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Everything posted by DirtTime

  1. I already said that. OP said he was using a .308 and wanted a challenge. OP seems dead set on usin a 22-250, so I offered what I could find on ammo and that a lot of people say the twist might be off on certain rifles using the hevier bullet. I would never do it, but who am I to tell anyone what to shoot or not shoot? I am not God! As long as it's a legal caliber, and they use the smaller calibers with common sence and hit the range to know wher they are hitting on impact, who are any of us to judge?
  2. Scent? What's that? I figure opening day I will just drive a tank into the woods. C'mon! LOL Might be good for a gun. don't think I could have drawn a bow inside an old abandoned car. LOL Just picked out my stand. 2 man ladder. I like my space! Still up in the air about placement. Main food sources are about a mile away. So they hit the bedding area and the swamp both morning and evening. The buck I was chasing last year was on the back of the swamp, and had scrapes and rubs around our camp and near a stream bed that is only 15 yards from the road. OH, this is the NZ. So it has to be set up for a buck.
  3. Yaeh..Thank you wooly I appreciate the link...I am 4 hours from that area. LOL. Not saying my descision. Not that anyone cares. LOL Will post pics tomorror or Wed.
  4. Most of the natural blinds I have already are on a hill side/top. One is on the flat as it looks over the bedding area and that is on flat ground. Like I said, Just curious how people would set up for only one stand. I just eliminated the ground blind. No need to buy something I can make more of. A few down branches and I could always use a camo tarp as a roof ( or walls for that matter ). So I am looking at a ladder stand and an umbrella. Also, I would never actually set up on a "deer run".
  5. Think I made my descision. Either going tomorrow or Wed to make the purchase. Will post pics after purchase.
  6. I get that. I meant I find it odd that the hell dogs seem to be able to get through heavy snow and strive. Then again, I have watched my Husky go through 3 feet of snow like nothing. She looks like a fish swimming but she does it. I have no issues with the antherless restrictions. But, I also don't want to turn grows thread into yet another battle about that topic. So, I am trying to lean more towards hunters being able to slap the hell out of the yote population all year.
  7. Right. Got it. Never thought about it, but I usually set up like that on habit anyway. The less you turn the body the better, I do get that. I know the land. It's not mine but I have a camp with the owners son. We walk and ATV all summer. I know the borders and and I even knew where the turkey would have been if I had gotten out in May. I know the boundries, I also have permission to hunt the land on one side, but have to get permission for the other yet. Wii ask a few weeks when I head up for a weekend. While riding we have seen deer 10 feet off the trail and they just look at us while still chewing on w/e. Most of the time they don't even run, they just walk off while we sit there on running fourwheelers.
  8. Post a map........LOL! Good one WNY! I have a few natural ground blinds I made last summer and last fall to hunt different locations on a given time of day/wind/etc. I want something so I can still get out on light rain or mist days. Something with a water proof roof. I really am leaning towards a ladder stand. They are stable enought to help with a fear of heights. The only reason I was thinking bought blind is even though it's not a great idea, I can move it. The deer in the area ar used to people, ATV's, tractors... and they even use our camp as a toilet in the summer. LOL. So I doubt movint it would bother them. Left to right in front of me?...Most of the natural blnds are like that. Not sure why that would matter though. Would love to hear why this would be relevant. They do move in the evening from a small swamp and the bedding to a pond. The pond is on land I don't have permission to hunt. YET! Now I will have to ask.
  9. That's a good question grow. Two years ago while at camp in the NZ we heard coyotes take a fawn ( that was pretty disturbing to hear in the middle of the night to say the least ), and heard them on and off all night everytime we were up there. Last summer they lit us up and 8:30pm one night and the next night at around 1:30am. They were close, within 100 yds. Has to be a den, but we can't find it. My buddies father told me to kill any of them I see. I would love to do that, but in the sumer there's no season. He has chickens, goats, and other animals he raises, so he wants them gone. He had a trapper up there for 3 years and the trapper got nothing! Not even a straying pup! Coyoye numbers are way up everywhere. We need an all year season on them to reduce the numbers. The really odd part is, in many areas the snow was deep and I really don't get how the damn hell dogs were able to gain in numbers so much this past winter.
  10. If you only had one ladder stand or blind to use ( you know the land and where/how the deer are moving, bedding etc ) what would you do? Where would you place it? Wind is huge I know that. But....If you only had one would you set up near a water source, just out of the super thick bedding area, or over the area they are walking through? I am leaning towards setting up near the bedding area. I cannot use a climber so that's out of the question.
  11. I have no qualms with anyone using a 22-250 for deer, I have never done it so I did some research, and just posted what I found on many different sites. They also say neck shot is the best to make a clean kill as already mentioned.
  12. A 30-06 not enough for bear? Really? Tell that to anyone who has taken a bear with a recurve, compound, or crossbow. That said, after looking around a bit it seems many people like the 60gr Nosler Partition for deer. Also after looking they recommend checking the twist rate in the barrel as the basic twist doesn't take well to the heavier bullet. Doesn't stabalize right. EDIT: After looking a bit more they also recommend not shooting at a deer over 100 yds.
  13. My old bow is dust. Too much to fix. Needs a new almost everything. Somewhere I posted a pic of it. The bows that fit me the best were a PSE Stinger and a used Mathews ( I don't remember the model ). They felt good and were pretty smooth. I have to go back with my release and see if things work the same. Also, the PSE will be a bare bow, I have sites and a rest I put on my old bow last season, so no need to buy the RTS deal. The Mathews was RTS as well, but being used it was $100 less leaving a bit of cash to upgrade my arrows. The 7mm-08 was nice, but no scope and no sights, so a scope would be a must. I made an error on my OP. The shotgun I looked at was a used Ithica 37 FL in 12 ga, not 20. Sorry about that. I had one of these in the past, they kick like 2 mules and a horse. LOL That has scope mount already on it, and a smooth bore barrel, so I could use rifled slugs and still use shot for turkey and not have to buy a new barrel right away. Another reason I am thinking gun is a lot of the land I hunted last year has been trashed, so I will be doing more NZ hunting. So a gun won't really shorten my seaon at this point.
