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Everything posted by stubby68
hears one school closed for weather. Get home from work ask how was your day? Did you have fun with kids. And thats how the fight started.
She said can you go to town for me? I said no, she hands me a list I said what part of no didn't you get. She did Not find it funny. That how the fight started. Some fights are fun some you should just give up. Belo go shopping with her you will find out that you can hit a $400 grocherie bill fast and it still looks you didnt get much. Prices are rediculous. $4 for gallon of milk or $14 for 3 pounds of hamburg is nuts.
Ha-ha-ha .... Yes we always hear about these people who break this law and break that law, but when somebody asks, "What did the DEC do to them when you turned them in?", the answer always comes back, "Well gosh I didn't do that." Well Doc a few years ago I had the misfurtune to hunt with a group of guys (5) who shot loads of deer hung them in barn no tags and did not report them. I did not know this about the group till I was brought in. When I found out They had 14 deer hanging in on of they guys barns with not tags. I saw this and was able to get a couple pics. I called the dec told them and said I had pics. I was told it would be looked into. A couple days latter the guy who owned the place where the deer were called me asking if the deer could be kept at my place for a while. I said no and asked why. He told me the dec called him and said they had a complaint and asked if it were true he told them no and they asked if it was ok to come out and look. He said sure and was told someone would be around inthe afternoon of fallowing day. I was there the next day when they showed up and looked around. They said that someone must just have a grudge against him and thanked him for his time. That is when I steped up and said I had made the call and had saw the deer and showed them the pics. I was told that with no deer being there then it was only hear say. Wow what a way to say kill what you want we do not care. so much for reporting them Also ho do you report someone who says they killd deer when they didnt.
How do we know those numbers are real? I didn't count all the deer taken. Did you? Just because some report says that was the number taken does not mean it is true. The best they can do is guess and make up numbers. If hunters not reporting there kills was not a problem then we would not be talking about it would we? The Dec has no real way of knowing how many deer are out there or how many are taken so the guess and give you stats to back up there guess. A guess is only a guess just like I could guess there were only 21 deer killed because that is all I saw dead. Far from a correct number yet more of a fact because I personally saw thoes deer. The dec gets there guess from what they are told by the hunters. At least I saw the ones I guessed about.
Why is it that every time something about gun confiscation comes up so many people make excuses as to as to why it was the right thing to do? Every one likes to say must be more to the story and then gives reasons for why it might not have been wrong. We do not know for sure if that is the whole story or not. It might just be that the story is just what is written. If anyone believes that this does not happen without an good reason then you are blind. I have seen people who locked himself in his house [where there guns] with his wife and threaten to kill himself. When he was talked out he went to jail. Funny thing is when he got he kept his guns lost the wife but not the guns. I have also seen someone lose there guns for argueing with there wife and she got mad and called cops. His guns were taken because the court felt he was dangerous. I know for a fact it was only a shouting match and nothing dangerous was said or done but because she wanted to see someone else and for him to be gone and she look like the good guy in the break up she said she was afraid of him. I was there when this happened but the courts took her word. The fact that this guy was a firemen and disabled means nothing. I am a firemen and have known many who were as crooked as the day is long. How a person looks and acts in public can be very different from them in person. Same with leo or military. Not a knock on them at all as I fall in one of these groups however these things do not mean you are a top grade person. Funny how everyone screams foul about the safe act but when someone has there guns taken away the first thing that is said is there must be more to it they wouldnt do that for no reason. WAKE UP PEOPLE these laws give them the right to take your guns just because thy want to they need no reason. I can not believe all the excuses being given for this possable being right. Maybe it was the right thing and there was a right reason but to think that it will always be the owners fault when they are taken is blindly fallowing like sheep. Yes if we do not like the laws we can move to where these laws do not exist. However if we just keep moveing these laws just keep getting passed. People have to stop running and stand and fight or we will run out of places where we are still free. If that is what we are now. If we keep ignoring these things soon they will have what they want and that is all the guns and all the power. Powerless people are easy to control. Keep thinking they do not want all the guns and one day you will wake upwith none and wounder how this happened. That is when people like V J P will be able to say you were told this would happen. Oh and who cares how many or what kind of threads someone posts? If you dont like them do not read or post to them. Why cry about someone trying to open your eyes? If you wish to stay blind then stay blind.
