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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by DirtTime

  1. Great work! Love that you put the pic on the plaque!
  2. Ever eat the steak at a Friendlys? No, just kidding...................... Remember what Andrew Zimmern says; "If it looks good, eat it!".
  3. So what will your rates be? What are you calling the service? Just out of curiosity ( so sarcasm on this, I am being serious ). Didn't there used to be a guide/outfitter from VT in here too ( I remember making a post about where he was and asking about the moose lottery in VT and never getting a reply back )? It will be interesting to see you guys vie for the top spot as Hunting NY's best local outfitter. I don't know many who consider NY a hunting destination. Or that would pay for a hunt here. But, who thought they would make Pluto a star and not a planet. Best of luck to you on this endeavor.
  4. Be safe and careful grow. Does your kindle have a camera on it? If it does and this happens again try and get a quick pic of the car. The trail cam thing is a good idea too.
  5. Have fun! Enjoy the outdoors and bring back some pics!
  6. I drink, no issues with drinking. Just popped the top on a cold one a few minutes ago. Just starting to think some people get beer fingers when typing. At least I hope its beer fingers. If not, I guess it's just some people can't get through a day without starting a font war. LOL
  7. Congrats! Time for some RealTree jammies!
  8. I think they should be placed on all computers, phones, or any other device where the web is involved and people are allowed to type! Spell check only goes so far!
  9. Glad it makes sense to you now. So glad you keep posting on a thread that you say doesn't matter to you. Thanks for actually being informative! Your wisdom will be remembered until the next time I use the toilet. May God bless you in all you do. Someone needs too!
  10. Where in the hell in this post did I state a race issue? I said all ethnicities! You mean this: 6:1? That's a damn fact where I live! Not a racist comment, a fact! Have another drink and go to bed bkln! My point was that sometimes these programs work, and sometimes they don't. If the parents don't have an interest in the outdoors, then how will they teach their kids to have an interest? Or, how will the kids have an interest if the parents have their head shoved up a computers 'hard-drive' or have to text every part of the day to everyone they know on Face Book? Apples don't fall far from the tree! We live what we are taught! Sometimes a kid will see a hunting vid and say 'Man, I want to do that!", but other times they might say that's barbaric! Alcohol and computers don't mix!
  11. O......K.....Let me explain this a bit more slowly! My girlfriend bought one of the $50 packs of fireworks from BJ's. Are you with me so far? She wants to have a cookout and use the rest of the pack later this month, or in August. Still with me? I can't find anything stating she/we can't do that. Still with me? So I have to call the local cops and ask if we can set them off or not. Still there? She wants to have me use them and set them off for the kids at said cookout. Am I getting through? Can you read? On a side note, I used to like using a magnifying glass to burn ants, it was fun.
  12. We are! Saving money to buy our own house with some land for hunting! But thanks for the advice! My point was, from what I read and heard, the restrictions were for sales, not usage.
  13. I forgot I had saved this video to post here. Youtube is a curse for real or serious hunters at times! I guess being high, drunk, and stupid is in. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vA6wMYnp0Ls
  14. I really wanted to leave this alone but..Here goes...I put a book in my pants to help ease the pain from the boots about to hit my a$$. "Inner city youths" and minorities is an odd way to still keep putting it these days. in my area, which is considered low income or "slum" if you like, white people of any age are out numbered about 6:1 by all other ethnicities. But, I don't think that matters anymore. It comes down to prying kids away from the cell phone, Face Book, game consoles, and flat out having no interest in anything not associated with technology. Sleeping in a tent and waking up to a great view of a lake isn't something many kids want to take part in. I am not saying all, but most kids brought up in a city or even rural environment have no interest being in the woods any more. I also hate to say this as well, but most parents are either too busy or just don't care about the outdoors them selves. We live in a time where even adults can't be anywhere without a cell phone connected to the web. So you expect kids to be any different? Some of these programs work to a small extent. But most don't. NOTE! This is just my personal point of view! Not intended to troll, font war, disrespect, or otherwise create chaos.
  15. We have had people setting of mortar type in our neighborhood as long as we have lived here. I think they use them to try and cover the gun shots. Living in the hood is a lot of fun! I thought the dates were for sales only. My g/f picked up a $50 pack from BJ's. We only used a few, just to see what they did. Were in Schoharie Co. for the weekend of the 4th which was a banned Co., so we didn't take any camping. I was under the impression you could use them if they were the legal ones when ever. I read the data on this link: http://www.dhses.ny.gov/ofpc/news/sparklingdevices.cfm I may have missed something but I could not find anything on using them. I most likely missed that section. She wants to have a cook out later in the month or next month and have me set them off, mainly for the kids to watch. Guess I will just call the local police and ask tomorrow to be sure. Not everyone is an idiot who like to use fireworks. Young punks. drunks, and flat out stupid people using them will be bad. I looked around the web for news about fire work accidents when we got back from our camping trip and found very few to my amazement. I found less this year then I heard about last year.