  14. Went to a few places and shot some bows. Had someone help me with my issues using a release. I have to tell ya, I shot 5 bows, using a release they supplied, at 10 and 20 yards I was dead on but either about 4 inches right or left depending on the bow. I think I am hooked! Shooting a bow I have never had in my hands before and being that accurate felt great! But, I am himming and hawing right now. Oh, I know the bow I want! But....I also looked at a few used rifles and shotguns. So, I am torn between giong back to a firearm or sticking with archery. I enjoy bow hutning becasue you really have to have your $*** on point! Super quiet and taking a deer in 25 yards takes a little more skill with a bow then dropping a deer at 200 yards with a cannon. Gun hunters step back! I am not saying gun hunting doesn't take skill! On the gun side, the only legal buck I saw last year was 70 yds out, gave me a few nice angles to have taken a shot with a gun, but never came any closer. Hence, I am not sure which direction I will go. If the money was there, I would have a nice 7mm.08 or 20 guage, and a new bow right now!! Alas, I have to make this descision, and fast.
  15. My brother and I used to hunt them, sort of. We would walk the streams, creeks, swamp, edges ...etc, and catch them by hand. That was 30 years ago, so I do not remember what the regulations were back then. My brother would take care of the killing and cleaning, and make soup. I always liked it and ate more then my share. I remember a lot of walking carrying a 5 gallon pail. Most times we didn't find anything. Used to hunt frogs with an air rifle or pistol as well. Now that I really want to get back into!
  16. Never carried a firearm hiking. Never felt the need to. On a few back country camping trips we have taken a .22 or a shotgun, or those with a pistol permit would carry. Most of the time we just never felt a need to have one everytime we walked into the woods.
  17. Would have called authorities, given them 10 minutes to respond, then I would have killed the bear. If a bear will track deer into your backyard without fear, the next time could be far worse. A bear that size could bust your door open easily, whether you are home or not. Also, seeing it took that deer in your yard, it will remember that area as a food source. Sorry, but the safety of my family and pets out weighs nature.
  18. I am a fan of all three originals, and I liked the way they took the reboot. I am hoping Netflix picks this one up, but no holding my breath.
  19. Hunting deer or spring turkey from my camp on my own land. Nothing fancy for me anymore.
  20. It doesn't matter what you post, even when you are right, you're wrong in here. Some of the recent posts are just wrong. But, it it was it is. You either conform or get harassed and ignored. Every things an argument. You add that to the FACT that there are people with more accounts and personalities then Sybil...You get what you get. Want proof, people will attack me for posting this. Edit! Oh, and it's a NY hunting forum/site ( ha ha ), but more people worry about what happens in other states then right here!
  21. Why thank you jjb! Those numbers still do not add up to the alleged loss ( if you think they do then show the math like I did ). There is no way 30,000 or more people stopped buying licenses, stamps or tags. Much less 60,000 or more. But, yet again, I am wrong and the 'clique' are right! So let it be written, so let the 'clique' word be law!
  22. Where are those numbers? Again no link! Most of the new numbers are recorded form WNY and Downstate. The areas with money. I am POOR! I am a slob as defined by many people on here! That does not change the facts given by a magazine and calculated by a calculater of which I do know how to use! Those numbers from that rag are wrong! Again, last fall, even on this site there was a surge in people either getting back into hunting or starting hunting. So, are the numbers up or down? Someone's FOS and it isn't me. Catch 22!
  23. No grow, not aimed at you. Not at all! These days you can't trust any publications to have real facts, and worse if you trust all the rumors circulated on the wb you would never leave your house or go insane sifting through them all. If a magazine has information like this, then it should be shared. Wouldn't that make sence?. I am not buying the magazine to see a lie. Whether they got the stats from NYS or not. They printed it! I am sorry, but I just showed the math, and there is no way those numbers can be real. At the smallest number, it would mean that over 30,000 sports people stopped hunting and fishing? I don't think so. Just last fall many people around here were happy that the number of hunters was up. So how was there a loss if numbers were up? It's s catch 22! I am not arguing, I am not trolling, I am actually stating facts about the numbers. Everyone wants facts, then when they get them, it's still that same old catch 22. That's my point!
  24. Why do you care about where people are from who don't provide a location? There's a member map here, anything beyond pursuing that you might be a stalker. LOL Man, some people really are bored. I started physical deer scouting in early June. I camp, ATV, hike, have a garden. I really don't have true down time. My year starts with snowboarding, hiking if the snow isn't 3 feet deep, then planiing for camping, and making sure everything is waterproofed and seam sealed on the tents, Spring Turkey hunting ( not this year though ), camping, hiking, getting a wood pile for our camp, more camping, more hiking....Shooting the bow as often as possible, setting up sitting locations and clearing shooting lanes. Then hunting season is here and I am in the woods as much as possible. Next year will be worse, I plan to start fishing more again. Add that to spending time with my family, my g/'s family, trying to fit golf in here and there.... What down time?
  25. If you want to travel, there are the "High Peaks", my bro's dad just completed them all for Summer and Winter in the past few years. He turned 70 on the 4th. There's 'Vromans Nose' in the Schoharie valley. Indian Ladder in the capitol area, Thatcher Park............ Then there's just heading itno the woods and walking around.
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