If someone does not want the dec to know what they killed all they have to do is report as tags not filled. Mandatory or not they still would not have useable numbers. Unless hunters check in every deer killed the numbers will never be correct, There are a lot of guys who get dmp and never use because they do not want does killed. They then report that they filled the tags. They figure that by doing this they get tags that someone else might have filled so they save some does. They also figure that if the tags are reported as filled the dec figures that into the take as reduction of numbers and might lead to fewer dmp in that area the next year. Mandatory wont work for this reason. Can not suspend license for not reporting because they did. They just gave false info that no one can prove is false. Just report tags filled if you want to show deer being killed. Report as not filled if you want to show no deer killed. I knew a couple guys who always reported there dmp as not filled even when they filled everyone they got. They figured that woul keep the tag numbers up in there area every year. The only real way for them to know how many deer there are in an area is to put boot to ground and get in the woods and get the data first hand. And that will not happen they have neither the resources or access to get real heard numbers. Thaat is why they make up numbers.
If they stopped all Buck hunting.
stubby68 replied to Four Season Whitetail's's topic in Deer Hunting
I do not hunt just bucks I hunt deer. I hunt for the meat so if all I had were doe tags that be fine. The only thing the bucks does for me is I have the option to take a buck if that is all I see and can still put meat in the freezer. I like to have as much deer meat as I can get would rather have that over beef or pork everyday. Im in the woods alot and enjoy it very much being able to get meat for my belly is a nice bonus. To me hunting is about nature, the animals and the woods and what it can provide for me. Does need to be taken out as well as bucks and alot of guys refuse to shoot doe maybe no buck hunting would help to reduce the population in those areas over run. I doubt it though because those who only care about antlers would just stop hunting because they never wanted anything other then decorations. A lot of talk about ar lately why not just close buck hunting for 5 years that would grow a lot of old big bucks for those who want the antlers only. If ar is going to grow big bucks with big antlers think of what no buck hunting for 5 years would do. -
Looks like there may just be statewide Antler Restricts.
stubby68 replied to Four Season Whitetail's's topic in Deer Hunting
I would not mind an obr I never shoot more then one anyways. Would rather eat a doe but the bucks are good for sausage. At least the 1.5 to 2.5 olds are. After that they are not really any good to eat anyways. Too tuff and strong tasteing. I hunt for meat I like haveing the choice to shoot what I want. I do not shoot bb or fawns but 1.5 and up go down if I feel like putting them down. I have gotten some nice bucks and some not si nice bucks rack wise but they were all good on the plate. I have no problem putting down a doe as they eat much better and would rather have the doe the bucks get killed for sausage not for decoration. In some areas of this state deer are few and far between in other areas they are all over. I like seeing and watching deer and having the choice of what and when I shoot, 10 or 15 years ago I could do just that, not anymore because if I pass on one I might not see anymore. 15 years ago I was known to have passed on more then on big old deer and shoot a little smaller younger one just for the better meat. IMO the better meat. I was also known to pass on young deer as well just because I wanted to watch rather then kill at the time they came by. Now I shoot juat to make sure I get the meat. Not saying I would starve with out it but I do enjoy it. I enjoy being in the woods and enjoy having the choice of what I shoot. Being out there is still enjoyable however with fewer deer in my areas the choice is not there which lessens the enjoyment in part. Adding ar or making a shorter season would kill all of the hunting enjoyment for me. And before anyone says that I do not love the sport if this is what takes the enjoyment out of it for me let me say you couldnt be further from the truth. I hunt every day no matter the weather or deer movement. When season arives you can find me one of 2 places in the woods or on the way to the woods. I love hunting for the pleasure it gives me and the food it provides not for the decorations I might get out of it. In my opinion trophy hunters are not hunters they are interior decorators. AS I SAID THIS IS MY OPINION the same as when a trophy hunter says I am not a hunter because I do not care about there decorations. I do not want my choice to kill a small buck taken just as a trophy hunter wouldn't like it if they were told they had to kill all small bucks. I like to see lots of deer not to make myu hunt easy but because I like