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Everything posted by stubby68
Any hunter who wants that trophy, shooter.wall hanger or has a so called hit list of bucks. Or even manages for trophy class bucks wants what this guy did, Something to brag about, I shot a big decoration look at me, the guy who impresses me is the one who shoots a big buck and doesn't care about the rack. If mounting or displaying a deer in any way were made illegal then every one with a bow would stop hunting. yea this guy is a looser but it is what hunting has come to in this day and age so not a suprise to hear this at all. Only suprise is that more of these guys haven't been found out and the number of people who believe there stories just because it is there dream.
You can't make a bird gobble that has no desire to. Running through the woods screaming on calls does nothing but drive them away. I get up and move to new spot a few hundred yards at a time but not much. Most birds come in silent, running around making lots of noise just because you NEED to hear one gobble only helps you miss out on birds. Sit tight, stay on the watch and keep calling to a minimum. If they are out there and interested they will come..Too many guys try to make something happen then complain they are not hearing or seeing the birds they did before season on in early season. With all the running around and loud frequent calling they made the birds go silent and cautious.
I have never heard a tom sound off to a crow call or any other locator call.If they are in the right mood they will respond to almost any noise however,if a crow or woodpecker call is able to make them gobble then my thought is that they would never stop gobbling,as crows and woodpeckers are sounding off thought the woods every 5 minuites. Owl call once and a while early. I just ask why would they respond to a noise they here on a regular and often bases.If they don't gobble at every woodpecker or crow in the woods then why would they when a hunter makes those sounds.
Nice story.I got a buddy like that. I watched him shoot a doe one year and the one he shot and one about 30 feet to the right dropped with it. The bullet went through the first doe hit an oke tree which sent it sideways and into the other. Wierd things happen when hunting. Just shows how carefull we need to be when out there shooting we never know what will happen after the trigger pull no matter how sure we are. Stories like your friends are what makes huntint hunting. It is about the experiences we have in the woods not just about what we kill or don't kill. Keep them comeing
H @ R 10 gauge with #5 fed
Nice pics.Nice bird
Wouldn't be afraid of shooting anything in NY with a 243.And I wasn't when I shot a 325 pound black bear 2 years ago.Heart shot with plenty of penetration at 80 yards. 100 grain remington sp. I use that round for everything. I just picked 2 boxes up at walmart last saturday. I'm not saying they have it today but I have never had problem finding it there. Midway has a 115 grain cor bon. Yea I have a 308 but I love my 243 and can hunt anything that walks on the ground in NY with it.Birds go with 12 guage
Latest issue of outdoor news has a right up on the turkey population in it. Kind of interesting. Around I am seeing and hearing turkey but the population is down seems to have been falling slowly for the last few years
Early morning on roost.Nothing after fly down till late evening just about dark
The High school science teacher at our school was an instructor. I took my course in his class room after school 2 days during the week. After the class on the last day we took test and went out back of school to shoot guns that we brought with us. Some people would have a mental brake down over something like that today.
we had to shoot at mine 34 years but they were not allowed to at my sons 10 years ago must have started again
Like I said every experience is different all we can do is give our thoughts and he can make his own decision. You don't like them that is fine, I do like them. I also like the fact that I do not have to replace the batteries every other week as my buddies do. As for my confidence,it is only my opinion not fact and I have been known to be wrong from time to time. I know my cams played a big roll in getting my profile buck so I will stick with them
All I know for sure is that I have tested my cameras with other cams,people walking by, cars going down the road, and from the time stamps on the pic I haven,t found anything they miss. As for knowing I am getting pics of the bucks that are going to end up as targets,That's not likely to happen just because I get 30 or 40 pics of a buck does not mean he will still be in the area when hunting time comes. I have no problems with and was wondering what probs you had experienced. The buck in my profile was tracked through the woods with the cams I knew where he would be and when before he did. How ever each experience is different.
Q: Are dealers required to facilitate a private sale or transfer? A: No, dealers in New York are not required to facilitate private firearm sales or transfers. However, if they do, they may not charge more than $10 per firearm to complete the sale or transfer. It is up to the private parties to decide who is responsible for paying the dealer.