  16. I have watched videos on this one. I always wondered how they handled the meat after the kill. Most of what I have seen were tent camp trips. I would have to speculate they get the meat back to the main lodge pretty fast to keep it from spoiling.
  17. OH, I love my Heineken and Stella Artois! Even Becks on occasion. Guinness is mud with foam on top. But when we camp we usually have other people. I am not taking really good beer for the cooler raider clan to chug down on me! So it's usually Bud, Bud Light, or Coors Light. I have been thinking a lot about the past lately. How when I was a kid we didn't have a tent at times, but my mom had a big old station wagon that was our camper. I was remembering a hunting trip when I was 15 where again my mom, my sister and I spent a very cold night sleeping in the back of a station wagon. Remembering family camping trips, and camping trips with the guys. How for some odd reason, I always knew the sound of my sisters b/f's ( the man that got me into hunting ) guns when he shot, and always knew there was a dead deer to be dragged out. About the first deer I shot at with a bow, Used the wrong pin, the arrow landed a few feet in front of her and she took off. I remember thinking "Damnit!" and cussing myself out. Then deciding to head out so I hung the bow, lit a cig and poured a cup of coffee. That doe circled came back and sniffed the arrow! Bow hung on a branch, coffee in one hand, cig in the other.... The time I went camping with a new backpacking tent to try it out. It wasn't a backpacking trip, me and a buddy just went for a night to get out of the city. It was raining and I hadn't water proofed my tent yet. We set up our tents, hung a tarp over the picnic table ate raw hot dogs because we couldn't get a fire going , drank beer and talked about women. I now know exactly why they call bottoms of tents tub bottom! I woke up and my pup tent was a bath tub! I had 3 inches of water in the bottom! I remember my mom trying to be the best dad she could be. Just been thinking a lot lately. About how though life hasn't been the easiest road, but there have been some great sights along the way worth remembering.
  18. Great pic. That deer is thinking "Oh C'mon! It's not enough I have to dodge arrows and bullets! Now what are they throwing at me?".
  19. I don't agree with a neck shot either. Or a spine shot! I was taught and live by the simple rule of "the right shot at the right angle, to the vitals ( heart/lung )". I just stated what was said on other sites. I also would never use a 22 caliber for deer. In any of its forms! But, what we do, believe, and say are different from one to another. The best we can do is offer advice and hope the person listens and uses that advice. As for that aught6 comment......I think the point was made on how I feel about that. I guess using a 50# sledge to drive roofing nails in is now on my bucket list LOL
  20. That's part of hunting. Do you wear a micro heater in your shorts? LOL. I hate shivering too! But a shiver goes away real fast when a deer or turkey is in range! When you get that really bad cold shake it's time to call it a day. Maybe the point was missed.
  21. I am going up in a week to get wood piled up for camp.. Just confirmed that one. I plan to ask permission to hunt the right and backside properties, as well as an adjesent property. The back will be a pain! The woman who owns that has a bunch of so called Suffolk CO. Sherrifs that drop in there. They went around emptying Glock mags while drunk and on a moving side by side. They showed us the video. They laughed, I puked! I think I will set up the ladder about 200 yds from our camp overlooking the swamp and a small flat area. Then use the natural blinds to sit in on occasions for wind and movement. Thanks for the help folks. I really do appreciate it.
  22. The title make not make sense to most, so here goes....... I am an outdoorsperson! I love hunting, fishing, hiking, camping, snowboarding, camp fires, tents, tall tales, great food cooked over a fire or coals, and a cold beer ( Domestic ). I like having civilized conversations with peole who are like minded! I love waking up to the smell of still hot coals and a stream/pond/lake! I love seeing great groups of arrows from my bow! I love shivering on a cool or cold morning during a hunt, or fishing, camping or riding the lift! I love cooking ribs, chops, steak, or chicken over camp fire coals low and slow! I love the adreline you get when a deer walks past you at 20 yds and doesn't know you are there! I love the adreline when a big bass hits a buzz bait! I love being on stand ( tree stand/blind/sitting against a tree ) and hearing the woods wake up! I love watching the sun rise and set! I love beeing more then 300 yds from my house! I love camping where no one else camps! I LOVE BEING OUTDOORS! So, I tip my hat in respect to anyone who enjoys the same things.
  23. You had no luck on ebey, Amazon, Cabela's, Bass Pro Shops, or the company you bought the cam from? Maybe a bungee chord?
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