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Everything posted by DirtTime

  1. Is that a new facility from the one that used to be in Colonie in the Khols strip mall that closed?
  2. There you go! Take NFA-ADK up on the offer. Also for a list, to add to what grampy already mentioned, first and foremost get a compass and learn how to use it! A GPS is great, but batteries can die or they can break if dropped, it might never happen but preparation and readiness should always a top priority. The more you learn from the start about certain things will keep from going "$***! What do I do now!?" down the road. You might start out hunting small areas close to home, but you might start wanting to get into bigger woods, like the massive ADK Park. Not having a compass and map in there might be a bad bad bad thing. Also, sorry to say this, but always keep some TP in your pack! You never know! A small first aid kit with ( yes I am serious here! ) a tube of super glue and some duct tape.
  3. I was going to leave that and The Benny Hill Show out of the mix.
  4. Yeah, it's pretty much been established that over all there won't be much difference except in recoil and price. I do not remember 'Activ' shells.
  5. I catch Archer here and there, and the Cleveland show. Haven't seen a re-run of Home Improvement in about 4 years now. I am noticing a pattern here. I guess we can 'draw' the conclusion we all still like our toons.
  6. Like grampy said, thanks for this fun little game and putting up the prize. Congrats G-Man.
  7. Great advice already. Making friends is the best way to get onto private land. Beats trying the door to door asking method. Another thing to consider is figure out the areas you want to hunt most and buy your weapon of choice to fit that area. Brushy areas, open woods or fields, how far will you shots be..... Also if you are on a budget or only want one gun and plan to hunt small and big game, you can't go wrong buying a shotgun with a slug barrel and field barrel combo. I would actually suggest this to anyone starting off because you have both worlds covered. Hunt everything you can for a season and then decide how you want to proceed. Just starting out and doing it alone can seem daunting. There's a lot to know and learn. Ask questions, a lot of questions.
  8. Congrats on your daughters promotion!
  9. Wow. I guess things don't change as much as we think. I was brought up with the theory #6 was the best universal load. Always worked well for me as well. The ones I have now seem solid at about 40 yds with quite a few pellets in the head neck area of a turkey target on Saturday. That was with 2 3/4" as well. I will still try the #5's and see how much difference there is. But I am also a firm believer if it's not broke, no need to break it.
  10. I always liked Rem 150gr. Shot well from a Rem 7400.
  11. #6 for turkey Pygmy? Is that a 3"? #6 is pretty universal, but I never thought about using it for turkey. Predators, I would just use the rifle to hunt them. But, Yes, I would not go lighter then a #4 on a shot shell.
  12. Spring turkey. Maybe some greys after deer season, depending on snowfall. I was actually even thinking about doing a little red squirrel hunting while at camp this summer. Last I knew you could hunt them all year and no bag limits. Not fox, reds.
  13. There really aren't many truly funny shows on anymore. Growing up some of my favorite shows were The Honeymooners repeats, The Odd Couple ( I hate the new show! ), The Carol Burnett Show, and Three's Company! Those were some funny shows. New shows? I can tolerate The Big Bang Theory, Two Broke Girls, and a couple more that seem to slip my mind right now. I also like Family Guy and American Dad ( yeah yeah, I know! ). I mainly watch shows like Hillbilly Blood, Alaskan Bush People, and I love Naked and Afraid. N&A takes guts!
  14. Welcome. Welcome to the fine world of hunting! As for where to go, that depends on what you want to hunt and where you live. The whole state is pretty much covered here, so I am sure you can get advice on good locations in just about any area.
  15. Been good so far. Been camping twice with about 5 more trips planned, two at my buddies and mine camp and the rest state parks. August should be fun. Planning a mid September trip, state park with friends. Also have a mid October trip planned as a deer hunting/camping trip up north. Thank you for asking Elmer, and I hope your the rest of your summer is great as well.
  16. LOL wooly and thank you ( and yes, I did catch the pun ). Actually that was a zucchini from our garden.
  17. That was one of the issues brought up in a few reviews, you can't flip the stop in the tube for low and high. If I was a clay shooter I would definitely have got something that would shoot lowbrass. I can absolutely see wanting a less recoil when you are shooting a box or two when you are out on the range. Yes the shells are made my Heavy Shot. If you look in the corner on the box in the pic it has their logo. I had remembered someone talking about them before around here so I wanted to give them a try. I want to try the non-toxic as well. I used to mainly use Winchester for shot loads and they always did well out of just about any gun I had. But, being a new day I wanted to check out other options and not be stubborn like I can be most of the time. I'm a New Yorker! We are born stubborn and our first smile is actually a smirk because even that young we are thinking something sarcastic to say! Probably something like "Yeah! I got your goochy goo! Right here in my diaper!". LOL What about shot #? A few have been mentioned, but what are everyone's though on that? Me personally, I doubt I would go smaller then #7's, or larger then #4's.
  18. Thank you Pygmy. Pretty much what I though and remembered. I won't and do not plan on using this round for turkey. 3" #4's all the way for that. I have some time to test different ammo. I may not be that old, but I have seen and shot the paper shells. From an old 8ga and 10ga. No, sorry I was 14 and I do not remember the models of the guns. They were both double barrel, and hurt like hell to shoot. I am just trying to understand why shooting the high brass seems to be an issue for some. I swear on my mothers grave, I am not trying to be argumentative, I am just asking what people like for the high brass and what number shot you like. Why the masses seem to prefer the low brass.
  19. Yes it has interchangeable chokes. I can get custom ones and I can use a few brands of already manufactured chokes. From what I read the threading for the choke system will accept a few top brand chokes. The choke in there right now is a modified. No, I was not recommended to use any specific ammo. Never said that. It is recommended to use high brass, no matter the brand. The ammo I bought works fine. I didn't treat the shotgun like an assault rifle and try to unload as fast I could. I took my time and placed my sights on target like I would in a hunting situation. I am not going to blast away at a turkey or any other game. I will do more testing and use different ammo and see what works best for what I plan to hunt. If I decide to hunt ducks, I will test some steel-shot. My local suburban woods allow small game hunting with non-lead/toxic shot, so I might test that too. If I have to use high brass so be it. If the gun shoots low brass $5.99 a box cheap ammo great! I treat rifles and shotguns the same. You have to find what works best for your gun. So using high brass would be equal to me like shooting a proper bullet from the rifle. I have an odd question now, what difference does it make if the gun likes the high brass? As long as it patters well, and does what it supposed to do, what real difference does it make? EDIT: Just to make my question clear, from what I know and remember, high brass holds more powder, so a bit more umph in the charge. Low brass is less powder and more shot. So over all wouldn't it come down to what shoots best out of any shotgun?
  20. I don't try to figure her out anymore. I let her be her as she lets me be me. I just had to share this. I really didn't know whether to get mad back or just do what I did and let her stew. I have to admit though, I sort of enjoyed snickering at her being mad and knowing at some point she would see the card and blush with apologies. I even told her that. LOL
  21. My first thought was yeah, the phone/camera would have been gone and the bow in my hand. But that bear got up that tree really fast! LOL
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