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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by DirtTime

  1. I would go fingers. The one thing other people forgot to mention about a release at that age is a misfire. Accidetally hit the trigger on a release and it's a trip to the shop to make sure the bow is still OK.
  2. You would think that seeing they are using "Facts" based on NY outdoors losses they would at least have a link to see the results they seem to know all about. <shruggs> Still, everyone was talking about the math, I just gave you the math. Even it was only $4,000,000, that would still be appx 37,300 people who left. That's a huge number. I doubt there are 30,000 people in total who hunt in NY. Edit: I think more people have sold the Brooklyn Bridge then hunters/fishers have stopped.
  3. Went out again for the 4th weekend. Sat. was bad in the morning, but even though it was still chilly the rain stopped. The crappy thing about tent or pop up camping is rain. If you take down wet, you have to set everyhting back up to dry out.
  4. I would like to see links as well. Still waiting for the links too. So, it was from a magazine? Be it a reputable magazine I would still like to see a link from DEC or something official from NYS. How does a magazine have these 'facts', but there is nothing to support it on any official site? So.....I will also ask, where are the links to supprt such a massive loss in revenue from the outdoors community? Are there even enough hunters or fishers in this state to supprt that kind of loss? Break down: Base Hunting License = $22 Bow = $15 ML = $15 Turkey = $10 Duck Stamp = $10 DMP's = $10 Fishing = $25 Total = $107. Now break this down.....$107 into $7,000,000 = appx 65,420 people. IF they all buy everything. So, according to that magazine, 65,000 people went away? LOL!
  5. Very sorry for your loss. Loosing a beloved pet is never easy.
  6. Is there a link to the quote you posted? I would like to read the whole story before I get in a twist. I doubt NY would ever even consider making all hunting 'High Fence'. It would get messy fast. But, at the same time I can see this happening. Due to the "FACT" that NY goes above and beyond what's right because they can. "Oh, someone got shot in "Treefall Swamp, Nowhere?"! We have to have laws to immediatly prevent that!". See, the thing is, I have an isse with everyone and the "What if?" scenerios all the time. "What if the Four-Horsemen Show Up"?, "What if the seventh seal is broken?", "What if NY changes the laws we are used too for hunting?"........etc. "What if you realize that Colorado, NM, WY, PA, NJ,TX, AK, and all the other states aren't NY?". I just don't get it. But, I am willing to read and learn why "What if?" is so much of a big deal. Also, don't you have a deer farm Four Season? So wouldn't this profit you? You pop up some fences and charge $3000 a day for hunting. You would get paid. People would pay that if they could for a trophy. Then you have the people who actually have to hunt to put food on the table. The most respectable hunt for food hunter, would become a criminal. A ...POACHER! Because they would do what they had to do for meat in the freezer. Just my thoughts.....Still want the link to that full story though.
  7. Give me a few, I will post all the links. Not all of us think this site is God.
  8. Because some members still talk about hunting. Learning something I didn't know about the 30.30 or .308. Or advice on buying my new bow. It's a hunting forum! So I keep coming back because some of us still want to talk about hunting. BTW, nice of you to chime in on a non-hunting thread Paula.
  9. Its been implied. Not everyone is stupid. But everyone can read this. This thread is a good example of hating gay people. Or how about the Boy Scouts thread? I am racists? I am intolerant? Sure. Lie if it makes you sleep better. And with that all I can do is laugh.
  10. This was a trolling thread by the author, as he so loves to do. But, it gets him attention because, so it is what it is. Nope, so why did you even post this? To boost your post count and cause ripples! We all do it from time to time. There you have it folks! I was getting flooded on FB with all this BS. When I made a post about if the "White Man" didn't have the 'boom-stick' this country would still belong to the natives. Shut most of them right up! America was born on the blood of the Natives! The ones that were slaughtered and put into little areas called "Reservations". How proud the people flying that Rebel Flag must feel! Killing and worse women and children! Thank you Grow for adding this point before I could. Detroit? Try Rochester, Buffalo, Albany, or even my neighborhood. They would get a fast lesson in how to get your ass kicked, or far worse. Stupidity, ignorance, and hate have no skin color! They just have idiots abound. i was asked why "White Pride" was considered racism. My reply was simple, hate is hate! I am 52% Native American! So all you "slobs" get the hell off my land!!!!!!!1
  11. We have had crappy erratic weather. I was right so far. Same as the past few years. Too much rain and flooding.
  12. What kind of a challenge you looking for? Going from a .308 to a 22/250? You want a challenge, buy a bow or a crossbow.