watching them and I like to have more then one choice as to what I shoot.When people talk about ar they say it will help the heard when u ask them how they say it lets bucks get older and bigger, Lots of big old bucks are seen and taken every year so saying that ar lets bucks grow older and bigger just means that the ar pushers want to see 160 class bucks behind every tree. Befor all the tv shows guys were happy with seeing and getting any buck, the shows make it seem like you are less of a hunter if you do not kill a p& h or b&c everytime you walk out the door. Do we need change? Yes. What? not a clue but I do not believe taking away a hunters choice of what they shoot is the answer. Making gun season shorter isn't the answer either. Bow season is longer then gun so why not shortern that. Some people have limited time to hunt and a shorter season might make them not even bother with it. Think of how you would feel if you only had a 2 week season and only 2 days to hunt during it and could only shoot size deer. Do you think it would be worth the price of the tags? Why not do away with all seperate seasons and make one season from the forth sat in october to the fifth sat in november statewide and make it what ever weapon you chose to use crossbow,bow , rifle, muzzy your choice. -
At 5:00 am Christmas morning an Arcade ny family lost there house to fire. The tones went out and the Arcade volunteer fire department responded. The family all got out safely. When fire men and women arrrived and entered the house the realized there was no saveing the house and they had to back out and fight the fire from the outside. When leaving the house they saw the lights on the Christmas tree glowing and realized that the gifts under it had not been harmed yet. They were able to save the gifts. The family lost there house but atleast they are safe and the kids still had gifts to open. The gifts do not replace the house but atleast there was a little something good for them to hang on too thanks to the quick thinking of the volunteers [who put there Christmas on hold to help someone in need] and the glow of the Christmas tree lights.
Thanx for the congrats. Jerkman it,s not that I don't like the name nick just that I don't like useing common first names for nicknames. Grow your suggestion does pose a possible thought or to for an alternate nickname. Justrob you are right it is a blessing.
Thanx grow. A couple others have suggested Nick as well. I just don,t like nicknames that are also common first. His uncle is named nick. Grandbabys name is Noah.
I got the best gift of all. My first grandchild was born at 7:16 pm Christmas Eve. Hands down the best Christmas ever. A baby boy 8 pounds 14.9 oz 20 1/2 in long. Better score then any buck taken by anyone ever. I want to nick name him Christmas because he came so close to the actual day. My sons likes it but everyone is against it. What do you guys think. I mean no disrespect to anyone or anything with this nick name just thought it would be the right nick name. Thoughts?
cut the end off one and dump the shot out. However if it doesnt say non toxic copper or steel on bow then it's lead.
What G-Man said times 2. This in NY different deer different hunters. Can not do what other states do and make it work.
Stop the trophy hunting and change bow season to 2 weeks doe only then you would see the deer population come back and level out.
Use a torch tip cleaner for the flash hole it is very small. The flash channel is usually 1/8. I have never paid any attention to which way the pellets went in never knew it mattered. Have never had a problem just dropping them in which ever way i grab them. Are you using triple 7 primers? If so that is probably the cause. I got some and everyone gave me a hane fire. Never talked to anyone who didnt have that prob with them. I switched back to cci primers and problem went away.
nantler I have taken a walk around the property before during and after a snow. Guess very few if any sign. Has been this way for about 8 years each year worse then the last. I am not talking about just a couple acres. I have covered a lot of ground 400 acres in one spot and 90 in another just a couple of examples. There are others. These areas are low pressure as well. I have heard very few shots this season and for the last few. We do not have a dog problem either. I am not saying some areas do not have lots of deer however there many which have very few. Contrary to popular believe. I have cams out year round and I am in woods once or twice a month. low number of pics and little deer sign. Has nothing to do with how one hunts if the game is not there. Few tracks little scat and few sightings means few deer. Not just me or mine not seeing the deer listen to others in area and get same story. I do not need easy hunting just would like to have something to hunt. Sucks when you have to leave your own area to get deer when you have plenty of your own land that use to have lots of deer. To say we all know the deer are there is not accurate. I would for that to be true but it just isnt.
