunting is going out and finding the deer not sitting and waiting for them to come in and eat what you put out for them at the same time every day.
  7. 4644:087.JPG] Have got quite a few of these guys and a few others. This year seems to be looking up
  8. No bubba I am not complaining about people who do it legally and not people who do it illegally. I am saying there is no difference in either way so why should the ones who hunt food plots or farmers fields complain about those who put out a pile of corn. From what you are saying then none of us should complain about the safe act or our rights being taken away at every turn because the powers that be say it is legal for them to do so. A food source produced by nature. That is my point, a food plot of sugar beets or field of corn are not produced by nature. A human had to plow the ground,plant the seed, and do what was necessary for it to grow. If it were produced by nature then it would just grow and and man would not have to do anything other set up and hunt. I am not for or against either way of doing it. Just find it funny that when a law works in someones advantage they are ok with it yet when the same law goes against them they complain. Do not complain about someone who puts out an unnatural pile of corn or beets if you hunt over an unnatural field or food plot.
  9. njg I I didn't say I do not hunt food sources I said I do not put out bait or hunt farmers fields. I hunt what mother nature put out. All of my stands are deep in the woods and the closest farmers field is 3/4 of a mile away. If you like I can take you to every one of my stands and you can see for yourself. My point was that people are up in arms over someone putting out a pile of corn yet those same people are fine with hunting a pile that a farmer left or planting a patch of sugar beets and hunting over that. It is all something that would not be there if a human didn't put it there. Some are saying dumping a bag of something is a one time thing and a field or food plot is always there and that is the difference. Ok then what about putting out salt blocks? Over time it absorbs into the ground and is there for a long time. I can show you a spot a guy put salt blocks for 6 years hasn't had any there sence he passed away 4 years ago yet the deer still go there and make a mud hole in the ground getting the salt. The new owners do not hunt and do not alow hunting on the land but if they did they would have a bait to hunt over and they don't even know how it got there.
  10. I'm with bubba I like the Remington core lok not only for the price but my gun likes them too. I tried winchester but found they did not make a good kill they were accurate but I do not think they expanded well. Can not say for sure as I never found one all shots were in and out and I had to make a fallowup shot. My thought is that they are too hard like shockwaves for ml never had good luck with those either. As bubba said good luck finding 308 ammo it seems to be getting harder and harder to find
  11. I always get mine on line but when tried this am it said web page is not responding. do not know if issue is theirs or mine will try again in am. I have found that when doing on line I always get both permits that I chose. When going to walmart or town clerk I seem to only ever get on.
  12. looks like a mt lion but hard to make a good call on a pic of a pic. Maybe get better answered when u get the original pic up could just be neighbors cat close to camera
  13. Four Seasons you kind of answered yours and Yfkl1983 question. It is actually something for another thread but I will tell you then leave it for another day. I dislike secoration hunters and almost all bow hunters are such. Bow hunters think they are better then every other hunter. Even ones who use both bow and gun. Bow hunters call all other hunters fat lazy slobs unwilling to do the work iit takes to get a deer. The fact that the op is a bow hunters and said that when explaining hunting to the therapist. He said it came out wrong but if that is not how he felt he wouldn't have said it that way. Also Who fought against the youth hunt? Bow hunters Who crys we want ar more then anyone else? Bow hunters Who fought against crossbows? Bow hunters Who says they are elite and the best and that they put more time and effort into hunting then anyone else? Bow hunters Who says other hunters are fat lazy slobs? bow hunters Who has the longest season yet complains about kids getting a chance to hunt 2 days during that time? bow hunters Who are complaining about cross bows being used the last 2 weeks of bow season? bow hunters. Don't hear gun hunters complaining that bow and crossbow can be used during all of gun season. Who says gun hunters are the reason they can't get huge bucks because they shoot anything that moves and kill all yearling bucks? Bow hunters Who calls gun hunters the brown and down or orange army? Bow hunters Who keeps pushing for longer bow season and shorter gun season? bow hunter These are a few reasons. YFK1983 I bow2 hunted for a lot of years and was successful at it i got bucks and does nice bucks some of the ones I have posted in other threads were bow kills. As for the challenge? I never thought there was one. During bow season does are harder to hunt then bucks. A doe has one thing on her mind that is survival a buck has one thing on his that is to breed and he gets very stupid when the rut comes around. That makes easier to hunt. I stoped bow hunting when more and more people figured that bow season was the best time to get a big buck and that is all they wanted. All of the sudden bow hunters were special and had special skills that gun hunters didnt have. I believe bow hunters are the ones who started the trophy hunter attitude. This is all just my opinion and like I said it is realy a topic for another thread but I hope I answered your questions
  14. Oh so gun hunters are slobs and are too lazy to put in the work? Many bow hunters take risky shots just because they see a big rack. I did say many not meaning all. Plenty of gun hunters put time and work into there hunts. I do not like bow hunters but talking to a non hunter like bow is superior to gun wasn't the best thing to do for our sport. I have voiced my opinion of bow hunters but have done so to other hunters not antis or non hunters. Gun hunters do tend to take a little more risky shot then gun hunters I will agree I have shot a few deer at 250 or 300 yards and got them yet most of my shots are 20 to 50 yards and that is how I like it. I am sure you didn't mean to make bow hunters sound better then gun huntere but as she is anti or non hunter I bet that is how she took it
  15. Grow I'm not nipping at anything I am responding to what he has said And he responding to what I said that is how a conversation takes place. If it got tireing for you then why keeping reading and commenting? Just do not click on thread when you see it.
