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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by DirtTime

  1. Again, that all you got? Still not relevant to the topic. Buy, hey, you do what you gotta do to boost your post count.
  2. That all ya got? Pay attention much? Ya didn't have an issue hijacking my thread to sell your bow now did ya? Even with my new username. No, I didn't think so. Nice try. Prime example of taking the heat off and commenting about things that have no bearing on the topic.
  3. Now I"m a derelict ( in a very poor condition as a result of disuse and neglect. "the cities were derelict and dying" synonyms: damned, doomed, lost, condemned to hell ) ! Fantastic! So, let me get this all in order: I am a derelict, because I posted this thread. I am a slob because I get gas on the way hunting and drink Bud Light from time to time. I am scum because I can't work and can't afford all the top of the line gear. Wow. I think this is the most insulted I have ever been. But, who cares! I made an honest post and called out the liars. So I must be the Anti-Christ...Woo is me! LOL
  4. I was looking around and found this; http://www.27east.com/news/article.cfm/East-End/50260/Cuomo-Seeks-Hunting-Regulation-Changes-Deer-Hunting-Areas-May-Open-Up
  5. I had to, I really had too...... http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/you-may-be-a-dangerous-paranoid-doomsday-prepper-if_04152013
  6. Science = calculated guess. I am not against what they think, but their only right about 30% of the time. So I guess that makes them kinda like the NYS DEC. We don't seem to trust the DEC now do we? Science: Examining the material universe; Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science
  7. This was posted on my FB, I laughed, but it's kinda true.........
  8. Point was proven. I don't need to agree with he DEC on everything, but, I accept that I have to live with it. I send the emails, I watch for the bad decisions made by the state of NY, and the DEC, but if they want it done, it's gonna happen. The "Safe Act" was designed by a radical idiot who took our rites away because of shit that happened in other states, why? Well, whether you like it or not, NY is one the the highest rated states with violent crimes using firearms. Our Gov., took our rights away for popularity. It worked, and it keeps working. So, who keeps voting these people in? Most of the 'Anti" anything have money, money talks and bullshit walks! If you can't pony up large amounts of cash, you are just in the way. We are supposed to be free, but we are still on a leash. That choke collar keeps getting tighter. I have said this before, if you can afford a $1000 bare bow ( crossbow, rifle, shotgun ) every year, then you can send contributions to the people/groups that are trying to help us. I do, and I'm broke! My point was, no one does anything. When was the last time you thought about sending a donation to help preserve hunting instead of getting the newest smart phone every 6 months ( thats about a grand a year )? Or buying a new truck/car every year or two? Too many hunters ( NOT ALL ) are too consumed with keeping up with the Jones' to really care! Lets bring up the poacher on your land thing again! I have said time and time again, if the BS was happening, you would have pics! You have your phone on you at all times, yet you can't take a pic of the "alleged" offense. I am NOT saying it doesn't happen, I know this crap happens. But, if you can take a pic of the view from your stand blind in the "Live From", then you can take a pic of the violation.
  9. This will be a doozy I'm sure! I read all the time in here and other forums, people whining about the laws for hunting and firearms in NYS. But, no one does a damn thing! You send emails, yeah that works. Do you try and set up a rally or protest? Usually not. You sit and cry from the comfort of your living room about all that's wrong. Does your La Z Boy fit? Does it agree with you? Does it fit in your stand or blind? Here's a couple options. Stop typing and do something real! Stop whining about things if you don't have the nuts to get off your ass and protest!
  10. That's what I was thinking. Thanks for agreeing TCIII. I want 50%. My thread, I get half!
  11. Do I get a kickback seeing ya'all hijacked my thread to sell a bow and buy a bow? LOL
  12. Unethical! Not smart at all! This is an older vid, but what if this was a shotgun hunt using buckshot? "Just shoot into the group son, your bound to kill something!". What's next, hunting with grenades? The religious issue....I am not touching that.
  13. I have a couple basic air rifles, both cheezy Crossman M417's. Actually they are pretty nice little air rifles. She doesn't like them. Says they are a tool to teach. Bah...W/E...LOL We haven't been calling around for a place to get the ammo. It just seems odd, even to me that a shop would have a bunch of the rifles for sale and no ammo. Her words, "Would someone buy a car that didn't have tires on it, then have to go get the tires somewhere else?". I see her point. Hoarders are a huge PITA! When she had her shotgun we had a hard time finding the ammo that would have been best for her to hunt with. Like #4 shot, and when we did find a box it was expensive. I don't even want to talk about the sabot slugs. Actually she sold the ammo to biggamefish from this site for $50. The box of #4's and the two boxes of Hornady SST's were more then that. I am not sure why she is thinking of buying another firearm, I asked and got the look, so I shut up. I just can't seem to wrap my head around the 22 ammo issue. Isn't that still the go to caliber to start teaching our young with?
  14. Thanks for the link to Detroit. We have those DDP right in here. I won't mention names.....
  15. I have read all the hoolpla. It all seems like BS to me! While out this evening looking at a new bow, the g/f wanders off to look at 22 rifles just to shoot targets. She doesn't want to hunt, but was thinking of buying a 22 to shoot at targets. On the way home she asks me why the shop sold the rifle, but not the ammo. My reply was "We have an *** **** in office who created a stupid law to ban everything!". We talked, and I honestly could not give her an answer that made sense.
  16. We had 90+ degree days this spring, and humidity at times was 80+%, meaning it was like 110 degrees ( appx ). Then the temps bottomed out and it got cold. It was 41 degrees where we were camping Sat. night. I think we are in for the same Summer we have been having. Hurricanes/tropical storms all over the place and bad flooding.
  17. So, then I don't get it. Why keep bringing up topics about things that don't/won't change? Isn't that kind of like watching paint dry and then asking yourself why you did it?
  18. Sometimes development helps. Sometimes! Others, it hurts hunters and deer. If anyone is familiar with the Albany Pine Bush, they have literally decimated two areas in there. I get that sometimes it helps, but that help comes at a cost. You get people who don't want hunting complaining that deer are eating their begonias. Maybe those area do have an over population. Now take the actual woods. Where the closest house is 15 miles away. Deer populations are far different, and deer will move around from one place to another, especially when they have a predator hunting them. I don't think the population is down, or up in those areas. I think deer are just moving. DEC does what it can, but aren't they just like any other service? They still have to go through channels to get things approved don't they? Everyone has to do their part. Not everything can be put on DEC shoulders. There are a ton of threads on here that are about the same issues, just the title is worded differently. The replies are always the same. If you know about deer populations in your area, and they are up or down, why not send an emial to DEC letting them know? That would make some sense and maybe even help the situation. Wouldn't it?
  19. Still growing in count. LOL. You are popular Biz. I would ask for a prize dude! At least a hat and a shirt from the store.
  20. Posted the link to the DEC page. Is there another page for this info?
  21. HOLY $h1t Biz! This has to be a record! I took a screen shot of the views this has! Seriously dude, 11,019 views? That has to be a record for a hunting site!
  22. Rome is about two hours from me.
  23. I can't edit my last post, so here's just a bit of insight pertaining to this topic: http://www.outdoorlife.com/blogs/open-country/2013/05/public-land-deer-hunting-how-save-americas-whitetail-woods This article was from 2013, bet it's very relevant today.
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