Would You Support a Blaze Orange Compromise?
stubby68 replied to wildcat junkie's topic in Deer Hunting
You are correct WNY I did missread it. Thanks for the point out. However it might be hard to convince anyone you were not shooting at a deer if they investigated a shot after legal hunting hours for deer. In my area sun set is 4:40 tomorrow dec 5 th by that time light is going fast. That is plenty late enough to be shooting. -
Would You Support a Blaze Orange Compromise?
stubby68 replied to wildcat junkie's topic in Deer Hunting
You may hunt furbearers with a rifle chambered in any cartridge, except that during any open season for deer - including archery, muzzleloading and regular seasons - you may not possess a centerfire rifle afield, during the day or night, to hunt wildlife, including furbearers in any county or portion of a county where deer hunting with rifles is prohibited during the regular deer seasons. Copied and pasted from dec regs. You can not have your gun loaded after sunset and claim you are hunting anything other then deer. It is under furbearer hunting regs. Know the regs and stay out of trouble. As for orange ? You do not have to be mistaken as a deer to be shot. The hunter does not need to be aiming at you for you to be shot or a round go by your head. If you are a distance away and a deer is between you and the one shooting, that person may not see you if you are 100 yards off and in camo. They shoot and you are in line with what they know to 100% be a deer guess what could happen. Thinking another person has to think you are a deer and be aiming at you is ignorant. I look for guys in camo and orange, HOWEVER just because I do not see someone in camo does not mean they are not there. If everyone wore orange no orange would mean no hunter in your line of fire. Not seeing camo just means there might not be someone hideing in the brush 75 or 100 yards the other side of your target even if you are sure of what you are shooting and have a clear unmistakeable shot. Wear orange and make sure your gun is unloaded after hours and you will stay safe and out of trouble. -
Yes there are those hunters who just shoot without knowing for sure what they are shooting at which is what happened in this case. How ever they do not have to be shooting at you to have a round go flying by your head or even get hit. Just because you know exactly what you are shooting at that does not mean there isn't some moron 75 or 100 yards behind that target who is wearing camo and hiding in the brush and is well within range to be hit if you miss or have a pass through. If you were wearing orange they could still see you at that distance and might not shoot knowing you are in there line of fire. Yes some still would and that would be there fault. If you are hiding in your camo how can you blame someone for shooting in your direction if you are 100 yards away and they have no way of knowing you are there because you blend in at that distance. Can you say for sure that every time you shoot at a deer you know there is absalutly no one on the other side at a distance that can be dangerous yet is not visiable due to there camo? Have you ever been hunting and seen another hunter 100 yards out wearing orange? Do you ever think hay can that guy see me? What if there a deer between us and he shoots cause he can't see me? Where will that round go if he misses. If you are not wearing camo amd get hit or a round goes by your head from a shot 100 yards away how can you blame the other guy? You do not need camo to get a deer and if you wear orange you cut down your chances of being seen by another hunter. Why play hide and seek with other hunters when it could turn out bad for you. If a person weaqring camo gets shot when with in range to be seen even with camo on then yes it is the shooters fault but if they get shot while hiding at a distance that makes it imposable to be seen when in camo then yes it is the camo wearing morons fault. I am not talking a distance of 20 or 30 yards I am talking 75 or 100 yards. Even if you know your target you can not see some one out that distance if they are in camo and it get end bad. Bottom line you do not have to be the target to get shot and wearing orange camo helps your odds that the shooter will wait till deer is past the point where you could be in line with the shot. Wear orange and take the chance that they do not see you. Not talking 20 or 30 yards I am talking further. I can not believe you have never thought hay maybe that guy on the other ridge can't see me
Know for sure your target is a deer and it is one you want to shoot is fine but you can not be 100% sure there is not a hunter in camo hiding in the brush 100 yards away bubba. I don't care how good you think you are you can not say you have never shot at a deer and knew 100% if someone was out there behind that deer and you just couldn't see them. You can only be sure of what you can see and camo at a distance is very hard to see. Looking for orange and hopeing there is not some unseen person hiding in your line of site is all we can do sense orange is not mandatory. If you make sure you can be seen and not mistaken for a deer and get shot then the shooter is 100% to blame. How ever if you get shot by another from 100 yards away when you are hiding in the brush wearing camo? you take all the blame. Making yourself seen is safer for you then hiding. Why are you hiding in camo anyways? Are you trespassing ? Are you doing something illegal?
