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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by DirtTime

  1. This is no lie, last season I was sitting and I lost track of time. I told my buddy come get me about 10am and we can work on the camp spot. I watched him walk right past me three times. Then I could not hold it and let one go. "There you are!". I wanted to be embarrassed, but it was to funny.
  2. Ad that to your CraigsList Personal ad wooly. I am most certain you get a bride! lol
  3. Had 2 beers. But with all the serious stuff in here I made this trying to get people to laugh and remember what laughing is.
  4. I am not sure where these came from Biz. The g/f bought me a pound and I was happy to cook them up and suck the brains right out of the head! I don't buy them very often, I go get them from local creeks and streams. The same way I do if I want frogs legs, I get up, I go out and get me some frogs in the wild.. Not many people I know who like them, so I just boil and eat. I have done cookouts where I have done the corn, potatoes, onions ( even added sausage once to no avail ) and a spice that I make myself. No one liked it. To bad for them! Edit: Did you actually say you have crayfish shipped to you? That's posh..LOL
  5. Just curious.... A big thing when hunting is scent control. So how do you handle farts? Don't be shy and claim you don't pass gas, giggle and not post on this one. No matter how you set up for wind ( pun intended ), a big deer might come in from the opposite direction you planned for. So ripping one would surely send out a trigger there is a dead animal near by. Do deer notice this? Do they get a 'whiff' and say "%^&*, hunter in the area!" ? Just asking here. Sucking down deer camp food that has enough 'items' to run your truck for a month can't be good for "scent control'.
  6. LMAO! Sorry law....Maybe if you didn't have the instructions in the pic......LOL...
  7. Good luck. Remember, run down hill when that bear does show up and gets pi$$ed that you came onto it's land with a bbgun. LOL! Bears front legs are shorter then the back legs, so running downhill is a better bet then climbing a tree. Sorry, I had too.
  8. Now that I think about it, Reverend Jim Ignatowski was the original Kramer. Don't forget Andy Kaufman as Latka either.
  9. I forgot about Taxi. Another good one. Lloyd was great, but so was Devito.
  10. Boiled up some mudbugs ( crayfish ) and grilled some salmon for dinner. Spinach and cucumber salad on the side. Even got the g/f to try a bug. LOL Washing it down right now with a cold Rolling Rock!
  11. Very cool Law. Thanks you for sharing the pics with us. Glad you had a good time. Not like being in a plane was it? More fun!
  12. EXACTLY! I watch womens beach volleyball and the LPGA for the same reason. My g/f is a huge fan of How I Met Your Mother. Night after night, for three hours watching repeats ( the same show like 5 times in a week ) plus her DVR'in new shows. I hated that show! Really? How many years can you keep this show on? I also loved Cheers! Still watch reruns of that when I can. "NORM!!!!!!!!!!".
  13. I am referring to rifles and shotguns. Neither of us have a pistol. I really don't remember where I read it and I can't find it now. There was something about not allowing people to use your firearms. I did make a call, and was told as long as both parties are legal to own a firearm it wasn't an issue, but the owner would be facing charges should something go wrong as well. I don't really see her wanting to shoot my rifle or shotgun. But, I never underestimate her either. She never fails to shock me most times. LOL If she was to buy her .22 rifle, I was more or less trying to find if I could use it to hunt with. I am not a huge .22 fan, but they have a time and place. I also can't see having two rifles in the house of the same caliber, well at least not .22's. Things used to be easy. Your brother stopped in and said "Hey, I want to hunt rabbits this weekend, can I borrow one of your shotguns?", you would say sure and not really think about it. All this new mumbo jumbo is like reading what a 2 year old wrote with a crayon.
  14. That's a great point eddie. No, it's not about pistols, and as you all know, my guns were bought about a week ago. My g/f will never hunt. But, she has shown interest in target shooting. What I am trying to figure out is the smoke and shadows that are the laws for NY. Most of it what's out there is about assault rifles.
  15. Was just putting it out there. Yeah, I noticed your other thread: http://huntingny.com/forums/topic/28320-first-time/
  16. @ CCHC: I mean the receiver claws that grab and extract a spent shell are metal. If they are grabbing plastic. Not exactly a hard material like metal. I would think that there would be little shavings left behind.
  17. Maximus7, you are aware you have to take two courses right? One for firearms and if you want to hunt with a bow that's a second course.
  18. http://www.register-ed.com/programs/new_york/123-new-york-hunter-education-course Yeah most are full. Try this and scroll down to where it says "Contact A Sportsman Education Officer Near You". http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/7860.html
  19. No, you can buy a rifle, muzzle loader, pistol, or shotgun before you take the coarse. As long as you pass the NICS check. Bow or crossbow are not subject to NICS. You don't have to pass the HEC to own a weapon. A lot of people don't hunt, but, they target shoot.
  20. Still don't remember them. I would never have used them though. If the receiver is grabbing plastic there would have have been small shavings of plastic left behind in my guess.
  21. Yeah, still working on that one. That's what I thought. But, like I said, there are some very gray areas and the result can be nasty. I actually don't shoot at a range/club right now. The private land I hunt I am welcome to shoot there to sight in, just not pop off rounds at camp for the hell of it. So that's where I took the new guns. Fees are pretty high for my area at clubs/ranges, and the waiting list is brutal. Actually, that land is owned by a retired LEO, and he does still have a son who is current LEO. I am sure they could get me the correct information. I would hope...... I just hate bothering them. They let me hunt and camp there, they are some of the best people I have ever known.
  22. Wooly, for shame! You are asking for trouble with an ad like that! No stating who you are seeking? No skill set offered? Even the pimps aren't going to hook you up dude. That's a messed up though, picture that ad and wooly in a garter belt on a corner. Man, I would move! Just kidding wooly, I am sure you would make an improvement to any deer hunting shack. Hey Law? Where are the pics you promised.
  23. I figured as much with calling. The whole thing is very gray. If you step this way the mud is an inch deep, step that way and you just landed in quicksand.
  24. I was not sure where to post this. It's not really hunting, and it's not political. I remember reading somewhere about the newer gun laws prohibit me from letting my g/f, brother, friend, or w/e use my guns. Even at the range and I am right there I thought it was prohibited. I have looked, and maybe I am typing the wrong words to search for. What I keep finding is "To knowingly buy for, gift, or allow use of" a firearm to anyone you know is not legally allowed to own a firearm in NYS is a federal gun offense. I will try and keep this simple and just use my g/f: She is legal to own a firearm, I am legal to own a firearm so that's not a concern. Back three years ago when she bought the shotgun she never used ( then sold without even firing it ) I made her buy it. My thought with all the hoopla going on was, her gun she buys it. If I decide on a gun, I will buy it. Anyways......... Say, I am out shooting and she wants to shoot one of my guns can she? Or say she does buy the .22 she keeps going back and forth about, and I feel lazy and want to just go sit and watch for squirrel can I use her .22? Like I said, I cannot find anything decisive on it. I am most likely not looking in the right site ( DEC, Safe Act Rules ), or typing what I am asking right in the search. I will probably end up just making a call and get the info. But curious if anyone has a link that I can read in black and white.
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