  16. I never a bag of beats was natural. Farmers have been known to leave some rows of corn standing to draw the deer in for hunting,or even leave a few piles of corn or a bail of hay or 2 out on the edge of fields that hunt.just because is is a farmers field with a pile of corn or a few rows of corn left does not mean they are not useing that left behind feed as bait. The piles didn't get there naturaly and when asked the farmer will say I left the standing corn for the deer. If illegal to bait deer because of disease then what about the piles of corn in the fields or apples under trees or acorns? And for that fact what about a bag of crushed acorns? Acorns are natural in the woods so if a person puts that out they are just adding to what is already in the woods by nature I am not saying baiting is something that should be done if that is what you need to do to get a deer then learn to hunt. However do not complain about someone putting ou a bag of crushed beats when you planted beats in a food plot
  17. I do not put out bait food plots or hunt farmers fields. Baiting as you said is defined as putting out food materials for wildlife to attract,lure, or entice them to aid in hunting. That is exactly what a food plot i. A food plot is not a food that is put out as normal farming practice. They are put out for the sole purpose to bring in animals so they can be harvested
  18. ok one last response. In success times many you said those 9 deer were gotten the last 3 days of bow and first 2 of gun. there are 9 deer in pic you said more in your truck.Did you run out of film? You post one pic and then just say there are more and I am suppose to believe you. Further down you then said total was 16 deer for 7 guys again no pic of 16 deer. Even if there was that is only 16 deer over 5 days by 7 guys. That is about 2 deer apiece in 5 days. Doesn't prove a lot of deer.Infact that is a pritty low number for 7 guys if the deer are over populated. We useto be abel to take 9 deer out with 4 guys in one day. And back then no one complained there too many deer or that there were no big bucks the deer numbers were fine and the big bucks were quite commen. Maybe you can't remember the good days of hunting but many of use can and we can remember how the dec has screwed thing up and continue to
  19. I never said farm crops were natural. What I was saying that hunting any crop that is planted buy man is baiting. Those who grow food plots to hunt,hunt on edge of farmers field or dump a bag of beat powder out are all useing unnatural foods to get the deer. If is it ok to hunt over these baits then why is it dif to hunt over a bag of something they bought at walmart?
  20. Merlot The park is 8M. Four you showed me a short pole with what 9 deer gotten by 7 guys? That is not alot of deer,8 or 9 deer for 3 guys is a lot of deer or 15 or 16 for 7 guys but what you got is a few deer with a lot of guys. You were the one talking about all the big bucks you get so I should you some of mine then you said they were small and you would let them go so don't say monsters mean nothing when you say those would be let go when they are bigger then the ones on the poll that you guys got.
  21. I do not bait the deer and that includes food plots. Everyone complains about the guys buying things to bait the deer yet doesn't have with planting something that doesn't grow naturaly and hunting that. Or how about going into the woods and planting corn or clover or beats to draw the deer in. I am sure those things do not just grow out in the midel of the woods. Growing your bait is no different then growing it still puting something out that isnt usually there and then hunting it.
  22. You say you hunt both yet only talk about the park? You are right the Dec does not directly manage the park. However I know many of the guys there who do and they fallow what the dec sugests and they are still a gov agency. Thinking the dec has nothing to do with what happens with the deer hunting in the park is very closed minded. I didn't score those deer they were scored by official scorers. I also didn't age them the dec did. At any rate they are still bigger then the monsters you have on the poll. Saying you got bigger ones that you couldnt fit in the pic isn't saying much. Yea Doc you forgot that he is super hunter. Marvel is makeing there next movie about him. Is this a come and find me invite. Let me know when you will be going to hunt the gorge and where exactly to meet you so There is no looking and hopeing I find the right blow hard. There are a lot of those around and picking one from the other can get hard. I will say you are a fun little guy to play with
  23. by the way which overlook u want to meet at? Gardeau? Tea? Let me know so I do not go to wrong one there are many overlooks
  24. Really the smallest one scores 138 the mount is 154 and the one in back of truck scored 168. By the way the oldest is 3 1/2 and is the smallest. One in back of truck was 2 1/2. This is why I know age has little to do with rack size. Not saying age doesn't help but genatics and food have more to do with it. You would let them go yet they all are bigger then the bucks in your pics. Sounds good what day let me know I will even take the day off of work if I need to.
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