  13. With a 22/250? The heavier the better! As mentioned, look up the best round for deer for that caliber. Test a few for energy and accuracy.
  14. If you are dead set on using that rifle for deer, then do so. Just make sure you hit the range and dial in for yardage. Knowing where it will be at certain ranges will be imperative. You want to make sure you are hitting the heart and not just the lungs with that caliber. It will be so fast the deer might run a long way before it dies. If you can I would suggest going up to a 7mm/08, .243, or .308. Maybe even a 30/30. All still low recoil, but more kinetic energy.
  15. Some people in here really are ass holes ( I can be one myself, but I am NOT a looser hater!!!!!! ) I have never seen more hate on any other hunting site. "I hate hipsters!", "I hate gay people!", "All gay people are criminals!". Etc, etc......... If you feel this strongly about this, then you must really hate the fact that what you consider a minority hunt and own firearms. It must really piss you off that the Native Americans on their land can own things like full auto legally. That must really put twist in your bikini bottom! America is soft because of hate on our own soil. Keep hating gay people, keep hating black people, keep hating women, keep hating everything. People talk about fascism? This is a PRIME EXAMPLE! EDIT! If you are so damn unhappy living in the USA or NY, leave! You won't be missed!
  16. I can't smell the link. Got a click and sniff?
  17. LOL Pygmy! Something tells me after the first stream, I will be doing time. So "My Attitude" would be wrong and end up in a bad way. LOL
  18. I also tried to enlarge this image in PS and PSP, the bigger I made it the worse it looked. Looks like a fox, the bushy tail and the coloring. I don't see anything in the mouth. You can still see the leaves all around the head of the main animal. Also after enlarging the image, there is no shadow from the animal. The flash from the cam shows the grass and foliage casting shadows, but the animal looks like it was pasted in. The head looks like it doesn't fit the animal. Hard to tell what direction the head is facing. So it's even harder to tell what it's carrying. But, I doubt it's a fawn.
  19. Guess the government doesn't control dollor stores. All the foil you want for $1. Oh it's not "tin".
  20. So, if my "attitude" is I can do whatever I want, then facts or laws won't concern me? So if my attitude tells me it's just fine to just take a p*$$ in a fountain in the middle of a crowded mall I am golden!
  21. Tin foil: http://www.walmart.com/search/search-ng.do?search_query=Aluminum%20Foil&adid=22222222220207635634&wmlspartner=wmtlabs&wl0=b&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=40240125345&wl4=&veh=sem Paranoia: http://www.paranoidthoughts.com/medication.php
  22. My thoughts go out to the victims. With that said...........................Seeing this thread went sideways like they all tend to do........ There's no name to put with the shooter. So, we do not know if the firearm was legal or not. Very hard to walk down the street in a 'hoodie' carrying a long gun. So we have to think it was most likely a handgun or small assault weapon. Most of these atrocities are committed with illegal guns. Now lets look at a few 'facts' here: To be this specific, is a bit far fetched. When have you ever read or heard on the news about a specific age? It's usually between 'yadda and yaddddaaaa'. Not right on the button unless they know exactly who the perp was! Shouldn't this read "Witnesses stated/commented"? If you got a good enough look at his boots to know the brand, then you sure as hell should know if he/she was wearing an actual sweatshirt or a hoodie! That might not make sense to you but, think about it for a minute. If you know he had a 'slender build'. then you saw what shirt he/she had on! Now, here comes the HUGE one! This is not meant as racism, but what white male/female is going to walk into a black community church and open fire? Just because that church had a gun ban doesn't mean jack! That 'lone' "white" person just strolled in, and went postal? Something doesn't seem right here.
  23. I do not have children. I remember how I was at that age also. But, here's a thought, what you are feeling right now is how some father thought about you. They trusted you, so why not offer that trust as well?
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