Phade why do you say that? Mine only have 30 second delay I do not use minerals or bait do not have a problem getting pics or video. If an animal walks into view range pic or video is taken. Have mine set to take 3 pics at a time just in case of slow wake up but haven't really needed it. I keep them on the three pic setting cause I know as soon as I put in one pic I will have prob with slow wake up or something. I put on in a tree in front of parents house faceing the road to see how fast the wake up was. I was suprised I had pictures of the cars going by. They always fly passed there so I was impressed.I figured there would be empty frame shots but actually caught the cars,not in all three pics and but in first two every time car went by. Even got cars back to back
Paula yes Portageville
I have 4 moultris and they work great.Great pictures and video. The IR takes great night pics. The wake up time is fast very rarely do I get pictures of anything already half way through the view range. They are a little sensitive though sometimes a heavy rain or snow set them off. Other then that no complaints They hold up good in weather and battery last a long. I have mine out 10 months out of the year and only go through 2 sets of batteries a year.I get from 800 to 1500 pics a month.Very easy to use and good quality. I had a stealth cam and hated it eats up batteries, a set every 2 weeks and the pic and video quality sucks. As far as putting them on state land I wouldn't put anything out that I wanted to keep. I would put the stealth cam on state land but not my others I value them too much.Wouldn't get up set if some one stole that.
Lower hunter numbers in these states could have nothing to do with crossbow. It could be because of antler restrictions. Even if it is due to crossbow that means there are fewer people out hunting and the woods will not be overran by people with crossbows. I don't under stand why crossbows would cause less people to hunt though. Maybe a few more,if at all but not fewer.
Thanks for the in put hopefully I can get a picture of the right cat
G-Man I understant what you are saying about diff size yet same animal. The tufts of hair are around its head kind of on it cheeks. I didn't mean on it's ears I ment the ears looked funny compared to bobcat.Sorry I confused that. Picture could very well be bobcat just wish I could see it again and get good pic.Now I sound like those people who say They saw and got bad pic of bigfoot and try to convince you thats what is is. What I saw live didn't look like bobcat and wasn't sure of pic as it isn't a good one. I like the input and I'm now thinking the cat in pic could be a big bobcat .thanx
When I tried to take picture with my phone but it didn't look like a track in the pic.It looked more like a depression in the snow , not alot of detail you could tell they were tracks. I used my back tag for measurement marked it with a pen for width and length then measured when I got back home . That why I said 3 1/2 half to maybe 4 inches could have been off a little I know it was wider then my pack of smokes in length and width, and that is 2 1/2 inches I now carry a hand held camera and tape measure with me in the woods hoping to see it or the tracks again . It is a very pretty animal and as far as I know we don't have lynx in ny just didn't look like bobcat. Quite sure it wasn't a mt lion though. I appreciate your in put thanx
Can't speak to the weight but with the cage being 26 inches tall that puts the cat about 30 inches.I have never seen a bobcat more then a couple feet tall (22-24 Inches). I cant say for sure that the cat in pic is same one i saw walking in the woods. You just never know unless you took the pic with hand neld cam. I did some researcs after seeing it and from picks and descriptions I came up with lynx. Like what I said what I saw looked like a bobcat but then again it didn't. It actually looked exactly like the one in you pic alot like it. Is that you holding it? Nice cat. Mind you I am not saying my pic and what I saw were the same animal. I just thought the one in pic was a little tall for bobcat like the cat I saw . thanks
Last fall while out in the woods I spotted a big cat a few different times. The cat looked a little big for a bobcat. Looked more like a Lynx to me.I also found a live catch trap that shouldn't have been there because no one has permission to be there let alone trap there. I put a trail cam up hoping to get a picture of the person coming back for there trap. No trespassers but I did get this picture. I'm sorry the picturs is'nt very good I should have used my moultrie instead of the stealth cam. The trap is 26 inches tall just to give some prospective. You can't see it good in the picture but I am pretty sure when I saw it that there was a collar on it. What is in the pic looks like the tufts of fur on it cheeks. I came across what I believe were it's tracks dureing hunting season they were about 3 1/2 maybe 4 inches across and the same long. Haven't seen any sign of it sense hunting season so not sure it is still around. I was wondering what you guys thought about it being a lynx. I have seen a few Bobcats and this looks some what like a bobcat but taller,longer and the tufts of hair and ears look off a little.
Sorry for my mistake wooly.I thank you then