Just because you have a clear view of your target and know for sure what you are shooting at and what you can see behind it doesn't mean there is not and unintended target in your line of fire. There could be someone you can not see in camo hiding a hundred yards beyond the deer. Wearing orange will not make other hunters safer but it will make you safer. Wearing a seat belt when riding with someone does mean they wont have an accident or wearing a helmet while on a four wheeler does not mean you wont reck it but it helps if you do. There is no reason to not wear orange when in the woods. The shooter was the problem in this accident however if the other hunter had orange on then the shooter could have seen it and not shot. I am not saying orange would have prevented this nor that it was the victims fault but orange might have prevented it. There is no reason to sneak around the woods in camo unless you are doing something you do not want others to see. DO NOT GIVE ME THE CRAP IT IS NEEDED TO GET A DEER. Deer are killed everyday of the season by guys wearing orange. Not just small young on nice mature ones. Weeaing orange is a safty thing period. just as a harness when in a stand is. If you do not slip you wont fall and you wont need harness. IF you do not have an accident you wont need a seat belt. If another sees you then you might not get shot but they cant see you if hiding in bushes in camo.Plain and simple seeing orange would mean no hunter in harms way not seeing orange means maybe no hunter around or is one hiding. Next time you shoot a deer ask yourself is there some one in camo a hundred yards out that i can not see. People learn to look for orange because that can be seen at a long distance camo can not. Think about it how many deer would be shot if we all worried if some one was hiding in camo. If you see nothing behind yo target then are you sure there is no one there. I amnot talking about someone close I am talking 100 yards or so . It would be easy to see the orange yet not camo. Wear orange so others know you are there and maybe you wont get shot you still might but the odds are in your favor when in orange. Again in no way am I saying the victim was at fault here. How ever if wearing seat belt he could have been passed on.
I don't what here is to relax from for 2 days before hunting. I get done with work go to camp [not rush]. Most things were taken care of the weekend before so I just show up kick back bs withe guys and then hit the sac get up and go hunting. Sounds like some of you guys live way to far from where you hunt, my trip is 20 miles one way. If I lived far enough away that I had to rush after work I would just take the Friday before off. As for putting money into local business? Maybe the out of towners started bringing supplies up with them because local prices were to high and they could stop somewhere along the way and save some money. That could have happened even if it did not changa Usually when people complain about the Saturday opener they say it took away a final weekend of bow hunting. Which has been mentioned a couple of times here. Probably most of the ones who do not like it are bow hunters. The sat opener lets people get out therer on opening day who otherwise had to wait 5 days to get in the woods. It also those who can only hunt weekends a couple extra days. I am not sure in made for an increase in the number of licenses sold but it sure didn't hurt it either. IF you always used that weekend to drink and party it up with the boys before opening day it sounds like hunting it just an excuse for you to drink. I am sure a lot of guys love it. They don't have to put in for vaca for the first two days and worry about getting turned down becauce other guys already have it off.
The only thing I can say is that I had little to no blood on 2 deer and without snow my not have found them. One was hit just behind the front shoulders the other in the shoulder and both had small holes in and out. Shot them through 2 by 6 into sand and little to know expansion. I have read a lot of reviews about them most, all have the same experience I had. Not argueing because I have also read reviews that say what you did. I also know a couple guys who love them. We all like and use different things with different experiences. We just need to find what both our gun and ourselves like. Lucky for me I like the xtp and so do my guns.
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I have a Traditions Pursuit thumb hole stock. Love the gun. I shot shock waves the first year I used as they came with the gun and were accurate in it. Had same results as many reviews I have read. Small exit and entrence hole with little to no blood now call the junk waves. I switched to hornaday xtp which is what i shoot in my black diamond. Very accurate deadly on deer and easy to load in both guns. Get a box of them from walmart for about $15 easyer then getting the round and sabot seperate. It is a .44 cal pistol round with the right sabot. 245 grain i believe they are Every gun is different but most times if you are haveing to much crap from powder building up in your barrel fast it is due to using too much and not getting full burn. I never use more then 100 grains of powder. I use triple 7 pellts . I can shoot 5 to 6 rounds before having issues and clean up is easy. Never had a problem with this set up and round performance is grate. At least for me. Longest shot on deer has been 220 yards. Dropped in tracks and expantion was great. Longest shot on paper with this set up has been 350 yards with 3 inch groups. All guns are different though so good luck with what ever you try. I mounted the gun with a centerpoint scope from walmart. Yea cheap scope made be crossman but they are grate scopes. Just as good a scope as my leupolds. Loves these scopes put on my .308 as well.
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